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  • #61
    hi Stogie...
    Why not have "The horror of the month". You must get some absolute shockers through that could be good for a laugh and it would keep them off the main board.


    • #62
      Let's see if I have this straight:
      This website relies on the girls to pose for pics. Yes...they are paid. Yes they are ususally involved in a profession that may open them to criticism.
      So, after a photographer takes their pics, they know they will be on this site.......someone wants this site to label them as 'Horror of the month'!  
      WTF?  How about we label some posters as 'Dumbfuck of the month'.  Did I miss something?   Are these people not human? Don't have feelings?
      Attack me if you want......I said what I feel!


      • #63
        I was being sarcastic.....
        But I do question the species of some of the recent postings. Ugly is ugly and there is no reason to take their pics in the first place.
        And as for their feelings being hurt......have you ever been to the bars where these girls are working?


        • #64
          We won't be posting a hall of horrors, but sometimes a really questionable photo gets through even of the pretty girls that we have.

          It could be fun to have a celebrated 'bad pic of the month!' That one of the gnarled foot has already one the prize for this year!


          • #65
            Originally posted by
            Yes they are ususally involved in a profession that may open them to criticism.
            Well - I think that you have hit the nail on the head with this comment.

            In bars the prettiest and friendliest girls get bought out first. I'm sure the punters that leave the dumplings stewing in their own shame don't really give two hoots as to their inner feelings.

            In the Clubhouse we vote on the girls that we like the most. If a girl doesn't get any votes there are no consolation wreaths handed out.

            A certain amount of negativity is realistic and good for the site overall. In the past I have been a member of places where I feel stranded as a member and unable to make an opinion or arguement even heard.

            I know JasonX and I like his sense of humour. His sarcastic comments echo a lot of what other members PM and email me.

            I really feel as though we have made some errors along the way and I intend to do my hardest to make sure that we head down a more common goal that will make more members feel that they are getting their monies worth.

            This site has heaps of content - I'd be willing to sacrifice half of it to raise the quality by half!

            Thoughts, anyone?


            • #66
              Hey Stogie, are u telling me that was a ladyboy's foot? I thought it was a pic of your foot and you were just trying to be funny!


              • #67
                You got me all wrong, pal... This is MY foot!


                • #68
                  Nah, I was thinking about some other foot, one like mine.


                  • #69
                    The CLUBHOUSE!

                    Check out the new CLUBHOUSE folks...

                    We have completely changed the look and feel of this area... There is so much that is different that i won't go into detail but I hope you all get a lot more out of it now...

                    It doesn't really look like a porno site and it isn't meant to. There are no fancy banners to give you a headache and the layout is pretty simple and easy to get around (I hope!)

                    Also it's still in need of some fine tuning and that's why it is up early and I am telling you guys about it.

                    If you have any ideas or suggestions on how we can make it work better then please post your ideas right here.

                    Also I hope you will agree with me that we are back on track with the updates... That isn't to say that a few dogs won't sneak through the fence, but the future is bright from what I have seen so far!

                     Stogie Bear!

                    The CLUBHOUSE!


                    • #70

                      Great job Stogie!!

                      And I agree, Sai is a cutie, sexy flat chested girl!


                      • #71
                        Have only had a few minutes to check out the new look....but Wow! looks great! keep it up. The main drawback of websites is because of constant availability...they become stale quickly, appreciate your effort!

               any pull with free memberships for sucking up??

                        No really.....great job...can tell someone cares how this site looks.....good on ya dude! If I ever make it to bkk...gotta buy ya a beer


                        • #72

                          The new clubhouse is really great.

                          Thanks for your hard work.

                          Is there any possibility of a chatroom associated with the clubhouse? It might be fun to meet up with others.

                          Again, thanks.



                          • #73
                            Wouldn't you know it - in the November poll you can vote on everyone for November except the post-op.

                            And the link for "Anna the trainstopper" goes to the wrong page.

                            Everything looks nice. Not enough post-ops.
                            Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                            Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by (post-op lover @ Oct. 21 2004,19:07)
                              Wouldn't you know it - in the November poll you can vote on everyone for November except the post-op.

                              And the link for "Anna the trainstopper" goes to the wrong page.

                              Everything looks nice.  Not enough post-ops.  
                              Oops! Thanks, PostOp Dude! The 'Anna - Trainstopper' video link has been corrected!

                              Also there are no post ops in the november lineup (unless you mean the bonus XXX gallery!)

                              The company that provides the free poll code only allow for ten choices in the polls. So I end up just adding the names of the individual girl galleries! Sorry about that!

                              Also - I can assure you that there will be post ops a plenty in the future in the Clubhouse!

                              Stogie Bear


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by (jamiej @ Oct. 21 2004,17:50)
                                Is there any possibility of a chatroom associated with the clubhouse?  It might be fun to meet up with others.
                                This is a good idea and we have tried it in the past. Also it's pretty easy to add one as there are basically java 'cut and paste' options to choose from.

                                All the free ones I have seen look pretty naff, and to be honest the chat rooms are deader than hell! They aren't that well supported.

                                But if anyone has a cool looking Chat room program, or an idea that might work, then PLEASE let me know. I will definitely try it again if the program is good and you guys think it will be a good idea!


