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To show or not to show - dilema

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  • #16
    Why would anyone want to show a lb this place? Score brownnose points? I just dont understand why.


    • #17
      She is not going to contribute to the forum...she only wants to see what someone wrote about her...Think for a minute about how they live...Up all night...sleep all day...Moreover, they don't usually have their own computer...When and how are they going to get online to read and contribute here?  Never...They're too busy working and playing and sleeping and shopping...SB's right...Let her in...she won't be here long...

      My experience with the girls and this site is...they care shit about the forum...they don't even know it exists...But they do know about ATS and most all want to see the pics and vids of themselves and their friends...
      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


      • #18
        (kahuna @ Aug. 26 2007,00:42) Moreover, they don't usually have their own computer...When and how are they going to get online to read and contribute here?  Never...They're too busy working and playing and sleeping and shopping
        My experience with the girls and this site is...they care shit about the forum...they don't even know it exists...
        I know of several exceptions, but the majority can´t use a computer.


        • #19
          Don't do it (is my suggestion).

          If she can't get in her by herself and navigate and post here in readable English, then she is not a useful member of this forum.

          Don't help her, there is no reason to. Nothing good will come of it.

          Edit: If you decide to help her in and show her around, please let us know who it is and what bar she works at so we can refrain from commenting on her or anyone at her bar. (Another reason this is a bad idea).


          • #20
            If they can get their heads round MSN or Yahoo chat they can find their way round these forums, not exactly rocket science is it?
            It's never okay for men to cry! You know who cries? Girls. And little babies. And little baby girls.


            • #21
              (EyeMahk @ Aug. 26 2007,01:33) If she can't get in her by herself and navigate and post here in readable English, then she is not a useful member of this forum.
              Jesus...she's not the enemy...and I'll wager she's not gonna post here...she just wants to see what someone wrote about her...

              And who in the hell decides if someone is "a useful member" of the forum...What about the majority of members who simply read and look at pics and never post...Are they "useful" using your definition? What if that's all she does?

              The problem isn't girls reading and posting here...The problem is wankers going to the girls and telling them what has been posted about them here...And that ain't gonna stop...
              "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


              • #22
                (rick @ Aug. 25 2007,16:39) Why would anyone want to show a lb this place? Score brownnose points?
                Errr...... the website features on the ladyboy grapevine!   Admittedly the forum less so.

                OK most either can't get past the Thai police blocks, can't be bothered or can't read eough English  -  but don't kid yourselves  -  there are girls out there who do log on and read here.

                Rick      I know of several exceptions, but the majority can´t use a computer.
                Not true!  Most Thai's under 30 are perfectly capable of using a computer.  The standard of teaching is poor but they can at least read their e-mails and search in Thai.
                Where they lack is in the standard of English teaching which in most government schools is s#*t!

                As Kahuna says they are not the enemy. Most of the girls will look and when they find that they cannot follow what is going on give up and not look in again.
                Personaly I regard that as a loss to this forum. Then again I'm in a minority around here anyway.

                Hey Stewart,

                You're asking the opinion of this bunch?

                You sure you're not someone who hijack'ed the Stewart that I know's monicker?

                Publish and be damned!

                Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                • #23
                  reading these posts i think i must be operating on a false assumption. that is that almost all the girls who had modeled for the site read the forum. also that many of the other girls who had not been models did
                  also. gao-gao, formely of temptations, would always
                  spend time on it when she would stay a weekend with me. she said most girls read it. from the above posts it is implied that very few do. which is accurate?


                  • #24
                    I tend to think people should be allowed to read what others are saying about them in general, and defend themselves. At least, if the writings were about me, I would like that opportunity.

                    However, there is one large side effect to this story. I believe that if many LBs did start joining the forum in any kind of serious way, we would self-police ourselves on certain topics. For example, I would never, ever again write something about my personal escapades or girlfriend, as I would not want that coming back to her. While I feel I can write candidly now, I wouldn't in that situation.

                    In short, I agree in principle, but practically, the site might start becoming dull if there really was a large group of them reading and gossiping about what they'd read.

                    At the end of the day though, I think it highly unlikely this will happen for the reasons mentioned. No computer, no time, not good enough English, no interest, etc.


                    • #25
                      In short, I agree in principle, but practically, the site might start becoming dull if there really was a large group of them reading and gossiping about what they'd read.
                      correct. cos all we want is to either to make them lye on their backs or show their cocks down our throats .....

                      drink and post ..


                      • #26
                        I'm with EyeMahk.

                        Most of the posters here are looking through the eyes of well-educated native speakers of English who believe in free speech, anonymity, individual rights, and on and on.

                        A LB whose best job prospect is P4P, doesn't have strong English skills (can she interpret sarcasm? understand and use nuances? use subordinate clauses?), and has a difficult life exposing her to STDs, drugs, and "colleagues" without serious long-term prospects may have a difficult time with internet postings.

                        She may blow up and become fodder for abuse (I've seen this happen to Latinas), and lack the English skills to handle herself.

                        Her pride and self-worth could decay rapidly and could affect her stability. Yeah most of you are thinking why should internet forums really fuck with a person's head, but most of us aren't being judged online by our bodies and customer service skills.

                        If she gets bored and wanders off that's the best that could happen, if she has poor skills in English and a poor understanding of the mindset of internet forum users. If she ends up getting angry, wasting time, getting flamed, whatever, she's definitely not better off than if she had never visited.

                        That she might be a valuable contributor is a fantasy if she has so little expertise that she can't sign up on her own. She's got very little to gain and much to lose.

                        Ps. If she does join the forum, feels tormented, is hot, and is wondering jf she can ever go all the way with SRS, tell her to contact me. I may be able to talk some sense into her. Just kidding.
                        Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                        Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                        • #27
                 the girl the damn post in question and be done with it...

                          Somehow these guys think you're tyring to recruit every girl in BKK and Pattaya to join the forum...

                          If one BM gets his tit in a wringer because of something he posted here (which I doubt will happen)...
                          That's the price he pays (and we all pay) for posting on a public forum...
                          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                          • #28
                            (post-op lover @ Aug. 25 2007,19:11) A LB whose best job prospect is P4P, doesn't have strong English skills (can she interpret sarcasm? understand and use nuances? use subordinate clauses?), and has a difficult life exposing her to STDs, drugs, and "colleagues" without serious long-term prospects may have a difficult time with internet postings.
                   keep them in the dark, treat them as a piece of meat, and accept that they are "losers" in their own country and not worth trying to help bridge the western-Thai cultural gap?

                            Wouldn't it make sense to help them understand "western humor", our subtle nuances, how we think and talk.........seems to me it would make the time spent with them better.....if not for you....then at least for the next farang that she spends time with.

                            Some would suggest that it would restrict what you post regarding your time spent with a provider. I'm guessing you mean if you post "negative" information......well if it is you really care if she reads it since you won't be using her service again? If it is negative BUT you still want to see her....then I'm confused If it is negative info you are posting.....didn't you already express your feelings to her....or do you use the Forum to vent your feelings and leave her in the dark to provide the same shitty service to the next customer? If you don't have the balls to tell her that you had a bad're a freakin' weasel, hiding behind the internet.
                  ,  you're really a guy?..............  


                            • #29
                              Hey Stewart,
                              You're asking the opinion of this bunch?
                              You sure you're not someone who hijack'ed the Stewart that I know's monicker?
                              Publish and be damned!
                              3 options:

                              1. I genuinely care and respect the opinions of the esteemed members of this forum, and will do exactly what they ask

                              2. I don't give a toss what they think and I will do exactly as I please

                              3. I was just trying to start a bun fight!
                              Mister Arse


                              • #30
                                Anyway - what the hell you doing reading this and NOT being at Litas tonight with all the cameras

                                By the way got your message, but manic with my own business interests for last week or so - call you tomorrow if you want to meet up and I will bring my Kodak brownie


