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Lying Bastard!

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  • Lying Bastard!

    This post is to the lying bastard who's been spreading rumours about me having another Thai girlfriend other than Kai.

    I don't know what you hoped to achieve by spreading these malicious lies but I do know what you'll get if I ever meet you face to face - you slimey little weasel.

    Kai's too intelligent to be taken in by a lying little fuck-witted, pigeon brained, limp dick like you.

    Own up here if you have the fucking balls and explain what you hoped to achieve by it!
    Too old to die young!

  • #2
    Man there are some fuckwits out there, first Mardhi/Jay then Donny/Mint now this. I'm glad your relationship with Kai is strong enough to survive this Jellybean. Goodluck mate.
    I can't believe these losers why become obsessed with one girl when there is so much choice is out there. Do they really think they can get the girl after they bust up the relationship?
    What annoys me is it will have a big effect on the way people post on this forum and what they are prepared to share.
    I don't get it, is this a magic show?


    • #3
      Go get him jellybean!
      Attached Files


      • #4
        If JB can catch him he should do the same as they did with the bushranger 'Mad Dog' Morgan. Cut off his scrotum and use it as a tobacco pouch.
        Or maybe you need a new coin bag
        Attached Files
        I don't get it, is this a magic show?


        • #5
          I have seen Kai a couple of times recently although I haven't spoken to her. I'll ask her to try to describe the fella and maybe we can get an angle on this. At least we can get some info about him like whether or not he lives here, what he looks like, if he's a regular etc... This shouldn't be as hard to find out as you think.

          In the end it's almost certain that he's reading this, so - Shame on you!

          Similar things have happened before on here. Some losers really think they look good trying to score brownie points with the girls and they always just end up looking like what they are... socially deficient imbeciles.

          I've known jellybean for some time now and he's maybe one of the most genuine 'nice guys' I've ever met so this kind of thing really makes me dispair sometimes.

          Still - like I say - all is not lost. If she's out and about Saturday we'll get some more info on this retard.


          • #6
            What did I miss

            Can I offer my um services, since I have previous experience in the trash removal industry
            You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


            • #7
              Not me! first time in april!!
              If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


              • #8
                Thank you for your support gentlemen

                If anyone can find out antthing i would be interested in knowing, BTW Kai told me that she was told by a couple of her friends not the guy himself.........good job, Kai would have floored him first and asked questions later
                Too old to die young!


                • #9
                  There are always tho's trying to make mileage with a LB by running down the "boyfriend". Fortunately LB's who have not just arrived on the scene are normally able to identifiy these idiots.

                  I very much doubt Kai can't see thru' this moron.

                  You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                  • #10
                    The saying jealousy is a curse and pay backs a bitch go get him jellybean.

                    People need to leave things alone

                    But hey as i say to the secuirty guard at my work theirs always one mental moran some where and its not your fault it is you


                    • #11
                      This guy is fucked up in the head jellybean!
                      you give him a good smack when you find him!
                      The thing's some guy's will do to be popular
                      with a woman?
                      If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


                      • #12
                        Maybe we could all be of help here Stogie, thru the process of elimination. We could all check in to say it "was" or "was not" us. It might end up being a long thread but here goes.

                        It "was not" me-last time I was in LOS was June and July 2006.


                        • #13
                          Wasn't me either haven't been since 04

                          Is sad though that it's probably people that read or maybe even post here that are doing things like this to u jelly bean and the other guys that have had the same thing happen to them as well.

                          Would sure like to know who these gutless fuckheads are that have nothing better to do then ruin things for someone else, These same people have probably learnt all they know about the scene by reading this website and all the different forums here. I feel your anger dude i would tear this guy a new one if i caught up with him


                          • #14
                            I will assemble the Katoey army and stomp him


                            • #15
                              Ok, ok, I have to say this, because sometimes this forum is a very twisted place.

                              I mentioned a friend of mine who got her mobile stolen by a farang. Most posts said she was lying, drunken bitch, and even a poll was started. How bizarre can that be?

                              How about Kai was lying? If I fillow the 'farang theft' trend, everyone thinks every LB lies, and are thieving twisted bitches, so why not Kai was drunk, the man was drunk, she's out to get him beat up cause she doesn't like him, and twists a story for you to help make it happen.

                              I don't think that Jellybean.

                              I just am not a fan of two-faced posters who get their jollies out of crapping anonymously on people (like Kai or my friend).

