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  • #16
    (BigTel @ Mar. 19 2007,23:36) I enjoy it as much now as I ever have, it's still the number 1 for me.


    in a nutshell, that's it!!

    Been to about 15 countries now and none even come close......well, maybe Amsterdam in the summer heh he ..... for weather, beaches, ladyboys and overall fun. Fuck the coup, the weak dollar, the drugs, the games ladyboys play and all the other associated drama, Thailand is still the best place on earth to have a holiday.

    You guys who have never been....whacha waiting for?
    Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
    -Dennis Miller


    • #17
      If you are careful it is very safe. If you are stupid then it aint.
      I'm really Sexist...


      • #18
        One week and a half, 10 days to go for another great trip. My worst day in Thailand is better than my best day at home. After all is said and done it an't bad.
        Thailand isn't as crazy as India, but doesn't the possiblity of it all going wrong add to the experience.


        • #19
          What does "grassing you up on the internet" mean?
          brock landers


          • #20

            ya, been scratching my head about that one also!!

            maybe the same as sleeping with someone in The Rack?
            Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
            -Dennis Miller


            • #21
              i,ve been home just over a week , and can,t wait 2 get back , last time i was there it was a military coup , this time a ladyboy coup in pattaya - they,re takin over !!!!
              Free your mind and your ass will follow .


              • #22
                "grassing you up..."
                "Spilling the beans..." Telling the world your naughty secrets.

                A 'grass' is a police informant. A 'super-grass' is a police informant who typically sings to the cops on the mob!


                • #23
                  No details...
                  One time scammed by a ladyboy(boy)
                  Three times my CC are copied....the last two years...
                  A fucking around I am a Nazi.....

                  Order a mekhong coke and got a coke...that was really fucking...

                  Thats live ...I take it easy


                  P.S.:I travel to Los over 24 years now...
                  Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


                  • #24

                    but at the moment it looks more like a
                    "When I come back to Thailand" threat

                    But I still wait for the "scared ones" here... where they are?

                    Where are the problems...
                    to talk to a girl, GG or LB, in Wanking Street, Soi 7, or somewhere else here  

                    Have a look, and you will find what u are looking for.
                    So easy    



                    • #25
                      (stogie bear @ Mar. 19 2007,15:59) Since the coup a few months back this place has turned into the wild wild west of the east (so to speak!)
                      Seen alot more "Live Sex Acts" in Pattaya bars this past month then I've ever seen before... I like this new Thailand


                      • #26
                        It's such a mess over there, I can't wait to get back. I've bought my tickets and I'm coming no matter what. 31 days left.


                        • #27
                          And all this time I thought my favorite band "Supergrass" was named after their favorite weed. Now the song "Caught by The Fuzz" makes a lot more sense.
                          brock landers


                          • #28
                            (Snick @ Mar. 19 2007,21:04) The place is wackier post coup, the economy is rudderless at best and at worst is pissing off the foreign investor. Consumer and Business confidence is dropping like the water level in a flushed toilet. The immigration thing is nuts, and pissing off the rich tourists too. The Airport, the Currency controls, and now Chiang Mai air pollution are making Thailand the laughing stock of Asia =

                            On the other hand, there are more ladyboys then ever before and they are looking better and better all the I'll stay.

                            Spoken like a true philosopher


                            • #29
                              (brocklanders @ Mar. 19 2007,19:18) What does "grassing you up on the internet" mean?
                              A "grass" is a term widely used in the UK to describe a person who tells the police an offence someone may have done

                              So if someone has "grassed" on you or "spilt the beans" means they have been telling tales about you to other persons
                              Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                              Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                              • #30
                                Sorry Stogie, just seen your post answering the grass question
                                Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                                Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl

