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  • #16
    Leave Songkran to though's who want to be there & get involved, it will always draw the morons from the tourist horde & backpackers . For though's of us who know what a nightmare it can be, its a time to avoid the LOS.

    For thoughs who cannot, I wish you good luck, you may need it !!


    You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


    • #17
      Is this the Koa San Road with the cheap accomodaitons that backpackers used in the 90's??

      I was in Thailand in 96 (in August, bad time of the year for weather) and didn't hear of anything like that.

      In fact, I didnt think I saw any L.B.'s at that area at that time.

      What has changed there in the last 10 years...



      • #18
        thai new year festival. where everybody pour, throw or shoot water each other with everyting from water hos, waterguns to bottles. the last two days it last for 24hrs. nobody gets away. its a waterwar with everyone against everyone. if you go outisde youll be soaked in 2mins ..
        its fun if you participate, and not so fun if your dressed for the evening.
        its quite a sight to see soi 8 during songkran ...


        • #19
          well its easy to see that you guys are farang, so dead serious. thais enjoy the farangs join in. yes, it has escalated, but its in (mostly) a good tone. and if you participate its fun. it also helps be a little or quite drunk of course.
          for me songkran reflects thai people: fun & games. and like many of you, there are plenty of angry farangs around. cos they dont understand what is about, and start to make trouble. last year in walking street i witnessed a farang that got a pouring from a couple of thai guys. he started to wave and scream. 2 mins later he was lying bleeding on the street. the only people that gets upset during songkran are farangs, no matter how cold or how much water you throw on a thai they dont get angry.


          • #20
            (olekunde @ Apr. 13 2006,08:20) well its easy to see that you guys are farang, so dead serious. thais enjoy the farangs join in. yes, it has escalated, but its in (mostly) a good tone. and if you participate its fun. it also helps be a little or quite drunk of course.
            for me songkran reflects thai people: fun & games. and like many of you, there are plenty of angry farangs around. cos they dont understand what is about, and start to make trouble. last year in walking street i witnessed a farang that got a pouring from a couple of thai guys. he started to wave and scream. 2 mins later he was lying bleeding on the street. the only people that gets upset during songkran are farangs, no matter how cold or how much water you throw on a thai they dont get angry.
            I Love Song Kran and as i said in my earlier post its the only reason i go in April. I however will have to disagree with this statement about Thais loving Song Kran and them not getting angry about getting wet. Ive met my fair share of Thais who dislike what has become of there festival, ive seen farangs get there heads kicked in by thais because they ignored when the Ladie said no i dont wana play as im dressed for work and what does Mr Farang do... Poor the water... what happens Little miss i dont wana get wet phones her thai boyfriend or her pimp, and 10 little thais roll up and start bashing....Ive seen thais get pissed cos the waters to cold, ure pistols to powerful, the jet hit them in the face, to much powder blah blah blah... As i said b4 i only go in April cos song kran is on, i personally love it....
            Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


            • #21
              Best place to be for song kran is chiang mai, jumping off the bridge
              Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


              • #22
                It's the hottest period in Thailand. It can fetch up to 40 deg. cent. or more!
                These peole are spraying you with water, in many cases dirty one!
                Why on earth should I be there!!
                Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                • #23
                  Never been yet.

                  But Songkran '07 is looking good!


                  • #24
                    the only people that gets upset during songkran are farangs...
                    How very true. The critically injured and permanently crippled and the relatives of the dead just seem to think it's all a good laugh, don't they!

                    Farangs are just too uptight when it comes to being alive!

