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Pond - The Real Story

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  • Pond - The Real Story

    First of all I choose to post here on the Board where I have been a member the longest time (1.5 years) vs. a board that I have been on a few weeks.  Secondly, after reading that outrageous thread on that lb69 board and seeing the 95%+ support for an individual that posted a thread filled with pure BS with no facts or evidence whatsoever€¦.there is no way I could give that facts there without a bias already existing.

    I must refrain from giving some details, and I am sure you all understand due to the fact I am living here.  This is NOT an interesting read or movie€¦€¦€¦€¦.its real life with real people involved.

    I have lived in Pattaya since Aug 1, 2007 and butterfly very often due to the many high quality girls available.  All the girls know that I am a huge butterfly.  I went with Pond several times during August €¦.we were in a business relationship during that time.  She received ample pay for services rendered and I was also satisfied.   I avoided seeing her by the end of August due to her increasing possesiveness and jealousy over my barfining other girls.  I had advice from another BM that saw her erratic behavior and jealousy as did I.  I thought it was best to move on and only see other ladies.  Pond continued to quite literally stalk me.  I found new rooms or hotels to stay at and I kept changing rooms and hotels to avoid her.  She would often get angry that I was in town and not calling her or seeing her.  During the time I was avoiding her, she deliberately had my name tattooed on her body which I could not believe after telling her how much I hate tattoos in a previous conversation.  She went as far as e-mailing me the pics of it while I was in Bangkok hoping that would make me leave the girl I was seeing there and rush back to her.

    During the two months of Sept and Oct, I avoided contacting her.  She on the other hand would call multiple times a day.  When she would reach me I would only say hello and chat briefly with her€¦€¦€¦€¦.there was NO Sexual Relations€¦€¦€¦..She would often call me or send an SMS multiple times daily saying hello, asking for advise, or help with problems at 131 or with a customer etc€¦and even asking for money for taxi or food.

    On Nov 1, 2007 I came out of my Apt. to find my new motorbike was trashed.  I saw that somebody tore off both mirrors, stole the bike helmet (brand new), attempted to steal the bike, jammed the ignition switch€¦€¦pulled out a knife and slit open the seat from end to end.  Inquiries were made to management.  Examination of the security tapes found that Pond had trashed the motorbike during a 12 minute time frame.

    I challenged her about this.  At first she denied it.  Later she sent me several messages saying sorry and that she would fix the bike.  After 3 days she failed to repair the bike.
    I called her to ask if she would fix the bike finally.  She responded by saying, she would rather spend the baht on hiring Thai men to injure me.  It was at this point I was advised by My Thai friends and falang friends that this information along with security tapes should be taken to the police quickly so as to ensure my personal safety.
    The police viewed the tape and immediately questioned her.  The Police wanted to know if I wanted her imprisoned.  I answered I only wanted compensation for the damage to the bike and for her to leave me alone. They obtained 1k baht on the spot with the promise of more to follow.  The police assured me that she would not contact me again, nor would I be injured or killed as a result of the above.  They also stated that if anything at all were to ever happen to me, she would be immediately arrested and jailed. They assured me that it was all over.

    A day later, she was calling me once more for money.  Two days later she was asking me to buy her a gold ring as a token of my love.  Three days later she was phoning me to ask for 100k baht and she stated it was so that I can live. These types of calls and threats went on for several days.  There are independent witnesses that overheard her threats and demands for 100,000 baht for me to stay alive.

    She has since then gone home and continues to request money thru her daily phone calls to me.  She even went as far as asking me to let her live in My Apt here in Pattaya when she returns.

    The last several weeks of my life have been very confusing and very frightening.  I have never in my life been stalked in my own country, but to be stalked in a foreign culture is almost more than I can stand.  I further had to suffer the condemnation from falangs on internet boards who not only believe her 100% but also have caused her to profit 25,000 baht based solely on her word as a respectable prostitute in Thailand.  Matters have been made even worse by locally based falangs that have known the real truth as posted above but who deliberately distorted the truth for their own malicious reasons when posting on another ladyboy website.  Such people even post my Forum name and alleged details of my personal life on that website based on only their own speculation and fantasy.  Said person should be advised that people that live in glass houses should not throw stones.
    You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!

  • #2

    as you know, when I read first posts in a different forum, and I didnt know your view, and of course I thought pond is right.

    As you didnt defend the accusation, it boosted your "guiltyness".

    I am sorry about that, I was one of them who thought so.

    But now I know your view has been approved by different sources and I know you are telling the truth.

    Thanks for clearing up the whole story.

    I wished you replied earlier in that other forum right after the wrong accusation appeared, then you could avoid more troubles.



    • #3
      Old Enough to Know and Young Enough to Do!!!
      It's probably about time that you changed that as it's obviously miles off the mark!

      The girl is obviously a nutter and it's late at night so I'll save my really good stuff till the morning...

      In the mean time...

      Is it the season for this kind of thing? Why are so many of our regular readers (and contributors) still falling into the same darn holes in the road!

      Like I say - I'm about whiskyed out and if I post what's on my mind now I'll get banned by RXPharm... (and quite rightly so!)


      • #4
         Fuck me

        At least my girl has wanted  to take her "OWN LIFE" and " not threaten "MINE"  
        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


        • #5
          As you didnt defend the accusation, it boosted your "guiltyness".
          Like I say - I'll wait till tomorrow before I reply to this sort of tabloid bollocks.


          • #6
            I said sorry..


            • #7
              Only met you in Pattaya for a few drinks in September and thought you ok guy. I too have had shit wrote about me when i did not defend myself. You have my sympathy and we should heed Stoogie advise,. I had a relapse the other day and sent Fern a little money, hopefully once again I have learned from my mistakes and move on. At the end of the day you can only trust your mother and no one else. Back in February so hope to meet up for a drink and hopefully to butterfly big time.


              • #8
                I have never been stalked but I have had friends who were. It sounds like you need to take some pro-active steps. Get out of Pattaya, get a new phone and what ever else it may take. Forget the bike it was just a ploy to keep you guys joined at the hip.

                In the states we have stalking laws sometime they work sometime they don't, good luck in Thailand.


                • #9
                  In the states we have stalking laws sometime they work sometime they don't, good luck in Thailand.
                  In Thailand Prostitution is illegal! Go Figure!!!

                  "Laws" don't apply in the real world.


                  • #10

                    Can't mention other websites or their forum
                    "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                    • #11
                      Moved back! This is the biggest story since erm....

                      Well, I'm not sure but I think the world should know!

                      Mentioning other websites isn't against forum policy. It's just annoying!


                      • #12
                        What has been moved? I cant see any links?


                        • #13
                          having just read your story, i find myself at a loss as to understand how you expected to be treated after you have behaved so badly, you say yourself that you, butterflied all over the place. butterflying is generally frowned upon by both lbs and ggs. however if one is discreet and dont rub thier noses in it. it is accepted in small doses. if you screw around like the poachers dog you should expect to be kicked like one.
                          the question is would you behave like this in your own country, as i imagine you probably wouldnt, you are therefore showing huge disrespect for for the culture and people of thailand, regardless of how they earn thier daily bread.
                          personally i think you were lucky she only attacked your motorbike, i Know some lbs and gg who would converted you into a post op.
                          the old english addage applies here i think....
                          Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned .. william shakespeare 16th centuary


                          • #14
                            (mistertim @ Nov. 19 2007,19:17) having just read your story, i find myself at a loss as to understand how you expected to be treated after you have behaved so badly, you say yourself that you, butterflied all over the place. butterflying is generally frowned upon by both lbs and ggs. however if one is discreet and dont rub thier noses in it. it is accepted in small doses. if you screw around like the poachers dog you should expect to be kicked like one.
                            the question is would you behave like this in your own country, as i imagine you probably wouldnt, you are therefore showing huge disrespect for for the culture and people of thailand, regardless of how they earn thier daily bread.
                            personally i think you were lucky she only attacked your motorbike, i Know some lbs and gg who would converted you into a post op.
                            the old english addage applies here i think....
                            Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned .. william shakespeare 16th centuary
                            get a grip.

                            pond has probably been with more people than sampler doc, he's paying so he can do what he likes. i've been on the end of jelousy attacks b4 (and i bet many other guys have too) and it isn't pleasant when you are on holiday.
                            mine were when i was a newbie, but this story just prooves that we need to always be upfront with our butterflying intentions to the girls as they can be very sensitive (or should that be viscious hehehehe).


                            • #15
                              As I read the postings, I wonder what prompts this sort of behavior? Is it the money? Is it really love? My initial feelings are that it is certainly not love, especially in an environment where the word "love" is thrown about like "hello". I suspect it is money driven. First the Mint postings, now Pond postings of erratic behavior. What is going on in their heads?

