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Famous Thai Pussy Shows, Bar Raids, Fun for all!

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  • #16
    (--obelikz @ Feb. 28 2006,08:17) so Bam , No one picture from that beauty ? You realy want to keep her for you alone ?
    wait till I leave town!


    • #17
      Don't worry for me Bam ,I am only back on the 15th ,but I understand you scare from everybody els here.


      • #18
        The police just wanted to meet you Bam. You have a lot of fans.
        Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

        Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


        • #19
          (--Bam @ Feb. 27 2006,00:05) I was in a particular soi 13 area bar tonight... one I was in a few nights ago where the girls do all the different pussy shows. Shoot darts, razor blades, open a coke bottle, blow whistle, write a letter, etc... There is this really hot 18 year old chick working in there... she's got the most fucking awesome body I've ever seen in Thailand, she can bend in like a snake. She told me she's been doing Thai dance since she was 8 years old. I've fucked her now twice in the short time room and she's one of the best ever... after her pussy dart and fire show we sat and had beers together.... I arranged with her to come to my hotel tomorrow for a "Private pussy show" !!!!!!!!!!!! Hope to catch it on film if she lets me... then she goes to the back and talks something with the boss. She comes back to tell me the place is about to be raided by the police. I ask her how she knows this... she says "My boss has many eyes everywhere" That was it I got out of there quick and went to the 7/11. I come out of the 7/11 five minutes later and there are some cops out front! damn it pays to be friends with the pussy show girls.\\ Got a love this place€¦€¦ never a dull moment around here.
          Bam,where's the bar???


          • #20
            Bam only you will understand why this is funny but on the ocean side of walking street about 1/4 the way down from beach road there is a guy selling Confederate flags. See not all the redenecks are in Texas.


            • #21
              (mdavidsf @ Mar. 01 2006,23:52) Bam,where's the bar???    
              The bars called Hot & Cold and it's on Soi 13/2 close to 2nd rd.

              Very exciting pussy shows in here... they do it all.. top rated!
              Attached Files


              • #22
                Next pussy show bar was off of Walking St. up soi 14 (I think)

                The bar is called Top Girls. They tied to charge a 100 baht cover charge. i told the guy No way I pay! and they just let me in
                Attached Files


                • #23
                  THANKS B AM!!!


                  • #24
                    Oh..and don't really think I'm a looker! I'm just looking

