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Pond - The Real Story

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  • holy shit what a fukkin soap opera.

    what the hell has become of your lives that youre this involved with a tranny hooker.. blah blah shes human i know blah...

    and now for everyone to dwell on the he did this she did that whiny bullshit.

    try the fuck and pay method and dont get too involved with a bar girl wheteher tranny or straight.


    • what must he give to those with whom he does still desire to create the double-humped beast?
      Mister Arse


      • (thaibound @ Dec. 02 2007,10:33) the odds of the defendant's bike being parked at the hotel to which the plaintiff happened to take Brian multiplied by the likelihood of the defendant leaving a gold ring in a plastic bag on the bike parked on a public street, multiplied by the believability of the scenario in which the plaintiff opens the bag, finds the ring and then *leaves* the ring there -- *despite* its apparently (though here i have trouble with the syntax) having been bought for her -- are precisely (.07x.00002x.00000000....0000001=). .2/google. or, in layman's terms -- fat chance. of course, even DNA evidence might be in error two or three times out of a billion, so...  
        Brilliant.....Mr. CSI Pattaya.....    
        Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


        • Thaibound, I just detected the Bullshit story at an early however have ripped the bullshit story into a million little pieces. Well done and I think Stephen Leather has some competition now. This is fastly becoming the Patts story of the year( as the year is drawing to a close) .


          • (Stewart @ Nov. 20 2007,09:13)
            (stogie bear @ Nov. 20 2007,09:20)
            (mistertim @ Nov. 20 2007,00:17) having just read your story, i find myself at a loss as to understand how you expected to be treated after you have behaved so badly, you say yourself that you, butterflied all over the place. butterflying is generally frowned upon by both lbs and ggs. however if one is discreet and dont rub thier noses in it. it is accepted in small doses. if you screw around like the poachers dog you should expect to be kicked like one.
            the question is would you behave like this in your own country, as i imagine you probably wouldnt, you are therefore showing huge disrespect for for the culture and people of thailand, regardless of how they earn thier daily bread.
            personally i think you were lucky she only attacked your motorbike, i Know some lbs and gg who would converted you into a post op.
            the old english addage applies here i think....
            Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned .. william shakespeare 16th centuary
            Could be the stupidest post of the year!
            What do you mean "could" be?
            Because the year's not over and people are just getting revved up. Still 30 days for people to top it.

            Did I mention that I was *never* with Pond, and during all the time that we were *not* together, I never once heard anything bad about any board member.

            Pond's kinda cute. But not on my team.

            Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

            Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


            • soap opera............ z..z...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

              Anyone else as bored as I am?

              A ) I don't give a shit who is telling the truth, SamplerDoc or Pond.

              B ) SamplerDoc is an idiot for getting emotionally involved with a prosititute while she's still working (Don't flame me, I'm not saying these girls can't be redeemed, only that it's STUPID to try and do so while they're still blowing 30 guys a week).

              C ) Pond is a prostitute and a ladyboy, which means I'd trust her about as far as I can shoot a load of cum. I'm sure she's a sweet girl, an excellent GFE, and probably lots of fun in the sack, but that doesn't mean she's trustworthy.

              All of this adds up to: DRAMA.

              SamplerDoc and his friends are going to keep registering new accounts to slag Pond, and Pond and her friends are going to do exactly the same thing.

              I spend a great deal of time and effort arranging my private life to avoid exactly this kind of drama, so I'm certainly not please to find it on these forums.

              Could both sides of this issue please do the rest of us a favor? From now on, when you want to flame each other, at least include naked pics of Pond blowing dicks in every post you make. At least then this thread won't be so FUCKING BORING!


              • (doug @ Dec. 02 2007,09:43) Could both sides of this issue please do the rest of us a favor?   From now on, when you want to flame each other, at least include naked pics of Pond blowing dicks in every post you make.  At least then this thread won't be so FUCKING BORING!
                You are right of course Doug !
                My mind goes back to one morning at the PBR in July with Pond helping herself to breakfast
                Attached Files


                • doug, you've posted some insightful comments, but i'm at lost with your latest - if this thread is "so FUCKING BORING!" why the fuck do you keep reading it - and not just reading, but posting on it, to keep it bumped to the top of "new posts"

                  me, i'm enjoying the soap opera, now that it's removed itself from the real world of deceit and danger to the fantasy world of my truth is bigger than your truth -- when truth doesn't mean anything anyway because in the LOS it's FACE that matters, not TRUTH - i'm certain MOST of our dear readers have heard this many times -- so if you're gonna read it, gotta have fun with it. life's short. read it if it makes you smile or peaks your curiousity and enjoy it OR just fucking faggitabowtit.(that's NOT misspelled, it's a phonetic dialect)

                  ciao baby.


                  • and now allow me to immediately apologize as your rant managed to already elicit at least one photo of pond proving she'd never tell a lie because she can't speak with her mouth full!!
                    rant on, my friend, rant on


                    • (pentire @ Dec. 02 2007,16:56) My mind goes back to one morning at the PBR in July with Pond helping herself to breakfast  
                      That's never been on my PBR breakfast menu...
                      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                      • (thaibound @ Dec. 02 2007,16:59) and now allow me to immediately apologize as your rant managed to already elicit at least one photo of pond proving she'd never tell a lie because she can't speak with her mouth full!!
                        rant on, my friend, rant on
                        Glad you caught on.

                        I wasn't really ranting about the soap opera going on in this thread, it's kind of liking driving by a traffic accident. You don't want to look, but you can't help it.

                        What I was reallly ranting about was the lack of nudity in this soap opera! So cheers to Pentire for coming through with pics of his naked body... um... no... that's wrong...



                        • (kahuna @ Dec. 02 2007,16:04)
                          (pentire @ Dec. 02 2007,16:56) My mind goes back to one morning at the PBR in July with Pond helping herself to breakfast  
                          That's never been on my PBR breakfast menu...
                          It's always on mine! Breakfast in bed, though!


                          • Boys,boys,boys,
                            This has been most a entertaining thread,some of you guys are very sharp and witty with your replys..ibut seriously,it's got to stop.
                            I don't know anybody involved in this fiasco,and feel sorry for anybody who feels aggrieved by the events whether it's samplerdoc,pond,or any friends of either party..
                            but it's getting to the stage where me and the girls feel like coming down to Pattaya,giving each and everyone of you a handbag and watch all you slug it out on Beach Road,then when you finish you can all go back to your rooms and think about what you've done!
                            i have not seen this kind of behaviour since primary school!
                            play fair guys,just try to be nice to each other,
                            this is not intended to be rude,but come on...
                            Naang Faa
                            Forgot how this forum works  


                            • (pentire @ Dec. 02 2007,07:25) FFS the guy writes a small piece defending Pond's corner and here is you jumping down his throat.
                              I can relate to what brianj64 writes because I know Pond reasonably well having spent at least 60 minutes talking with her whilst I was drinking at Club 131 every night for 4 weeks in July, although admittedly, SamplerDoc I am yet to meet.

                              Please aperry unless you have enjoyed time spent with Pond, please refrain from even commenting on this matter.

                              If Brian is a "Hooker Hero"!! then I reckon you are a keyboard warrior
                              Its FACT i was there,if you want to slag me off bring it on, You can ask anyone in131,i am not defending pond, i payed her 1 nite then the rest of the holiday was free,I have never met samplerdoc, but another boardmember seems to echo the phone call experience.As for the gold ring in the bag on the bike that is 100% true


                              • (Dieter @ Dec. 02 2007,13:35)
                                (thaibound @ Dec. 02 2007,10:33) the odds of the defendant's bike being parked at the hotel to which the plaintiff happened to take Brian multiplied by the likelihood of the defendant leaving a gold ring in a plastic bag on the bike parked on a public street, multiplied by the believability of the scenario in which the plaintiff opens the bag, finds the ring and then *leaves* the ring there -- *despite* its apparently (though here i have trouble with the syntax) having been bought for her -- are precisely (.07x.00002x.00000000....0000001=). .2/google. or, in layman's terms -- fat chance. of course, even DNA evidence might be in error two or three times out of a billion, so...
                                Brilliant.....Mr. CSI Pattaya.....
                                It want a public street, it was the Pattaya bay resort hotel,where he was staying,but had seemingly gone awol,and left all his possessions at the have some back

