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Ladyboy bad breath!

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  • #16
    (qwerty @ Jul. 16 2007,00:55) i think its different than regular halitosis. ive smelled that before and its awful. but what i'm citing  smells like a throat infection or, and excuse me because i am not a medical professional, could it be an indicator of a sexually transmitted disease?
    could it be a gonorheoa of the throat? are there std's in the mouth beyond herpes?
    with all the cocks they are sucking and loads they are rolling around thier mouths, theyd be at risk for catching what a customer had....
    i dint know that throat infections could cause bad breath nor have i ever known bad breath to be a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease...

    i assumed u dint kiss the ladyboy mr. qwerty right?
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    • #17
      There can be many conditions in the body especially the digestive system that can show up as bad breath or body odor. These problems may not manifest as a sickness but the odor is saying you have an imbalance of some sort.
      Believe it are not eating brocolli can help in some cases of body odor and bad breath. It's not a easy problem to solve it could be the Ph of the body is out of wack or any number of other issues.


      • #18
        I always have some spare brocolli in the fridge and an electric pH meter to see if my LB is out of balance!!

