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  • Originally posted by (Matty69 @ Nov. 30 2004,23:40)
    Ex's skin color is great can tell she spends time in the sun.
    This is the subject of a whole other thread...

    I was talking to Tanya about skin color as she is dark also. It is a confusing concept for Asians as they often find pale skin attractive amongst their peers, whilst we go for the darker types!

    I agree that Ex is a superstar!


    • ref Lynn

      I surprised shes reared her head. She told me in April that she was out of the scene completely and hated anything to do with the sex industry. Shes a University girl.

      She is very good in bed and gets rock hard. That cock is awesome and i hope we get some hard on shots.

      Another fine young graduate from the KC3 Academy.........shame she left....


      • Originally posted by (PigDogg @ Nov. 30 2004,21:22)
        Think Poom is the prettiest...
        What a shame this girl is a post op... What a beauty she is! With a dick she whould have gotten my vote!


        • This is the first 'Preview Girl Of The Month" for 2005!

          It was tough deciding who to choose as this latest edition (and first of 2005) of the Clubhouse has a few top chicks.

          Anyway - Click the link below and stop by and let us know if you agree or disagree by voting for your favourite gal. (Don't forget that you can vote every day too!)
          Attached Files


          • I agree Stogie...........................Nun'a the one! Clubhouse 2005 rocks!


            • Damn she's gorgeous


              • Very nice, indeed.


                • stogie - The top pic is Nun, the other pic is Mod. Different girls.
                  "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                  • I know!

                    Check the Clubhouse for a gallery of each one!


                    • New girls and some silliness for the second half of February!



                      • Loved her preview. My style of girl. Where is she from? Where can I find her?


                        • Comment

                          • The latest Clubhouse edition is up! Loads more links and girls and... well, you know the drill by now!


                            This is our largest ever Preview edition... and there are some corkers to drool over, too!


                            Don't forget to VOTE for your favourite!  


                            • you are da man, SB

                              by pinning this to the top are you lobbying for a raise? I will have to talk to the corporate board at the next meeting and put in a good word for you, but you will owe me!!


                              • Hmm... a raise! Well, now there's a thought. Hang on, though; I just had one didn't I?

                                I'll un-pin it tomorrow when more people have had a chance to see it!

                                Also the girl I have called Lolita isn't in fact Lolita!

                                Anyone know what her "real" stage name is?

                                (Not YOU JaiDee! I know that you know! You are the one that corrected me!)

