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  • Obsessions

    So I headed to Obsessions after a great night out at Guess for Jay's birthday. Just to set the scene now remember I have been going to this bar for years. Mamasan knows me and pretty much every girl in the place knows me. I have bought more drinks in there for both myself and ladies than a small world countries GDP.

    I ordered a vodka and lipo for my midnight pick me up. Well for some reason the bottle of lipo had a crack i it and it all spilt on the ground. I asked for another one at which point the service staff decided I should purchase another  

    I said why should I buy another one when the first one was broken  

    I tried to explain this to that fucking imbecile who wanted me not only to buy a new lipo but also a new vodka  

    The point here is do not ever think you are important in these bars. I can give many examples to prove my point.

    Buy a drink for yourself, tell the mamsan to fuck herself and only buy drinks for girls to whom you have invited to sit down.

  • #2
    (ozzie @ Jun. 24 2007,07:05) The point here is do not ever think you are important in these bars. I can give many examples to prove my point.
    In reality what we perceive as good service & customer relations is beyond comprehension in virtually all these establishments.

    For the price of a bottle of Lipo, they are happy for you to leave the bar disappointed, potentially never to return.

    The notion of creating "good will" is still not in their vocabulary.

    I can only comment on my own experience, and Guess Bar is the only place where I felt like a valued customer.

    Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


    • #3
      In many establishments its the serving staff who are responsible for all mistakes. Assuming Obsession works like that, the extra bottle of Lippo would come out of the serving girls salary.

      Stupid - but standard operating procedure in Thailand. The only option is to call over the Mamasan/Manager and says "its broken I don't pay", but keep your temper and just keep repeating yourself over and over and over. Somewhere after the 5th repetition they'll agree.
      "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


      • #4
        I think the service staff in Obsession bar is really terrible anyway. I can't understand why so many people say this bar is so great and number one. Sure, they have a good amount of nice looking ladyboys in there, but the rudeness of the service staff just kills it for me in there and I would not expect the mamasan to actually help you. Especially that one "pretty" ladyboy waitress, that some of you folks have barfined already is just plain rude and always asks for tip, tip, tip, even if she didn't serve me a drink throughout the whole evening.
        From my experience, these days Casanova bar is a comfortable lounge compared to Obsessions and Guess bar easily beats all of the Nana bars, when it comes to service and friendliness of staff.


        • #5
          (mcqueen @ Jun. 24 2007,09:38) I think the service staff in Obsession bar is really terrible anyway. I can't understand why so many people say this bar is so great and number one. Sure, they have a good amount of nice looking ladyboys in there, but the rudeness of the service staff just kills it for me in there and I would not expect the mamasan to actually help you. Especially that one "pretty" ladyboy waitress, that some of you folks have barfined already is just plain rude and always asks for tip, tip, tip, even if she didn't serve me a drink throughout the whole evening.
          From my experience, these days Casanova bar is a comfortable lounge compared to Obsessions and Guess bar easily beats all of the Nana bars, when it comes to service and friendliness of staff.
          Well at the risk of stating the obvious, Obsessions is held in such high regard purely for the quality and volume of lovely ladyboys on offer.

          Although personally, I believe there are plenty of LB's in there just making up the numbers.

          To suggest Obsession Bar is held in such high regard because of the great service, ambience, wonderful music or cabaret shows is bordering on insane.  

          Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


          • #6
            Shitpits are as shitpits do!


            • #7
              As they say, this is Thailand? I'm sure each and every one of us who's been has more than a handful of similar tales to share. I just sort of grin and bare it, it's all you can really do...
              I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


              • #8
                This has nothing to do with Obsessions. It is Thai.

                I was at The Dome, the place where they had a 1M baht per dinner party, just to give you an idea of how exclusive it can be. 64th floor, State Tower, most amazing view on earth.

                American and Thai girl sitting beside me. He gets his dish. There are 2 HUGE cockroaches in it ! He remains pretty damn calm, girl is freaking slightly. Asks staff to come over, points out the cockroaches. What does she do? She flings them off, gives the dish back to him! He says no fucking way. She takes it back, brings a new dish (maybe?). He didn't get any compensation. Still had to pay full fare.


                • #9
                  Personally I think the Guess Bar is the "BEST" Ladyboy Bar in Thailand bar none
                  NO shit , these girls are "hotter" per quota than any other bar
                  Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                  Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                  • #10
                    It's the difference between enertainment to us and business to them. We want the most for our enertainment dollar and they want the most for their bussiness dollar.


                    • #11
                      Well, many of us would disagree with you Dave, but anyhow, regarding service, I don't see anything 'better' in Guess. I've had bad situations there same as any other bar, but I suppose that is not surprising, as girls are girls.

                      My last trip I bought the new girl, forgot her name, a drink. Bought another girl a drink, the new girl ran off in a huff. I guess she doesn't know I think like a Thai now and couldn't give a fart whether she was in a huff or not. All it did was guarantee I don't buy her drinks anymore!

                      All this bad-mouthing being said...I think many of us have also had the opposite experience...some girls who actually really do care about service and go out of there way to please (including from Guess!).


                      • #12
                        That's a good point. It's very easy to see the flaws and point them out - it's almost a part of daily life - but I will admit there were a few times too where I felt like my complaints or issues were addressed fairly and equitably. That said, it's just the Thai culture and their way of doing things.
                        I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                        • #13
                          Ouch... Cochroaches in your food? That's simply unacceptable from any level of restaurant. Even the street vendors wouldn't consider this to be an incident that you could simply 'gloss over.' If I was with a partner or friend who thought that flicking the offending insects to one side solves the issue then we ain't eating together again.

                          If this is 'TIT' or 'the Thai way' then it's a habit that is fast becoming obsolete. To be honest if there is an insect in my food I'm leaving right away. I'm never ever that hungry.

                          The Guess Bar is the only bar in Thailand that has actualy changed things to suit me so I'll go back there time after time simply because of that. It's also the only bar that I have left and paid the tab on my next visit... (that's happened twice now and the first time the tab totalled 2,700 Baht including hotel room - don't ask!!!) The Guess Bar is the only place where I would think about meeting someone simply for the sake of having a drink... who would really want to meet a chum in a shitpit just to chat about life and catch up.

                          Sorry - but lumping The Guess Bar in the same category as the Nana shitpits is wildly off the mark... (and I don't have a hidden agenda or a special reason for promoting this bar - it's simply that they do things the way I like it.)

                          but anyhow, regarding service, I don't see anything 'better' in Guess...


                          • #14
                            (koykaeng @ Jun. 24 2007,07:58)
                            Originally posted by mcqueen,Jun. 24 2007,09:38

                            ... suggest Obsession Bar is held in such high regard because of the great service, ambience, wonderful music or cabaret shows is ...

                            I must disagree. Isn't it obvious that the high regard for Obsessions is not only because of the factors you mention, but also the fantastic, cooling, comfortable air con.

                            Also, regarding the cockroaches in the food: a couple of years ago, the Health Department said they were going to start inspecting the carts that sell cockroaches and fly larvae ... LOOKING FOR WHAT!!?? How do you know when a bagful of roaches is contaminated??

                            (I know, I know, pesticides)
                            "The Ladyboy Collection- start yours today!"


                            • #15
                              Obsessions gets it's high score from the numbers and quality of the girls not on the standard of the service staff.
                              On that score I would rate it as second only to KC3  -  ie. second from bottom!

                              I'm one of those who likes Obsessions  

                              Remember the pay of the service staff is very poor and they rely a lot on the tips and bill padding.
                              Also as Snick says any loses/breakages get stopped out of their pay.

                              What I would suggest is that each time you go in try to find a decent waitress and when you do at the end of your evening give her a generous tip into her hand.
                              50 Baht is OK - 100 if she has done really well.

                              Next time you go in waive away all the others and get the attention of 'your' girl  -  if she knows she will get a good tip you will suddenly find the standard of the service improves.

                              As for the cockroach incident  -  this does not surprise me.  Even though they charge the guests a fortune they still pay the staff less than peanuts.
                              In any case they are often only temporary and next day will be at another venue.  Why would they give a s#*t!


                              Herself worked as a waitress in an Italian restaurant for a time before I met her.
                              She has some interesting comments about the level of tips from the various nationalities.
                              Suffice to say the British, Americans and Australians don't come out too well  
                              Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                              "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."

