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Lying Bastard!

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  • #16
    I agree.
    When she walks, she’s like a samba
    That swings so cool and sways so gentle


    • #17
      (ziggystardust @ Nov. 04 2006,18:56) Ok, ok, I have to say this, because sometimes this forum is a very twisted place.

      I mentioned a friend of mine who got her mobile stolen by a farang. Most posts said she was lying, drunken bitch, and even a poll was started. How bizarre can that be?

      How about Kai was lying? If I fillow the 'farang theft' trend, everyone thinks every LB lies, and are thieving twisted bitches, so why not Kai was drunk, the man was drunk, she's out to get him beat up cause she doesn't like him, and twists a story for you to help make it happen.

      I don't think that Jellybean.

      I just am not a fan of two-faced posters who get their jollies out of crapping anonymously on people (like Kai or my friend).
      That is why we need a roll-call.


      • #18
        How about Kai was lying?
        It is very possible that Kai made this up just to 'test' jb. Gif often did the same thing to me to try and get me to admit to something that I hadn't (or maybe had) done.

        It's a good point and one that I hadn't previously allowed into the equation because I know both the protagonists.


        • #19
          JB  apologies in advance for a newbie or naiive question:  but I'm trying to understand how you are expected to be faithful, and yet Kai continues to work in Obs as I understand?     Maybe I completely miss the point of loyalty, so shut me up if you have to!  Are you based in LOS?  Send Kai money?   Visit how often?  Stop her going with customers?

          And, before you ask, no it wasnt me either.  Newbie for flaming, but not lying bastard!


          • #20
            Haven't been there since last year. I am with you jellybean, It was not me either.


            • #21
              Not me either JB

              I would not go within a 100 miles of Kai or any other blokes girl no matter if they work the bar or not.
              Its just my principals.

              I would not let the bastard get to you, hes a worthless piece of shit and Kai knows you too well to believe it anyway.

              Your got yer Mother in a whirl
              Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


              • #22
                (daveduke007 @ Nov. 05 2006,11:22) I would not go within a 100 miles of Kai or any other blokes girl no matter if they work the bar or not.
                Same same here JB


                • #23
                  TT, your point is good, and people need to understand this.

                  For working girls, it is a job. Having sex with another customer is not being disloyal. To them it is the same as us going to work...they are going to work.

                  Now, getting emotionally attached to a customer would be being disloyal.

                  It is very difficult for westerners to separate physical sex from emotional attachment, like you. However, for those of use who've been around in BKK a while, you can after a while. Once you're capable of this, you have entered a new level of relationship understanding in my opinion. For example, I think now, I could handle a future wife having a sex affair, and not get bothered too much by it...3 years ago, no chance in hell.

                  Kai doing her job, to pay her rent, eat, and have something to do, is not being disloyal. JB not caring about it, demonstrates he understand the separation of physical sex from emotional attachment.

                  Your question demonstrates you think physical sex = emotional attachment (which most people think).


                  • #24
                    Kai doing her job, to pay her rent, eat, and have something to do, is not being disloyal. JB not caring about it, demonstrates he understand the separation of physical sex from emotional attachment.
                    Ziggy. Thanks for that.  It does help put things in perspective for me.

                    So next question, and with respect to JB   , is it misplaced loyalty from fellow forum members to keep away from Kai - if  they are helping her to pay the rent, etc?  Or doesnt JB want deviants like us anywhere near her?

                    And what about other LBs in Nana bars with forum boyfriends, who I know nothing about?

                    OK, I'm due for my first flaming...........


                    • #25
                      Hey, you could ask Kai why she's wasting her time with the guys on here! She shouldn't waste her time with all us lowlifes.

                      Or you could suggest that maybe she's being disloyal talking to other guys!

                      Don't mean to be rude, just having fun. For the life of me, I don't know who Kai is.

                      Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                      Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                      • #26
                        (TTChang @ Nov. 05 2006,19:17) Ziggy. Thanks for that.  It does help put things in perspective for me.

                        So next question, and with respect to JB   , is it misplaced loyalty from fellow forum members to keep away from Kai - if  they are helping her to pay the rent, etc?  Or doesnt JB want deviants like us anywhere near her?
                        TT as Ziggy said, I have no problem with other boardies fucking Kai, its her job and they're her meal ticket......sorry to be the bearer of bad news guys but, most of the the time, an hour after she's left you she can't even remember your name.

                        Its the fact that somebody chose to tell lies about me that got me angry.

                        As for Kai making it up, it did occur to me but there is no need for her to make up an excuse to ask me if I'm seeing another, it happens frequently (usually after she's taken alot of hormone    ) and she just comes straight out an asks.
                        One thing I have worked hard at with Kai is fostering an an attitude of acceptance of her and what she does for a living, so she has no reason to lie to me.

                        Too old to die young!


                        • #27
                          It's purely personal here. For me, if I saw another guy's girl, I'd have to trouble looking him in the eye after that, so I wouldn't do it.

                          I think there is no moral guideline here except personal conscience.


                          • #28
                            (jellybean @ Nov. 04 2006,05:05) BTW Kai told me that she was told by a couple of her friends not the guy himself
                            I think this is a classic case of Chinese whispers. How long does the story chain go back to the " guy" and how has it been twisted along the way.

                            Probably extracted from the babblings of some drunk who doesnt even know Jellybean.


                            • #29
                              (TTChang @ Nov. 05 2006,16:17) is it misplaced loyalty from fellow forum members to keep away from Kai -
                              The way I see it with at least 100 ladyboys in NEP to choose from, why take one that has a relationship with a regular poster?


                              • #30
                                Wasn't me, either.
                                "The Ladyboy Collection- start yours today!"

