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How many of you are HIV positive?

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  • #31
    This hole thread is just crap.
    How do you know that the 4 people who voted yes are actually hiv, or just taking the piss?
    Fred this one has been done to death mate its justZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
    just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


    • #32
      Fred ain't been seen around these parts since:

      Last Login Date: Feb. 24 2008,03:03

      Crap thread or not crap thread, it's a matter of perspective, besides which I don't think many people took his polls or threads too seriously anyway.

      I've made kathylc  


      • #33
        Azza Good luck

        i get tested very 3 months for my sugar im type2 so i always get the doc a couple times a year to ask the question.

        Not sure if true but if u have blood test in OZ and you do request by law they do not have to tell you about aids if you have it or not. Been a year or so when i read that.


        • #34
          (donnnnnny @ Apr. 26 2008,20:40) This  hole thread is  just crap.
          How do you know that the 4 people  who voted  yes are actually  hiv, or  just taking the piss?
          Fred  this one has  been done to death mate its   justZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
          To me, the point of interest is not who is HIV positive...

          It is that over 1/3 do not know their current HIV status or have never been tested (especially because 40% have said they go bareback at least some of the time in that other poll).

          But this should only be of concern to the BM of colour, because Obama's preacher said that HIV is a conspiracy designed to kill people of colour.

          If you don't like the thread, save yourself some time by not reading it then commenting on it.
          From the immortal realm of Barbelo...


          • #35
            (bigdave123 @ Apr. 26 2008,21:59) Azza Good luck

            i get tested very 3 months for my sugar im type2 so i always get the doc a couple times a year to ask the question.

            Not sure if true but if u have blood test in OZ and you do request by law they do not have to tell you about aids if you have it or not. Been a year or so when i read that.


            I am not sure of the go....

            I am getting the lot done, every test you can imagine. (including all the general health ones)

            The doctor is pretty kewl, i'm sure he'll let me know what i have or dont have.


            A worthy trip report


            • #36
              Never been tested. Never done anything to think I needed to be.


              • #37
                (stogie bear @ Apr. 27 2008,08:39) Never been tested. Never done anything to think I needed to be.
                And thats the right attitude. If you play safe, do a little home work on your partners( like personal hygene , condom use etc) all will be well.

                Why go through alll the shit of being tested when you  act responsibly  


                • #38
                  Because early testing is early warning. If you're not at risk, from a clinical perspective, then you needn't get tested. If it's only one's own opinion that they're not at risk, despite risky activities, then it's just plain stupid to not get tested. It reminds me of nuts that don't get vaccinated or wear a seat belt. I know several such people who took their cockiness to the grave at a young age.

                  Women take mammograms, men get prostate exams, to test for early signs of common and treatable cancers. For STDs, condoms break, fluids leak, and people can still be at risk. Waiting for a symptom to appear is just letting the clock run out on treatment.

                  No offense, I don't know Stogie's own practices, so he may be doing everything right and truly have zero risk. In general, though, I know too many people who ended up dead because they thought simple precautions didn't apply to them, or that they took "enough" precautions. It turns out they weren't immortal and invincible, and it usually pissed the hell out of everyone else that these people were so stupid: it's kind of hard to say "I told you so" to a corpse.

                  Sorry, anyone's welcome to decide whether or not to get tested, and what the hell they want to do if they have a positive or negative test, fine with me, but to propagate the idea that people who take these risks don't benefit from testing is manifestly stupid.

                  Ps. Yes, I know this has been argued before, and I'm pissing in the wind, but sometimes I get cranky about bad health advice.
                  Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                  Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                  • #39
                    (stogie bear @ Apr. 27 2008,08:39) Never been tested. Never done anything to think I needed to be.
                    hmmmm SB...

                    Have you ever had sex with a LB? rhetorical question.

                    Condom or not, it does not matter....

                    Even if you wear a raincoat it is possible to catch something (including HIV) ... but its much less likely - any literature on safe sex will tell you this information.

                    The raincoat will stack the odds well in your favour but....

                    The only 100% sure way to avoid HIV or any other STDs for that matter is to abstain.


                    A worthy trip report


                    • #40
                      Good luck azza,try not to stress out too much.

                      Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                      • #41
                        (azza33 @ Apr. 27 2008,13:44) The only 100% sure way to avoid HIV or any other STDs for that matter is to abstain.
                        Not true... you can get HIV while sober !

                        From the immortal realm of Barbelo...


                        • #42
                          (stogie bear @ Apr. 27 2008,08:39) Never been tested. Never done anything to think I needed to be.
                          If you have sex with 3,000 LB, you might eventually encounter the crack of doom...!

                          From the immortal realm of Barbelo...


                          • #43
                            Hi all,

                            I think it is a good thing to discuss this here as a lot of people have no idea about HIV and how you can catch it.

                            Ya all know that the incubation time can be as long as 6 months. That means you can test negative for six months while having the virus but not showing symptoms. HIV is not the only STD you can catch while having unprotected sex. Friend of me went with a LB and did not use a condom. When he went home after a few weeks he noticed some nasty blisters on his willy. Went to his doctor and did blood test and catched 3 different STD's. Then he had to tell his wife....

                            He phoned the LB he went with to tell her, but she did not care at all. He even offered to pay for the medicine for treatment, she refused.

                            I test myself on all possible STD's every month and so far I am clean.

                            But I have a question for you. How reliable are the test you do at those small clinics where you can wait for the results?

                            I know many people go there when they meet someone and wanna go bareback together.

                            When I do my test it always takes a day or two before I get the result.

                            Please be carefull all!

                            Have fun but be safe in what you do.

                            Kind regards,

                            Only dead fish go with the flow.


                            • #44

                              I got my medical test results today~~ ALL clear on everything - no problems at all

                              Its a wakeup call, for me and for future activity

                              I confess not to being 100% safe on my adventures, i have come through unscathed, but from now on, i will be wearing the coat... its just not worth it


                              A worthy trip report


                              • #45

                                Good on you Azza!
                      's food for a debate here - Worthy or not worthy?
                                Truly hard to chisel on a stone the right (or any?) answer at all.

                                Unless you are a totally un-sexed person, it's always worthy but to which degree it's all too personal. For me, having to be on the Red Alert mode during the duration of a mercenary sex act makes the whole experience not so worthy. So, if I'm taken by the mood and something sometime slips out of the safety procedures I feel helpless. Reason why I'm indulging less and less in mercenary sex because of the danger, so I tend to stick with partners with whom I feel less like seating on a time bomb, and I do get tested regularly.

                                If I go further than that, then I better lock myself at home in front of this bloody computer and myself blind!

                                On the other hand, with all the pollution I breath in daily, all the trans-fat I eat (no matter I try to avoid them), and all the genetic illnesses and diseased that I already have and those brand new keep coming, I could say bye bye to mother earth almost any time
                                Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!

