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  • #31
    Amazing that some of you guys still don't get it.
    The price is not what is important.  What is important is, what is the going price in that market.
    If your favorite breakfast at the Pig and Whistle is 120 Baht, do you pay them 240 just because it is so cheap as compared to what you pay at home? No, only a fool would do so and the staff would think you are crazy.
    Sex in Pattaya is not any different.  
    The girls set the price and only ONE, away from Walking Street, as ever asked for more than 500 THB, real girl or ladyboy, for a short time and as I said, I usually tip them another 100 or 200 depending on quality of service.  If she is a very attractive girl and I like what I'm looking at and IF she asked for more than 500 THB I would probably pay it, but the ONLY time that has happened, away from Walking Street, she was a total dud.  Sia or Sigh or whatever her name is, from High Boss.  Now there is a bar to be avoided.  What a dump.
    As to being Robots.  
    The girl is in business.  She has solicited me.  She has said as part of sales presentation that she will do this, this and that, if I agree to purchase her service.  If she then fails to perform whose fault is that? Hers and she is guilty of fraud, that is, making false promises to take your money.
    "500 Baht street trash"??  You haven't the first fucking clue!
    They probably snicker when they see you coming and say to each other, "let see much we can get out of the fat old fool this time."


    • #32
      Team let me clarify a few things on how to get a cumshot on video correctly. It is quite simple and even works for the hormonal clear cum. Firstly any decent videographer knows (or should do) that you need flat light. Close curtains, etc so you can control the light. Get rid of those high contrast "spots" on the models' bodies that I see all the time in this site's crap clips.
      Secondly to film the cumshot, position the model on or against a darker background. This can be a coloured sheet or duvet cover (plain colours, no patterns or you won't see the cum fly) or wooden floor, there are lots of options). Get in reasonably close. I see that quite often on this site the cameraman tries to get the models face and cock in shot for the cumshot, but we end up with a framing far too wide to see the cum fly. If you're not sure how much and how far she will shoot, position yourself behind her head looking back down her body to her cock. It's a great angle for capturing the reason many of us are here. And that's all you need to know. Oh and keep the fucking camera still. Don't keep moving in and out with the bloody thing. Let the action take place in the frame....don't try and anticipate it or be an "artist" cause it clearly doesn't work.


      • #33
        Amazing that some of you guys still don't get it.
        The price is not what is important. What is important is, what is the going price in that market.
        If your favorite breakfast at the Pig and Whistle is 120 Baht, do you pay them 240 just because it is so cheap as compared to what you pay at home? No, only a fool would do so and the staff would think you are crazy.
        Totally irrelevant as you clearly do not understand the difference between a service with a fixed price and one which is not and is open to negotiation.

        Of course I do not pay any more for my favourite breakfast at the Pig and Whistle or anywhere else because I would still get the same sausage, bacon, egss etc.

        The girls set the price and only ONE, away from Walking Street, as ever asked for more than 500 THB, real girl or ladyboy
        This is obviously their lowest price and would only begrudgingly go with you at that price. Surely even you understand if you gave them a bit more they would normally ensure that you get good service as they would prefer to see a repeat customer who pays them well and takes care of them. I can't recall the last time I had bad service. Wonder why

        "500 Baht street trash"?? You haven't the first fucking clue!
        They probably snicker when they see you coming and say to each other, "let see much we can get out of the fat old fool this time."

        Yes thats right mate you are the only with a clue here.


        • #34
          some people are

          Been reading with interest, one of many things i have learnt in my 43 years on this earth is price does not ensure good service. I am fairly sure that lbs are not into that life style for the fun who really wants a cock rammed up there arse everyday of the year some have there reasons .They may need money to get there operation and become women as is there want or they have famerlies to support.

          If your an arsehole and treat others as commodities yes you are getting to get crap service. From my short time on this site i have noticed that most of the reports or postings there is a general level of common respect. Treat people with respect pay what is reasonable (sorry dp stole thats one) and treat them well you will find a better outcome.
          As the saying goes you catch more with honey than with vinagar.

          Getting off my    high horse now!!!


          • #35
            (ozzie @ May 12 2006,16:04) Totally irrelevant as you clearly do not understand the difference between a service with a fixed price and one which is not and is open to negotiation.  

            This is obviously their lowest price and would only begrudgingly go with you at that price. Surely even you understand if you gave them a bit more they would normally ensure that you get good service as they would...
            Ah. I see.
            When she says, "500 Baht" you respond with "No, I'll pay you 1,000 Baht. Is that OK?" Or do you walk up and say,
            "Gee, Miss, would 1,000 Baht for a Short Time be OK?"

            Can't remember when you have had bad service? Well,
            Fools are always easy to please.


            • #36
              Even when it comes to a blow job there have only been 2 ladyboys that have come remotely close to the ability of a real girl who enjoys giving head.
              On this point I'd say you have been extremely unlucky.

              When she walks, she’s like a samba
              That swings so cool and sways so gentle


              • #37
                (JackG @ May 13 2006,02:38) Ah. I see.
                When she says, "500 Baht" you respond with "No, I'll pay you 1,000 Baht. Is that OK?" Or do you walk up and say,
                "Gee, Miss, would 1,000 Baht for a Short Time be OK?"

                Can't remember when you have had bad service?  Well,
                Fools    are always easy to please.
                Get used to being called this ขี้เหนียว as that is what all the girls are saying about you. You are the one getting crap service and I am the fool.


                • #38
                  (JackG @ May 11 2006,17:12) .
                  If your favorite breakfast at the Pig and Whistle is 120 Baht
                  I prefer the " FAT BASTARD " Breakfast at Crazzeee Dave's for 100baht  myself and that includes a big mug of coffee ( unlike the pig and whistle at an extra 55baht )  
                  Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                  Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                  • #39
                    The subject of what reasonable fees are for short time and long time sessions have been discussed in the past and basically it has come to the conclusion that we agree to disagree.

                    That being said, those who pay more really does not have much impact on those who pay less. Just read the exploits of Billy 69 and Costass as examples, while the epic adventures of DP reflect the other side. So both groups can have a great time!

                    One thing that does seem very interesting though is that the majority of guys who have reported their experiences with lbs as much better than with ggs, while very few guys have reported otherwise.

                    So, let's get back to enjoying the ladies!

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                    • #40
                      (rxpharm @ May 13 2006,08:31) the epic adventures of DP
                      I like the sound of that. A lot.
                      I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                      • #41
                        Well i   hardly ever pay   more than 1000bhat  for a short time   in bangkok. im not  really a long timer type.I do notice in previous posts some guys seem to pay up to 2000  for a short time in bkk  and also this  fucking tipping thing( read a book called culture shot thailand and you will find out that tipping is not a thai custom)I negotiate all prices and services  before leaving a bar or  inviting a girl to my room via  phone call. I have  made exceptions   IE the fabulous bobo   and  pie   from kk3 both  were payed 2000  but no bar fine so in actual fact  i only payed 400bhat more than a short time form say cacades.What i got in both cases was exceptional sex  form fantasticly  over sexed girls  wonderfull.
                        I  allways treat   girls with the respect they deserve. this means that if a girl start  giving me shit   in the room she is out the door in a flash with half  money. i will not  tolorate  any crap  from them.Bye the way  its a rare occurance  when i  have to throw a girl out.Respect is a two way thing. i am allways polite and  nice to a girl i like. i return i expect  that she will performe as i have asked for. IF  she says  she will do this and that then does not do it, it is as jackg  quite righty  says  "fraud'. try telling that to a bar girl.
                        I am  not into this  price bidding war that seems to go on from time to time>> this guy pays 1500 this  guy pays 2000  oh ya i also tip them? what the fuck for? you allready payed em for a service? do you tip the roofer after he charges you $1000  for fixing the roof??? no so why  tip a hooker?? would you tip a hooker in the good old  USA? no.  what about in melboure orsydney??? answer no. I'm totaly against  tipping in thailand. One of the  oldest tricks  in the book is this  change business when they  bring you your  change for a drink, under the notes there are allways about 100 bhats worth of  coins.DUMb ass  falang wont  notice "hes a fuk whit " and will leave it.NOt me if they do that to me i takle the lot.Just do the maths if they do that  1000 times a night  and get 80-100 bhat a time  then thats  a wopping load of  money 7 days a week 365 days a  year. call me a  kenio  bastard  , but i hate  being treated  for a mug.
                        Back to the costs and service  thing that you guys are  arguing  over here. its a buyers market in thailand and the cost of sex is regulated bye what we pay and to a sertain extent thet the girls are asking. once a girl gets payed say 3000 for a short time bye some cashed up cunt then the price is set, this girl will then expect this amount of money everytime. Prices in thailand are still reasonable and thats why we c go there.
                        we are all free to pay as we like and im not trying to stop anyone from paying what they think is fair. for me fair is 1000 for a short time. why do i think 1000 is fair??? well consider ewhat auni educated girl gets in an office per month?? say 10000bhat-15thosand. then look at what a gogo girl gets say 1 short time a night for 30 nights??? 30k plus her salary and drinks tips fucking big money. yes i know its a hard life and there are risks
                        cheers donnnnnny
                        just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                        • #42
                          once a girl gets payed say 3000 for a short time bye some cashed up cunt then the price is set, this girl will then expect this amount of money everytime
                          I agree with most of what you say here donnnnnny but this line is total rubbish I am afraid.

                          If the majority of punters started paying this amount then maybe then thats what they would expect from future punters.

                          In the end it is all about supply and demand. Why do you think the amount a girl might accept changes depending on the the number of customers that are around.

                          In regards to tipping I agree with what you said about the bars, however when i comes to the girls I think that sometimes if they go above and beyond the call of duty then a small tip is a nice gesture.


                          • #43
                            They get what I give on a sliding scale of 1000-2000 depending on service attitude etc. But I would not say that "over tipping" jacks up the price, everyone pays what they pay.

                            If I have paid a girl 1500baht for reasonble service & then she turns in a rubbish service she gets 1000 or even less. Its up to you as they say.

                            You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                            • #44
                              ozzie i agree with you. if they preforme exceptionally then maybe a dinner or even some nooddles on the street is in order. no argument from me. but this bloody tipping all over the place for everything gives me the shits. cheers donnnnnny
                              just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                              • #45
                                I'm more ruthless than all of you! When girls give me shit I throw them out without paying them a single baht and telling them to kiss my yellow ! This happens twice in Pattaya!
                                I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!

