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Pond - The Real Story

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  • (rxpharm @ Nov. 28 2007,00:17) Samplerdoc has an open return air ticket to the USA, so if he does need to leave Thailand all he has change the date and off he goes if things get that bad for him.

    Rossco is a long time resident of Pattaya, and I doubt that 25,000 Baht (about 750 USD) was going to be something he was desperate for.
    Are you sure
    Looks like both are lost in thoughts ...


    • (kittenpaws @ Nov. 27 2007,23:44) To my fucked up ludicrously twisted mind,all i see,is two or three members,of two forums,creating a scene,to fleece people out of money.
      Do you honestly believe,pond would rush to a forum to warn all  punters of a nasty fellow punter?
      No she wouldn't,she would simply warn HER CLOSE FRIENDS of him,and advise them to avoid him,and him alone.

      Why is it only Rossco who can contact her,and raise * unwanted * funds of assistance for her.( anyone got their money back?......after all,it wasn't used to pay the police...... she had to sell her necklace to do that! ).

      ( can you all see what i am trying to say here? )

      If Samplerdoc,suddenly starts telling everyone fresh stories of despair,and suddenly finds a * mysterious * occurence,has removed lots and lots of his personal money,or needs to break free of the whole harrowing situation where he is and move away,and requires money to leave the area,on  advice from members ( that would be hitting our '' we are responsible,guilty spot'',and the offers of sympathy and money to help would flood in to him! ),would anyone in this forum,and the other forum,picture all 3 people,sitting in a small room,splitting up the 25,000 and laughing over a table at all the pricks they've fleeced?
      ( Sampledoc could be simply a victim of the other two ).

      It just seems too sudden and wild to be real,like it was lifted from a couple of cheap asian film noir novels or films.I simply picture thai ladyboys/hookers etc,in a class room,with a madame standing at a blackboard,teaching them how to go about it all.from the apparent sudden madness that creates a stalker to sob stories of misery,brutality and theft.even,how to work a computer and type in conveniently perfectly understandable,yet badly typed illegible english,so everyone can understand HOW MUCH MONEY THEY NEED!!!
      well....i dont trust people that dont use their normal profile to post an attack on others....its a kind of to "gay" for me,....

      and holy buddha...what an insight youwe got after 2 posts totally...thats IF youre new...

      where did you get the amount 25.000 from??? come on...enlightenen us...or at least me...
      so far...iam only familiar with 2 that helped her...Me and an german guy... and NO Roscco is not the only one who can get in contact with her... he even had to ask me for her number... and its not me most secret number in pattaya...

      so your theory your profile....pure bullshit...

      and if you dont thrust me....try ask some of the barowners ....
      all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read


      • (PigDogg @ Nov. 25 2007,10:58)
        (doug @ Nov. 24 2007,19:37) I'm not familar with Pattaya's layout, but there MUST be a quiet, bargirl-free neighborhood somewhere around that city.
        For you guys that live in Sodom by the Sea, does this exist and if so where?
        Probably on the dark side. Which is what the east side of Sukhumvit is affectionately called. Lots of expat areas there but a bit of a pain to get into town. Guess that would make you a double darksider.

        (rxpharm @ Nov. 26 2007,04:19) So, in short as many have said here, pay them to leave, don't try a longterm relationship with a p4p gg or lb. If you're looking for a long term relationship, look for a "good girl" if want to have a reasonable chance of success.
        No problem meeting nice girls in Pattaya. The ones at the discos all work at beauty salons.


        • Yes it is amazing that they all have the same Bullshit Story. "I work in a salon" "I am a student at the University". I just arrived in town. On and on...and you know what...we all want to believe that we have caught a fish out of water!!


          • i just joined this forum yesterday,and i would like to add my bit.i was in Pattaya for 3 weeks in October which i spent with i have read and listened to her side and i have read SD ,s side of the story and samplerdoc says Pond wanted him to buy her a gold ring.Whilst in Pattaya i was looking to change hotels and Pond took me to 2 hotels and 1 of which his bike was parked,there was a polythene bag attached to the bike.Pond opened the bag and amongst the contents was a red heart shaped box with a gold ring inside,she showed me the ring that HE had bought and the note saying i dont want to be with you anymore and happy birthday,these dont seem to be the actions of a stalker,infact quite the opposite,also in the 3 weeks Pond never phoned him once,however he phoned her on 2 occasions,and when he called she put her mobile on speaker so i heard both sides of the conversation.I know this post is 1 month old now and people probably dont care anymore, but if he lied about the ring then how much of the rest of his story is untrue


            • (brianj64 @ Nov. 30 2007,22:31) .I know this post is 1 month old now and people probably dont care anymore
              you're right on that point......old news...........
    ,  you're really a guy?..............  


              • (brianj64 @ Dec. 01 2007,03:31) i just joined this forum yesterday,and i would like to add my bit.i was in Pattaya for 3 weeks in October which i spent with i have read and listened to her side and i have read SD ,s side of the story and samplerdoc says Pond wanted him to buy her a gold ring.Whilst in Pattaya i was looking to change hotels and Pond took me to 2 hotels and 1 of which his bike was parked,there was a polythene bag attached to the bike.Pond opened the bag and amongst the contents was a red heart shaped box with a gold ring inside,she showed me the ring that HE had bought and the note saying i dont want to be with you anymore and happy birthday,these dont seem to be the actions of a stalker,infact quite the opposite,also in the 3 weeks Pond never phoned him once,however he phoned her on 2 occasions,and when he called she put her mobile on speaker so i heard both sides of the conversation.I  know this post is 1 month old now and people probably dont care anymore, but if he lied about the ring then how much of the rest of his story is untrue
                Nice Post Pond .........who helped with the english??

                It's good to matter what the pay

                Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

                Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
                ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

                "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


                • Hey brianjackoff, I am not sure you what motivates you because this post sounds like pure ignorance and bullshit if I have ever heard it before!! Just go find a LB to fuck and stop trying to be a "Hooker Hero"!!


                  • FFS the guy writes a small piece defending Pond's corner and here is you jumping down his throat.
                    I can relate to what brianj64 writes because I know Pond reasonably well having spent at least 60 minutes talking with her whilst I was drinking at Club 131 every night for 4 weeks in July, although admittedly, SamplerDoc I am yet to meet.

                    Please aperry unless you have enjoyed time spent with Pond, please refrain from even commenting on this matter.

                    If Brian is a  "Hooker Hero"!! then I reckon you are a keyboard warrior  


                    • Pentire I think you need to read the post again that brian made. "There is his bike parked with a plastic bag just happens to be hanging out attached with a gold ring inside". How could anyone possibly believe this kind of horseshit story? What did the next bike have a diamond ring? As far as knowing Pond I have spent entire nights with her on visits so I know her well. She is a great young gal and I personally like her and have never seen any trouble from her. I have never taken a side in this saga or will I nor do I need to like some others do for their own egos. Saying something is bullshit is hardly jumping down someone's throat. In a court of law it is called a forum it is called bullshit period. The diamond ring story does not fit nor do any pieces of this puzzle so far. Maybe you can sort it out as my job here is simply the "Bullshit Detective".


                      • P.S. Pentire. brian jackoff has a total of two fucking post so far on this forum so who really is the keyboard warrior on this forum?


                        • (aperry @ Dec. 02 2007,01:56) 1} "There is his bike parked with a plastic bag just happens to be hanging out attached with a gold ring inside".  How could anyone possibly believe this kind of horseshit story?  

                          2}  As far as knowing Pond I have spent entire nights with her on visits so I know her well.  She is a great young gal and I personally like her and have never seen any trouble from her.

                          3} I have never taken a side in this saga or will I nor do I need to like some others do for their own egos.

                          4}  Saying something is bullshit is hardly jumping down someone's throat.  In a court of law it is called a forum it is called bullshit period.  Maybe you can sort it out as my job here is simply the "Bullshit Detective".
                          1}This guy posted what he says he saw and until proved otherwise, I am happy to accept his comments as a truthful sequence of events in the same fashion as others have accepted SD's ''True Story''

                          2}You say you know Pond, so that is fine...I Believe You !

                          3}I can't see what taking someones side of the story has anything to do with ones ego

                          4}Well, if it transpires that brianj64's statement was absolute fiction then...Good Call.


                          • (brianj64 @ Dec. 01 2007,16:31) Whilst in Pattaya i was looking to change hotels and Pond took me to 2 hotels and 1 of which his bike was parked,there was a polythene bag attached to the bike.Pond opened the bag and amongst the contents was a red heart shaped box with a gold ring inside,she showed me the ring that HE had bought and the note saying i dont want to be with you anymore and happy birthday,these dont seem to be the actions of a stalker,infact quite the opposite.
                            Humble apologies if proved otherwise but if this doesn't set your BS detector off loud and clear nothing will.

                            This is wrong on so many levels. The bag on a bike with a ring in it? The "Dear John" note? That the wounded girl might find the said bike, note, bag and ring? And have the gall to go and open the bag and note - and presumably, being the wronged party and a good girl to boot, put the ring and note back where they were in the bag?


                            Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


                            • [QUOTE]Whilst in Pattaya i was looking to change hotels and Pond took me to 2 hotels and 1 of which his bike was parked,there was a polythene bag attached to the bike.Pond opened the bag and amongst the contents was a red heart shaped box with a gold ring inside,she showed me the ring that HE had bought and the note saying i dont want to be with you anymore and happy birthday,these dont seem to be the actions of a stalker,infact quite the opposite."

                              Well said Pentire I think you are starting to see the light! The above story is very difficult to digest and has to originate from a gal as I have never heard a guy talk that kind of bullshit at least never around me. There must be over 50,000 bikes in Patts and "Look I see his bike over here!" They all look alike to me! What a crock of shit!!


                              • Your Honor,
                                if it please the court:
                                the odds of the defendant's bike being parked at the hotel to which the plaintiff happened to take Brian multiplied by the likelihood of the defendant leaving a gold ring in a plastic bag on the bike parked on a public street, multiplied by the believability of the scenario in which the plaintiff opens the bag, finds the ring and then *leaves* the ring there -- *despite* its apparently (though here i have trouble with the syntax) having been bought for her -- are precisely (.07x.00002x.00000000....0000001=). .2/google. or, in layman's terms -- fat chance. of course, even DNA evidence might be in error two or three times out of a billion, so...  
                                Further, Your Honor, the defense must ask with what probable cause did the plaintiff open the bag which she knew to be the personal property of the defendant? Had she asked him to buy her a ring and then psychically assumed that that "polythene bag" contained the requested property which was deservedly hers? and is there any evidence that the bag was actually "polythene" and not some similar but separate by-product of the oil and plastic industries?  and can plaintiff read sufficient english to understand the note properly? how could she be certain the note was directed to her? is she the only one with a proximous birthday?was it addressed to her by name? and if the ring (and note) were for her, why did she not take them? and finally, if the defendant had bought her a gold ring -- at her request -- thereby expressing his great affection for her, why would it be attached to a 'dear john' note? does the defendant look to be so rich as to be tossing gold rings to the ladies of the night with whom he does not wish to fornicate? what must he give to those with whom he does still desire to create the double-humped beast?  
                                your honor, i can come to only one conclusion.

                                there is only one possible explanation for the defendant's totally erratic, illogical, wasteful and self-destructive behavior, as sworn to here by the plaintiff herself and all her witnesses:
                                it is the defendant, your honor, who is the ladyboy!

                                therefore, Your Honor, i move that all charges be dropped and this case dismissed.

