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Natty #69 ~ Obsessions

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  • #46
    (ozzie @ Jul. 08 2007,13:27) OK so can you name one time that you know of first hand where a ladyboy from Nana or anywhere else has injured a punter where he has had to be hospitalised or worse?


    I appreciate all the warnings I hear.  I watched a plastic surgeon work on my buddy's face one morning for 3 hours. I wish I had the names or photos of the 2 ladyboys responsible. I would definitely share.


    • #47
      Damn... got any details that you care to share with us?


      • #48
        (bottomfeeder @ Jul. 10 2007,05:31) I appreciate all the warnings I hear. I watched a plastic surgeon work on my buddy's face one morning for 3 hours. I wish I had the names or photos of the 2 ladyboys responsible. I would definitely share.
        Damn thats scary...


        • #49
          (gr1mr3ap3r @ Jul. 11 2007,02:04)
          (bottomfeeder @ Jul. 10 2007,05:31) I appreciate all the warnings I hear.  I watched a plastic surgeon work on my buddy's face one morning for 3 hours. I wish I had the names or photos of the 2 ladyboys responsible. I would definitely share.
          Damn thats scary...
          I don't have many details. I had already gone back to the hotel. This was about 3 years ago at about 5 A.M. It started at Coffee World ( Soi 7 I think) My friend was  drunk as a skunk and negotiated for a blow job in the bathroom. The tiff was over the price, she wanted more money after the deed. It escalated into a shouting match as she followed him down the street. That's when she enlisted her friend to help.( The typical cute one with the big ugly friend) At Soi 11 they got him down, stomped his face and stole his wallet. My friend's not a big guy and as I said, he was 3 sheets to the wind. He made it back to the President Solitaire where the desk called me. I took him to Bumrungrad where I watched them cut and sew on his face for more than 3 hours. It really put a damper on the rest of his vacation, but amazingly you can hardly tell today that he had facial trauma. The surgeon did an incredible job. My friend just told everyone he was in a moto taxi accident. The next few nites after the incident I "trolled" the streets looking for possible culprits to no avail.


          • #50
            It really put a damper on the rest of his vacation...
            You reckon?

