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Post-op models

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  • #31
    (brocklanders @ Jun. 12 2006,06:38) Take away post  ops and you take away most of the top notch beautiful passable ladyboys.   Rarely will a ladyboy go post op unless she is a superstar or completely passable.
    I will agree with the first part of this but the 2nd part? I don't know...... I have seen some pretty ugly posties and don't forget that many of these people decide to do this life-changing deal when they are like 12 or 13 and have no idea whether or not they will be passable or not, they just want to be "girls".


    • #32 case no one has noticed....... adding 5 posties per month is now well in the lead.... MonkeyMan, are you giving your notice?


      • #33
        i prefer to keep it balance or assortment from any types of transsexuals......from femboys to post-opt and i also love to see some girls who are who transform from time to time from flatchested to hormoned to silicone to post-opt......the before and after thingy..........whats the purpose of the name of site after all its asian ts right?.......its still about something who was born as a man wanted to be a woman and more than a woman....even if its a post-opt they never can escape the past that they were once a man....unless if they move to timbactu......its all about the uniqueness of transsexuality
        sexy,filthy,rich its good to be snejana


        • #34
          Post ops are why I have a membership, more the better, less of them and I'm off...


          • #35

            Stogie under an alias name??

            I agree a matter of fact it is very very rare that we will show a post-op without also having photos of her as a pre-op......we like to show the whole process, from ladyboy to lady; the latest example would be my friend Nut from Kings Corner.


            • #36
              but on the other thing is if its all post-opt or more post-opt the purpose of the site name is lost.....why not make is an asian GG would become they said pre-opt ts are work or art.....
              sexy,filthy,rich its good to be snejana


              • #37
                My opinion, have as many as you want. AS LONG as the the pre op count doesnt go down
                Up The Ass Of Every Successful Business Man Lies a Ladboys Thick Long Cock!


                • #38
                  The thing with polls is you gotta look at the median point which still falls within the 1 or 2 per month selection.
                  If you add thoose that want one or two per month or less i.e zero per month your get around 55 % .

                  In my opinion most Posties are very cute and most are very sexy ,, but also most are very bloody boring . The video content from 5 posties would not even compare to say 1 video from a Nancy , or Eye , or Mickey .

                  Plus finding 5 to do foto 's each month would be a job in itself , many girls after the opeartion dont want to be seen on a ladyboy site because well they are ladies now ,, not ladyboys .

                  Anyways just my thoughts on the matter , we are however working for you the paying customers and want to give you the best site possible .


                  • #39
                    Just to get back on the plot for a second:

                    This whole discussion started between me and JaiDee (I'm calling myself out as the anonymous messenger) over the moral implications of financially supporting and giving incentive to self mutilation.

                    In terms of aesthetics, I really don't care to look at post-ops, I can see thousands of naked asian women that look a hell of a lot better in much less time.

                    That is not the point. It's not about how cute they are, or whether you want to show the whole range of ladyboy world spectrum. If I didn't care for them and that was it I could just skip the 1 a month (as I already do) and leave it at that.

                    My message to JaiDee came on the heels of reading his story about the girl who regretted it (and my memory of other similar posts). My point to him was that if he felt that strongly about it, he may want to reconsider giving a financial incentive, and moral backing by allowing the site to promote that.

                    I'm not at all being accusatory, or taking this lightly. It's not my money or my mouth... and I respect that someone else has to make the tough decisions, not me.

                    Also, because I think someone was confused about this before, let me clarify. This is the only way in which I was comparing it to child pornography. My point is not that it is on the same moral level--- my point is that if you say you are against child porn or bestiality, but show 10% of that because the members like it.... then you are supporting it by economics and by providing a forum, when you have the option of showing that you do not supoprt it.

                    The more I think about it, the more my rational brain tells me "caveat emptor" really applies. I guess if you decide to cut off your dick, you live with it. But on the other hand, it is a monumental and irreversible change in your life. I can't help but be emotionally moved over it- and really get mad at those who influence and take advantage of these girls.

                    Does anyone here remember being 10 to 20 and horny as hell? Add on top of that the desire to be a women, homosexual mixed up feelings, being from a farm village in the country and not exposed to 10 years of Oprah, Dr. Phil, Queer Eye for the straight guy etc.

                    I think Westerners have a culture of self-esteem and independance that is not so common in other places. We take for granted the independance and social self-responsibility of youth, females, and homosexuals in the west. For all the complaining over womens rights, gay rights, and constant bitching by the young generation, I know in the USA at least they've got it as fucking good as it's ever been in history - and most of Westernized Europe and Australia isn't that different.

                    I can't help but believe that these young boys are less sophisticated, less educated, and certainly not raised in this culture that toughens them and prepares them so much for independance, self-esteem, and psychological self-protection.

                    Throw a young, confused farm boy in the city, put him in his own apartment struggling to pay the bills, give him a boyfriend who is expecting him to come up with money, throw in a gender identity crises, and his main source of income is fat white grubby hairy Brits and Americans who have no interest in his longterm wellfare, but tell him how cute he would be if he cut his dick off. No pressure or anything.

                    No waiting period, no counseling. Yeah, I'm sure he/she's completely prepared to handle that rationally.

                    If they had to live on complete hormones for two years, without the ability to use their flaccid dick, they may get the opportunity to think twice. Another good idea would be a mentor program. They should be recommended to get signatures from 10 other post-SRS girls who have had their SRS at least a year ago- signifying that they listened to their stories.

                    Alright, I'm rambling again. I hope you voters have one of those long reaslistic dreams of having your dick cut off and living like that for a few years.


                    • #40
                      If there's no boy left in the lady,they do not qualify as a ladyBOY or for a ladyBOY site....simple....they've become a lady and belong elsewhere


                      • #41
                        I wonder if there is some form of counseling or wait period for gender reassignment...if there isn't...there should be.  Every girl should go through mandatory counseling before doing it.  No biased scare tactics or biased statements from a doctor not caring about the patients feelings as he wants to make cash.  It should be from an independant counselor or psychiatrist.

                        With regards to girls being better than post ops.   I see your point but understand this.....when you fuck a girl with a condom, it doesnt feel much different than fucking a post op.  I tried them both and you cant feel shit with a condom.   If I am barebacking a girl then a pussy is 10 times better and I havent tried barebacking a post op and I doubt I ever will. I dont bareback Thai girls, I only bareback real pussy in the Philippines or Indonesia where girls dont use condoms and AIDS is nearly nonexistent. I never bareback anal.

                        With a post op, you have a much higher chance of getting anal sex than with a Thai girl. Secondly, the post ops are taller, many times have fake breasts and can be prettier on ocassion with the help of technology or good genes.  Try looking for a tall Thai girl with nice big fake cans who loves anal sex...good fucking luck.  

                        And the last great reason is that some of us like the lady part of the ladyboy but not the boy part.  I want no part of the cock.   Dont want to suck it, touch it or have it anywhere near my ass.  If someone likes that, more power to em'.   For me, I just prefer a tiny useless cock that isnt in the way or a post op and I know I am not alone in this group.
                        brock landers


                        • #42
                          (JaiDee @ Jun. 11 2006,22:39) Hmmmm....check this poll, guys....'more than 5 per month' is moving ahead now

                          POL has taken over somehow, I am sure!!
                          Taken over? Heck, I'm sure I could move the poll arbitrarily if I wanted, but I'm really not able to afford the time I currently spend here!

                          What concerns me is that I now have so many brethren, it's like they're competing for a scarce resource! Unless the supply grows quickly enough ( ), these gems are going to be harder to obtain.

                          What to do? What to think?
                          Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                          Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                          • #43
                            (grunyen @ Jun. 12 2006,12:35) They should be recommended to get signatures from 10 other post-SRS girls who have had their SRS at least a year ago- signifying that they listened to their stories.
                            This is the best post I have seen in this whole thread, Grunyen, and thanks for being the one to bring this all up; despite the fact it is a touchy subject it SHOULD be addressed here and now; this is a ladyboy website after all and these girls qualify to at least be talked about and considered.  

                               This line I highlighted should be mandatory in Thailand.  As much as I like Stogie and his tech work here,  I'm sorry but I just can't take the word of one guy from the UK who has lived in Thailand for just 4 years and has dated a total of  1 [one] post-op for 7 or 8 months.  When he says she  is doing fine and can cum like a true lady that's great,  but all I can think about are the other hundreds of  ladyboys I have spoken to who say it's impossible because their friends have done it and they are all nervous wrecks and hate their lives because they have no feeling there now. Sorry but those are the people I believe, true Thai's who had friends do this deal, and every girl should be FORCED to talk to other post-ops and hear the real truth; it would dissuade a significant number of them from making this tragic move.

                                         Every girl here gets an interview when they do a photo gallery.......MonkeyMan may not do this but I always did, it relieves the boredom and frankly I am curious about their lives! So I have talked to about 500 or more ladyboys over the years; almost to a girl I ask "do you want to be 'cut' someday".  Some say "Oh yes, I can't wait to do that"!  OK, I move on.... they are beyond help.   Some are wishy-washy..... "maybe, I not sure yet".... they can still be saved!   Especially if they are only 18 or 19..... my  young tee lac Kwang is in this catagory right now and I am hoping she does the right thing and keeps it but I doubt it. Lyla is another one on the fence right now; good for her for waiting, she was supposed to do it in May but keeps putting it off so obviously something is telling her "this ain't right". So true.

                                   But the vast majority of them look at me with a look of revulsion; "My God, why would I want to do something like THAT?" and similar comments have been heard, especially from the Casanova crowd and other smart girls like Vicky and  Ming and Lisa, who enjoy their sexual lives and don't want to alter that.  They have heard the stories; again these people have friends who have done it or they have heard horror stories about never cumming again and going crazy, and they say "sorry, that is not for me", so good for them.  Again, I haven't seen anything these past few days that changes my feelings from what hundreds of girls  have been telling me since 2001..... do this deal, and you  ruin your life, sexually and mentally.

                                    Topics like this....while maybe making people angry and frustrated because their views are not getting through to other members......still deserve to be up here.  If this was just a back-slapping, feel good forum where everyone agreed with everyone else what fun would THAT be?  So thanks to one and all for an interesting thread here and for Grunyen for giving me the idea to start it.


                            • #44
                              The funny thing is that I have heard some pre-ops state the same as JD has heard. Who knows - perhaps they're not telling the truth, and are just attempting to justify their own status. That's the impression I have after talking to merely a few dozen of them. Just as I noticed that so many post-ops say that guys after pre-ops are "probably gay". I know that's not true, either, but I guessed it was a postie's measure of achievement as a sexual attraction relative to a pre-op's.

                              So, frankly, I'd discount 2nd and 3rd hand opinions. If you know posties who've gone one way or the other, great, then we have merely 2nd hand opinion. To share the opinions of pre-ops on the success or not of SRS, well, that's barely better than useless.
                              Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                              Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                              • #45
                                my point is that if you say you are against child porn or bestiality, but show 10% of that because the members like it.... then you are supporting it by economics and by providing a forum, when you have the option of showing that you do not supoprt it.
                                I thought Jai Dee was running a business, not a moral crusade?
                                Mister Arse

