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  • #16
    (ozzie @ Jun. 24 2007,07:05) So I headed to Obsessions after a great night out at Guess for Jay's birthday. Just to set the scene now remember I have been going to this bar for years. Mamasan knows me and pretty much every girl in the place knows me. I have bought more drinks in there for both myself and ladies than a small world countries GDP.

    I ordered a vodka and lipo for my midnight pick me up. Well for some reason the bottle of lipo had a crack i it and it all spilt on the ground. I asked for another one at which point the service staff decided I should purchase another  

    I said why should I buy another one when the first one was broken  :


    I tried to explain this to that fucking imbecile who wanted me not only to buy a new lipo but also a new vodka  

    The point here is do not ever think you are important in these bars. I can give many examples to prove my point.

    Buy a drink for yourself, tell the mamsan to fuck herself and only buy drinks
    for girls to whom you have invited to sit down.

    LMAO " buy a drink for your self tell the mamasan to fuck her self and only buy a drink for a girl your intereted in"? been saying this for years, been called all sorts of names for saying it to ".cheap charley" "tight ass'" etc etc
    mamasan's ??They are a complete waist of time , they are profesional character's
    yes your quite right never think your important in a bar lmao thai rak thai when the shit hits the fan you are nothing to the locals.
    infact dont buy a drink at all just walk in bar fine a girl you like and walk out. lmao tommorrow no one will care.
    ossie i guess you are well versed in the ways of the east, i do agree with you on this one
    As iv'e always said thai's dont really like people who throw money around in bars, they will all hang round for drinks and tips but the truth is they just think your a wanker;
    just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


    • #17
      who said aussies were cheap ?


      • #18
        (Road Runner @ Jun. 24 2007,17:45) ............try to find a decent waitress and when you do at the end of your evening give her a generous tip into her hand. 50 Baht is OK - 100 if she has done really well.  
        Next time you go in waive away all the others and get the attention of 'your' girl  -  if she knows she will get a good tip you will suddenly find the standard of the service improves.
        Yes, discovered this useful tip myself.....and it helps cut down the (ever present?) bill padding at this bar.   I get sick of all the service girls taking turns in scamming me for drinks.

        We love Obs for the girls there, but most of the rest is crap.  Not even any seats for the punters these days - and the girls even look pissed off when asked to move.  Customer service - pah!

        And why do my vodka & tonics not taste of vodka OR  even of tonic?  


        • #19
          Ive been to sex bars all over the world, from Vegas to Taipei and many in between and the main point in all these places is to take the shirt of the customers back and if possible the skin off his feet. In general thats just the way it is and  it wont ever change......This is the sex industry...Prague, Taiwan, Hong Hong, Japan., BKK

          I was in the London Stork club a few years ago and i see a guy go for a piss and the waitress tipped half his bottle of £500 champagne down the sink. When he came back he thought his hostess drank it and orderd another bottle...Now thats serious...

          Lets get it in perspective.... If Obsessions closed tomorrow half of the guys here would be crying there eyes out....

          In Ozzies case i just think that its a case of This is Thailand....Come on Ozzie , cheer up , it aint that bad


          • #20
            (ozzie @ Jun. 24 2007,07:05) Buy a drink for yourself, tell the mamsan to fuck herself and only buy drinks for girls to whom you have invited to sit down.
            standard operating procedure for me for years, Oz

            good story and oh-so-typical
            Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
            -Dennis Miller


            • #21
              I may have been to the Nana bars more than anyone on this forum, given its 12 minutes walk from my house.

              I really don't see anything better or worse in those places than any other LB bar in Thailand. Some of what you get is sometimes what you give. The waitresses are always nice to me. I cannot think of even one time of having a problem with the waitress or the mamasan.

              It is customary in Thailand to give a tip to the mamasan or waitress on occasion and buy drinks for girls. It has nothing to do with being cheap or rich or sucking up to someone. I give tips and expect nothing back. For me it's like it's custom in Canada to give 15% tip...always. I don't like it, but I don't fight it. It's just custom. If you think you achieve something by not doing it, some moral high ground or ethical superiority, you're wrong. All you did was achieve not following Thai custom, which I personally think is more of a moral low point.

              So I don't buy this stuff of Guess or any other place being spectacular. As a forum was created for them and the webmaster goes for a drink; I'd imagine you get special treatment just as perhaps I do in Obsessions. Special treatment is extremely rare, but happens. That doesn't detract from Guess; I like it too. I also like going just to talk to the guys. I just don't like putting it up on a pedestal of perfection.

              All that being said, and back to the original topic, the Thai way, regrettably, is to not compensate for a fuck-up by their kitchen, staff, or glassware, in Nana, or The Dome at the State Tower. Best to not fight it or think about it; all it does is make you angry. But no action we take will change that anytime soon, and not returning to the place just means you lose a place to go to.


              • #22
                Thai customer service:- ......... ...........

                Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                • #23
                  I'd imagine you get special treatment...
                  Well, Gong hasn't slapped me silly yet, so I suppose that's kinda special!


                  • #24
                    I agree with pretty much everything you all have said. Yes this is Thailand and this kind of behaviour is not restricted to Obsessions.

                    This however does not make me feel any better when it happens. I know that the Thais cannot see beyond the moment. Losing possibly thousands of baht in the future is acceptable but losing 40 baht on a bottle of lipo at that moment is not

                    As far as the rip offs and scams it happens all the time in these bars. I buy the girls some tequila shots and they came back with water. I bought a bottle of Jim Beam only to be given flat post mix coke as my mixer

                    I have lost count at the number of times I have seen extra drinks on my bin and when I enquire as to whom they are for they say I drank them


                    • #25
                      you will be back in the bar in a week.
                      Do what i do . buy bottled beer, then you might just get what you ask for
                      i have been trying to get a fucking jim beam and coke light for fucking years in these gogo bars still cant get one and if i do its a bull shit drink/
                      drink soda or beer out of bottles, and buy the birds cola as thats what they all demand, not for the drink but for the percentage they get for ladys drinks.
                      i used to ahve the nick name the flash for one reason, im in and out of these rip off joints very quickly.I really dont see the point of hanging round all night buying ladysdrinks and chatting to mates, when the solepurposeof the bar is to find a fuck. try sitting round in the eden club , the mamasan will have you out the door . yeah yeah i know we all go with the flow and thats right too, but in reality i only go to these bars for one reason, to find a ladyboy to fuck in and out as quick assss
                      just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                      • #26
                        (ziggystardust @ Jun. 24 2007,03:26) My last trip I bought the new girl, forgot her name, a drink. Bought another girl a drink, the new girl ran off in a huff. I guess she doesn't know I think like a Thai now and couldn't give a fart whether she was in a huff or not.
                        Had to laugh at this Ziggy

                        My girl says to me occasionally

                        I slorry I "huff" sometimes
                        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                        • #27
                          as long as she puffs and then blows you down I reckon you can live with it!

                          Interesting thread this: makes me wonder why people actually go to some of these bars. Personally wherever I am in the world I look to go in, make a selection and get out as fast as possible - if its somewhere in our civilised western world where the management expect you to stay and pay over inflated prices for hours on end - I don't go in.

                          At least in Thailand you can go in have one drink + ladydrink + barfine and be on your way.
                          You, you and you hold fire - everyone else come with me - attributed to US Marine Recruiting Sargent WW2.

                          You, you and you cum on me - everyone else hold fire - attributed to Porn Actor/Director Alexandra in 1992


                          • #28
                            If you think it is just use who complains, think again. my girl friend goes over every check we get when it is time to leave and if she isn't happy about something she will chew their asses.

                            She gets pissed at the service in a bar or cafe. Sometimes she refuses to go into places because of the service.

                            Even thais know the level of service sucks.


                            • #29
                              ...makes me wonder why people actually go to some of these bars. Personally wherever I am in the world I look to go in, make a selection and get out as fast as possible - if its somewhere in our civilised western world where the management expect you to stay and pay over inflated prices for hours on end - I don't go in. At least in Thailand you can go in have one drink + ladydrink + barfine and be on your way.
                              I agree with that word for word.

                     girl friend goes over every check we get when it is time to leave and if she isn't happy about something she will chew their asses...
                              Moe, you are a lucky man. I went out with Kui for over two years and she wouldn't dare have tried to insist on getting what she actually paid for! I'd say that your Thai partner is an extremely rare individual.


                              • #30
                                (Tomcat @ Jun. 24 2007,06:50) Lets get it in perspective.... If Obsessions closed tomorrow half of the guys here would be crying there eyes out....
                                only until they walked out to sukhomvit to see most of the unemployed former obsession girls freelancing at lower rates with no barfines!

                                maybe the neighborhood would look like it's 2am 24/7!

