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Q BAR - Not LB Friendly at all!

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  • Q BAR - Not LB Friendly at all!


    Last Saturday night I headed to the QBAR BKK with a couple of Lovely LB birds (names will be kept in secret). We were not allowed to enter the premises without any explanations given to us. Simply they checked our identification Cards and told us that we were not welcome in the QBAR.

    Have anyone of you had the same bad experience?

    I have managed to find the email of the Marketing/PR Director and I have sent him the following email:

    Dear Sir or Madam

    I do not know your name since it is not mentioned below.

    My name is ******* and I live and work in Bangkok for the last 3 months.

    The reason I am writing to you is to openly express my discontent/disagreement with your current policy not to allow trans gender persons (ladyboys) in your premises in QBar Bangkok. I have visited both QBar Singapore and Qbar Vietnam where I have not faced the same problem at all. In the past I have been stopped 2 times and not allowed to enter the premises in Bangkok once of them having already a bottle of spirit within your premises.

    I would very much appreciate it if you could explain me this policy and/or the idea behind it so I could better understand it the reasoning behind it.

    Thanking you in advance I am looking forward to hearing your news....

    I do not think it is going to make a lot of difference....
    If anyone else would like to drop QBar an email I may facilitate you the Qbar email address....

  • #2
    Ziggy reported this same problem last year. Some board members on the forum felt it was the right of any business to choose who they would allow in as patrons.

    Some of us disagreed saying it was discrimination. I personally think it is discrimination - as I recall the Novotel Hotel ldisco was doing something similar and eventually apologized to an lb (non-working) who was refused entry.

    It is good you are expressing your opinion to the Qbar management, but I don't think you will get much response. Perhaps your lb companions can contact the lb who was refused entry into the Novotel disco as she is now a member of a group promoting greater rights for ts in Thailand.

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    • #3
      (rxpharm @ Oct. 08 2007,12:43) Ziggy reported this same problem last year.  Some board members on the forum felt it was the right of any business to choose who they would allow in as patrons.

      Some of us disagreed saying it was discrimination.  I personally think it is discrimination - as I recall the Novotel Hotel ldisco was doing something similar and eventually apologized to an lb (non-working) who was refused entry.

      It is good you are expressing your opinion to the Qbar management, but I don't think you will get much response.  Perhaps your lb companions can contact the lb who was refused entry into the Novotel disco as she is now a member of a group promoting greater rights for ts in Thailand.
      There are still places in Australia  where men can not go such as Fern Health Clubs. It ain't called discrimianation its called privicy. There are clubs in Australia men only. I go to some of them to be left alone. Its no different then what these clubs in BK are doing. IMHO if a club owner spends millions on his premisies and doesn't want  gays, transgender, Kallathumpians or Mormans, thats his right as a business owner.  No differant then doing body searches for drug users. Im not saying its RIGHT, just saying you cant expect people who put up money to be told who they can  do business with. It aint how the real World works.
      The World is full of discrimination, we have to learn to live with it becasue it aint ever going to change. He who has the most always wins.
      There are probly Thais who go to these clubs who sepnd big bucks and they have objected to management and they have acted from their purse strings.
      The case with the Novetel was little diff as they are a major World chain who cannot afford to hurt the Gay Community as they earn well from these groups.
      It really boils down to doller and cents, not colour or creed or sexuality.


      • #4
        Some of us disagreed saying it was discrimination...
        WRONG! We ALL agreed it was discrimination. Some of us felt that it was up to a private business to admit who they want without the law or 'equality merchants' dictating how businessmen should run their own businesses.

        Vangough has hit the nail on the head with his exact and accurate assesment of this sorry ass modern situation.

        If you have been discriminated against anywhere then stay the fuck away from the place and find somewhere where you are welcome.


        • #5
          (stogie bear @ Oct. 08 2007,15:29) If you have been discriminated against anywhere then stay the fuck away from the place and find somewhere where you are welcome.
          Absolutely...Why try and change the world...

          Enjoy what you like...Ignore what you don't like...
          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


          • #6
            Herself goes to Qbar probably once or twice a month and so far as I know has never encountered a problem.

            Yes they do check her ID.

            Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

            "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


            • #7
              Herself goes to Qbar probably once or twice a month and so far as I know has never encountered a problem.
              Hmmm... Maybe there's more to this story than meets the eye then. It's probably more of an attitude or dress code situation rather than a carpet ban on transgendered people.

              There are some people around that would insist that mosques be forced to accept christians!!! It's a funny old world!      


              • #8
                I have been with Odet (Obsessions) when she was refused entry at Q-Bar and then on another later occasion I have seen the likes of Areeya and her mates in there.
                The owner, is a nice guy and when I questioned him on this he explained that, some Ladyboys had caused problems so a ban was imposed however, no problem if they are known to him as well behaved.

                Quite ironic that many of the earlier photos used on the Q-Bar website to promote the place were of beautiful ladyboys.


                • #9
                  ...and when I questioned him on this he explained that, some Ladyboys had caused problems so a ban was imposed however, no problem if they are known to him as well behaved...
                  That seems like a rational and sensible position to adopt. Good for him.

                  Quite ironic that many of the earlier photos used on the Q-Bar website to promote the place were of beautiful ladyboys.
                  And what percentage of French catwalk models are actually born men? A higher percentage than you'd think! The facial bone structure and muscle tone of the body give transsexuals a headstart over women when it comes to promoting glamour...


                  • #10
                    YES, IT IS DISCRIMINATION and not Privacy. Discrimination because we all had in our hands male IDs.. and allowing one of the 3 (males) to get in is discrimination.

                    They refused to allow them entering the club... the doorman's phrase was the following: Sir, you can get in and have a drink alone...

                    But the worst of all is that the guys made it look like an announcement (like a public call) to everyone in the queue to let them know we are gays and that is the reason why they do not let us in and literally laughed at our faces.

                    Well if someone knows the owner try to talk to him/her... other QBars in Singapore etc allow entrance of LBs... They also lose huge amount of money that LBs can bring (see the Bed Supper club)

                    I will keep you posted once I receive an official answer from the marketing manager which I have tried to contact earlier on today...


                    • #11
                      They also lose huge amount of money that LBs can bring...
                      Au contrare... It's the Thai (Asian) men that spend the money... NOT the ladyboys or farangs! If "huge amounts of money" were involved (as you seem to think) then you can bet there would be plenty of clubs for ladyboys!

                      By the way - I don't think that the club has a policy that encourages staff to humiliate people that are refused entry to their club. If they did then they were wrong to do so. I don't mind being discriminated against but I don't like people advertising their cowardly insensitivity.

                      The argument centers around whether or not you you can tolerate or allow discrimination. I can. It's healthy and a great way of avoiding people that you don't want to hang around with.

                      Most of the world agrees with me, too as the Japanese have their clubs where farangs are not allowed and there is discrimination of one sort or another everywhere you go... it's the human condition.

                      Now; some woolly minded people in the west have decided that everyone should be treated equally regardless of who they are and how they behave and what they believe in! It's insane but this kind of lunacy has even pervaded the laws of some western countries so now private citizens and business have to cow-tow to these muddleheaded loonies and 'Men's Clubs' now have fat tubs of uddery lard knocking at the doors and a chap can't even decide who he allows into his own bar or night club!

                      Thank heavens there are still some normal places on the planet where a man and a woman and a muslim and a catholic and a gay and a lesbo can go and do what he or she wants and open a business and do business with whomever that person wishes to do business with.

                      Discrimination is not a dirty word. People are NOT all equal.

                      Why on earth would you want to take a ladyboy to a club where she's not welcome. You humiliate yourself and her and you attack the sensibilities of people who do not want minority sexualities thrust in their faces.

                      My maxim is this...

                      "I walk amongst you but I'm not like you. Don't change me and I won't hurt you."

                      Unfortunately there are too many people trying to legislate against the human spirit and instinct in their barmy attempts to make the world a crappier place.

                      The Q Bar... Not ladyboy friendly? So what... When you can get muslims to embrace christians and Thais to shake hands with Arabs and Korean men to treat women is equalls then maybe you'll have a reasonable fight.

                      Humans hate each other and will do anything to project that hatred on to each other in any way possible. The easiest over the course of time has been to pick on what divides us and seperates us. It can be your sex, your sexuality, the football team you support, the town you are from, the country you are from, the color of your skin, what you wear, your hair style...

                      The only thing that will unite humanity is a war with another planet!

                      In the mean time and untill that happens I'll continue to hang out where I know I am welcome and happily avoid the places where I am not!


                      • #12
                        Crikey SB That's a bit deep but profound nontheless.

                        I don't think there is any point in getting your nickers in a twist over this darkestdesire, just have a drink with the boss (David) and he'll give you his phone number with an instruction to call him up if you have a future problem...That is what he said to me.


                        • #13
                          Khun Pentire,

                          could you do this for me toooo that I live in Bangkok and have a LB GF??? I would love to be able to get into Q Bar as an alternative to the Bed...

                          That is every BKK LB's dream... Entering the Qbar for an LB is like women entering the original olympic games 2500 years ago



                          • #14
                            Darkestdesire, not all of us agree with Stogie nor Kahuna.

                            I for one think this type of discrimination should not be allowed anywhere. Private or public, I think it is not acceptable. I also would like to keep going to this establishment. I don't agree to just 'go somewhere else'.

                            Also, to say the owner's logic is valid, is crap. He ONLY does it because he can get away with it. If a few ladies caused problems, would he reject all ladies from entering? No. Because he'd be out of business the first night. He does it becuase no one gives a damn about LBs and he can discriminate in this case and no one will act up.

                            I will be taking this further. I just need to figure out the right way; quietly, public embarassment with video on YouTube, article in Bangkok Post, legal action, whatever, I'm open for it.

                            I don't go quietly in life, and as one of my employees once told me, "If you as an executive and don't fix difficult things, who will?" I don't disrespect anyone taking the passive route and accepting this for their own reasons. It's just not my way of thinking or dealing with something I feel deeply, is wrong.


                            • #15
                              Grrr.... here we go!!!  

                              If a few ladies caused problems, would he reject all ladies from entering? No. Because he'd be out of business the first night.
                              Ladies are the main attraction and there would be plenty of ladies to replace a few troublemakers. Ladyboys are a distraction not an attraction in The Q Bar...

                              The plain fact is that you can't change Thailand. Thais won't allow it! Instead of telling other people how to run their countries maybe you could divert some of your 'executive' resources into saving your own country from the discriminations faced by the transgendered community...

                              Instead of getting worked up about a local bar that won't allow your friends through the door, strike a blow for yourself and the transgendered community by sharing something of your alternative lifestyle with the people you work with! Let's see how long you remain an "executive!"

                              Demanding access to bars that don't want you but living a secretive double life to keep your job seems to be stretching the idea of a commitment to fighting the good fight against discrimination a bit...

                              It's OK for your colleagues to NOT find your friends acceptable and to act discriminatory but the Q Bar owes you a free pass on the grounds of unfair discrimination!!!

                              He ONLY does it because he can get away with it...
                              He does it because he believes that it's in the best interests of HIS business... and what do you mean by "get away with..." He's not breaking any laws, is he?

                              I hope I'm not being too hard on you ZS, but I honestly can't see what grounds you have for a case against a Thai bar that decides who comes throught their doors.

