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  • #16 guys have GIT to check out the new Clubhouse! Stogie has worked hard on that new site-within-a-site [maybe we should send his little cutie away more often] and it looks fantastic now; he really did a nice job!

    That site can be so helpful for you guys now; there is a 'ladyboy locator' and direct links to all the girls' galleries via thumbnails, as well as news, funny stories, and the awesome "is it a boy or is it a girl" section.....guys have told me they love that feature and I do as well.

    That new site is for all you guys, and we hope you like it. Stogie did a swell job and it will always be there now; take advantage of it.



    • #17
      Stogie has TALENT, no doubt about that.
      Mr. Lonely


      • #18
        Hi folks...

        Some preview girls are up and ready for you... Here...
        The Girl of the month for September is AOB Here...
        Clint reviews 'Bruce Almighty!' Here...
        Seymour Cumming adds some satire to living in Thailand... Here...

        And a lot more updates planned for the next couple of days...



        • #19
          thanks da man....the clubhouse is better than ever and you have made it look great. keep up the good work and the beers are on me next time I am in the LOS



          • #20
            hry guys; i just checked out the clubhouse.. wow great job, very well done.. can anybody tell me about Jane? she looks like my knid of girl.. i also like that Jane does not work in a bar... is Jane worth writing a letter to, or am just wasting my time... thanks ..rod


            • #21
              Go ahead pal! She's wonderful and very active - if you know what I mean



              • #22
                I know that Jane is a very nice girl and I consider her to be a friend, but I also know that one of the members has a particular affection for this girl so I would rather not elaborate further. nice girl and very smart, always smiling, very nice person from Chiang Mai.



                • #23
                  Hello Rod44,

                  As Jon says Jane is a very nice girl. She speaks very good English, but has quite a heavy Thai accent which can make her a little difficult to understand sometimes.

                  If you write to her I am sure that she would write back. If you want to meet her though just get her number from the A-TS Clubhouse and call her when you get to BKK. She lives about 10-15 minutes from Sukumwit and can normally get to you hotel room in about an hour.

                  She knows quite a few good bars and restaurants around the city and will happily take you around. Remember that she does have a part time job so will have to go off to work sometimes.

                  Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                  "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                  • #24
                    Roger the above statements. VERY PRETTY, and smart, and friendly also... Great all around girl.


                    • #25
                      thanks for the info guys.. i am really looking for a sweet LB or two to hang with when i am back in bkk in nov..jane seems like she could be a real find.. however jon's post has me a little concerned .. i don't want to butt in on someones 'turf'... so i will let this dog sleep for awhile. besides i have my eyes on quite a few of those beautiful ladyboys over there.. right know the 'honey bar' comes to mind... rod


                      • #26
                        Thanks for the understanding Rodd, best regards.


                        • #27
                          I noticed a slight problem on your Clubhouse page. When I click on any of the five models and select the next image it shows the next image of the first model. I noticed the same thing with the last set of models. Keep up the good work!!


                          • #28
                            Stogie,,first of all,,,why the fuck cant I get logged on automatically? when I'm asked to sign in,,,,and do it,,,they cant find my Topper handle,,,will I go back and login as Bali_Ken?? can I do that..

                            BTW,,Dont have your email address..
                            I will send pics of Melawai Hotel 6th floor to Jon..
                            or just send me an email at [email protected]


                            • #29
                              First off thanks for the feed-back...

                              The preview girl links have been fixed...

                              Now, logging in!

                              If you are not logged in automatically to the forum then here's probably what is happeneing...

                              You are not allowing cookies on your computer or at a point in the past you DID not allow cookies on your computer.

                              When you log into the forum there is a cookie in your Cookies folder that knows whether or not you want to be logged on automatically or not. To fix this go to your hard drive then open your Windows folder, then open the Cookies folder and delete everything in it.

                              Next time you log on and are asked whether you want to be remembered a new cookie will be put in the folder with that information. After that you should be logged in automatically! (Assuming you allow cookies to be stored on your computer!)

                              Of course if you are going through a network or firewall you may have different problems!



                              • #30
                                The Clubhouse 2003 'Year in Review.'

                                The annual 'must read' (this is the first!) Clubhouse 'year in review' is out. Every model featured this year is here. So what happened in 2003 and who did you miss?

                                Click on the above link to find out!

