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This made me think

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  • This made me think

    I had my flight and everything arranged for end of May.
    Then I heard some horror stories regarding the 'sex trade' in Thailand.
    The girls out there or some of them go through many clients a day maybe over 50 a week, so the annual figure could be over 2000 men in a year. Even half that figure seems disturbing. So the girls out there could be the worse for wear both mentally and physically. Going by the photos they must know how to how to hide it

    I know there are websites that circulate such tales to shame people not to go there for that, so I could be a gullible victim, but you never know. Well those out there, and know the scene could you allay my fears. By me going, I wont be another of those 'sick sex tourists' from England, 'preying on victims of that trade'?

  • #2
    We all gotta earn a livin don't we. I got the guilts last time I went over so I tended to stay with the same girl for the duration. But these girls do it for the good money they get. They also like to spent the cash on fine things. In my experience they do not go for fake items...designer goods is what they are after.

    We all ply our trade in many shapes and forms. Some teach, some build, some exchange...they well get fucked fuck and suck...all essential duties if you ask me! LOL


    • #3
      If we all worry about what others say and think no one would be doing or going any where.
      Sure the girls see a few guys but I would n't think as many as that article says. Go on your holiday, relax, be aware of whats happening around you, take notice of what u read hear and have agreat time.


      • #4
        hoddenson,  if i were you i  would never go to thailand. you have a  mind set in concrete  with reguards to what goes on there in the sex trade.
        .If you  went there your eyes would be open.  dont listen to  the rubbish  that some media outlets print. Go and  find out for your self as it's the only  way  you will get  the  real information you  want.
        This  weston media prints  shit about sex tourists  exploiting  asian sex workers  is  fucking crap . I note on this subject that the weston media never says anything about the male s sex trade in bali frequented bye ugly white hippos who pick them up and pay them for sex. very fucking selective
        .The  only people who exploit  thai sex workers are the thais them self. not the weston sex tourists like my self who use there services.
        Thai famillys  sell there kidds into slavery in  brothels  to pay depts  from asshole money lenders  etc.Most of these  kidds  are usually to be  found in dirty  dingy  brothels up country (10 bhatt alley)  and in brothels  thats "sick sex tourists"  would never  access.
        so get of it mate  and go takle a look for your self, you might be plesantly  surprized  at what is  going on.
        cheers don nnnnnny
        ps good luck. Ill be there at the end of may if you would like a tour guide to show you the ropes
        just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


        • #5
          (hoddeson99 @ May 18 2006,21:34) 'sick sex tourists' from England, 'preying on victims of that trade'?

          Your got yer Mother in a whirl
          Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


          • #6
            I would dispute any statement that involves saying the sex trade is somehow victimless and 'necessary'. It's not apparent to the casual punter but I feel like that somehow I (we) may be responsible for the destruction of these people's lives in some way shape or form. Sorry if anyone disagrees with me on this point, its just an honest assessment I've made and I'll share why I think this later in my trip report. Really caused me to think about it for a bit and one reason why I said I didn't want to go back to LOS. However the reality of the fact is, if I'm not doing it, there will be another guy to take my place.
            I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


            • #7
              I also at times am somewhat conflicted concerning visiting the LOS, and for the lack of a better term "whoremongering. "

              It undoubtably correct that most participants in the P4P scene would be better off doing something else (with regard to long-term physical and mental health); this includes GG as well as LBs. However the LBs get both financial and psychological benefits from being in the trade. If you were a TS from rural Thailand, would it be a tough call to exchange a life in the village with years of backbreaking labor to that of realitively good money working on your back (plus you get the reinforcement of men seeing and paying for your company as a "woman."

              But there is a price to be paid for the easy money in risk of disease, drug addiction, alcoholism, etc. We as "punters" would not want to see (let alone pay for) the current crop of beauties in 10 years time.

              With that being said, I've prevously taken 3 trips to Thailand, and am going again in late June. I make the rationization that the LBs I'm dealing with are all adults and they have made thier choices. I try to pay a fair price, and be a gentleman when I am with them. The best I can do.


              • #8
                (blackgrendel @ May 19 2006,04:41) They also like to spent the cash on fine things.
                And what finer things in life than ice and lots of it? And I'm not talking about diamonds here...

                Explanation to come in my trip report.
                I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                • #9
                  Please do not forget that the sex trade in Thailand is mostly there for the Thai and other Asian nationalities.

                  It has been there for centuries and is, to many, part of the culture.

                  The sex tourists from Europe and the States make up a minority of customers and for the most part are seen as the Good Customers who actually treat the girls with respect.
                  seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                  • #10
                    Guilt has never played a part whenever I am in LOS. As in any industry, trade or business, there are victors, victims, success stories, deaths, and so on. that is the reality of life.
                    As long as I believe I am genuinely offering the other party economic exchange which both parties are comfortable with, and both get what "we want" out of it, I believe that falls under "normal exchenge of services/goods".
                    Ofcourse there will always be exploitation especially in an industry as unregulated as the P4P scene, but as long as we keep our wits about us, don't intentionally cause harm or hurt to anyone, why, I do believe we are actually useful afterall. That way, the LB can now get her hands on the designer bag she has been eyeing for a while, and we get to get off with Billy's seconds.
                    forward motion is like the sway of the ocean....


                    • #11
                      While you are all on your guilt trips, spend a few days in the province of Issan, get right out there amoungst the really poor. Instead of earning money on there backs, GG's, LB's, Gays alike they could be bent backed in the middday sun picking rice for a whole 50baht a day sunrise to sunset, with no future except a life of toil. Maybe they could go to some sweat shop making something, 12hrs a day for a whole 50-80baht a day.

                      Whatever moral high ground you wish to rush onto, it does not alter the reality of there situation & the industry has been around for years & will no doubt continue to be so. They can spend a poverty ridden life to an early grave or get better things for themselves & there family by working on there back & still go to an early grave. You are also handing your money directly to the "poor" in many cases as they tend to give a % of what they earn to there familys in the province. Incidently we pay a whole lot more than the locals do.

                      These are harsh realities, if it bothers you, stay home & use the local working GG's, LB's / TS, Gays whatever is your thing & pay UKP100+ / US$200+ for 1 hour of there time. Enjoy the clock watching & attitude as well.

                      If you have some master plan to offer the workers in the P4P industry in the LOS alternative work for the same income there will be a queue of do gooders & charities waiting to hear from you.

                      You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                      • #12
                        (jackc @ May 19 2006,15:09) Guilt has never played a part whenever I am in LOS
                        Same here. Why worry, its not even a problem. Not in the tourist areas anyway. I have never seen anyone chained up to a wall in the last 16 years.

                        Its the oldest profession and i have no problem. Its legal anyway in most European countries and parts of USA.

                        If its legal in the EU it must be right and OK as the cunts that are running it are so Liberal and PC minded that your concience is clear by default.

                        Shag away dear friend



                        • #13


                          • #14
                            1. As kl says, the Thai sex industry caters mainly (about 70%) for Thais.
                            2. We are talking about 3rd world countries where people have to make a living and some of them decide it's more fun and far better income to swing around the poles in Pattaya than to stand in the water of a rice field and do the probably toughest farmer job in the world! And they are bloody right! They can support themselves and their family far better by playing the working girl for a couple of years! And anyone who has ever been on rice fields full of snakes, rats of the size of cats would see it the same way - I certainly would do it as well!
                            3. ... and what's wrong with being a hooker anyway???

                            So where's the point??



                            • #15
                              I love the luxury of Western Civilization feeling good about themselves by getting on their high horse about "sex trade", "sweat shops", or other third world or emerging countries who are willing to fight tooth and nail to get even a fraction of what American's and other Westerners (even the poor) get to enjoy on a day-to-day basis.

                              As if it's our decision to make, like we are the arbiters of technological progress. I find sickening the current attitude toward gasoline in the USA. Now that India and China finally have economics that support masses of the population able to afford cars, the price of gas is going up. In the US it's still cheaper than anywhere else in the world (we pay for a gallon what most people pay for a litre). But still people here bitch to high heaven that the gas is getting too expensive.

                              And American liberals whine and cry about "sweatshops" in Asia. Well if they didn't earn what these people consider to be "shit money" what else would they be doing? They made the choice to show up at the sneaker factory because it was the best option they've got. Then when you run that company out of business... then those workers really have nothing. Thanks a pantload.

                              Even the poor in America usually have a car in the garage, two TV's, a cell phone, and fucking AIR CONDITIONING.

                              To deem it morally right for third world or emerging countries to be inelligible for economic growth or technological progress borders on racism in my opinion. Anyone who sits in their air conditioned office and has liberal views "protecting" the poor of the world should have to go work in a rice paddy for a year.

