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Pond - The Real Story

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  • (Naang Faa @ Dec. 02 2007,22:26) i have not seen this kind of behaviour since primary school! play fair guys,just try to be nice to each other,
    this is not intended to be rude,but come on...
    No...No...No...Don't play fair guys...

    Juvenile internet assholes are what make this place fun Naang Faa...
    "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


    • (Naang Faa @ Dec. 02 2007,08:26) me and the girls feel like coming down to Pattaya,giving each and everyone of you a handbag and watch all you slug it out on Beach Road
                                                                                  Naang Faa

      okay....but only if i get the same purse Lala got. me likey big purse. little ladyboy.


      • (brianj64 @ Dec. 02 2007,08:37)
        (Dieter @ Dec. 02 2007,13:35)
        (thaibound @ Dec. 02 2007,10:33) the odds of the defendant's bike being parked at the hotel to which the plaintiff happened to take Brian multiplied by the likelihood of the defendant leaving a gold ring in a plastic bag on the bike parked on a public street, multiplied by the believability of the scenario in which the plaintiff opens the bag, finds the ring and then *leaves* the ring there -- *despite* its apparently (though here i have trouble with the syntax) having been bought for her -- are precisely (.07x.00002x.00000000....0000001=). .2/google. or, in layman's terms -- fat chance. of course, even DNA evidence might be in error two or three times out of a billion, so...  
        Brilliant.....Mr. CSI Pattaya.....    
        It want a public street, it was the Pattaya bay resort hotel,where he was staying,but had seemingly gone awol,and left all his possessions at the have some back  
        my apologies to Naang Faa , i know, i know, i should go back to watching the nfl, but this is just toooo much fun!! and i hope my is not taken too seriously by anyone as i confess i have NO facts on this incident. none. zip. zero. and have never hired, fucked, gifted, loved or broken up with pond. OR SD for that matter. though between the two, no question i'd pick pond, despite how many gold rings SD might offer me. (end of disclaimer) so...

        Your Honor,
        i'd like to object to the introduction of new evidence with regard to the specific location of defendant's motorbike in a private and secure parking space , but -- i'm sorry. just a moment. what is that? ah. i see. well, Your Honor, it seems the parking at the PBR is open, uncovered, unsecured and accessible to sufficient numbers of the public-at-large as to make little distinction between private and public for security of storage purposes, so - objection withdrawn.

        as for the defendant having 'seemingly gone AWOL' - perhaps there would be a better term for the circumstance by which one exits one's hotel room without taking along all one's belongings or riding one's only motorbike. perhaps we could say he had 'seemingly gone for a walk'?

        and since we're allowing 'new evidence' Your Honor, might i cross-examine to ask why the plaintiff would take the witness to the very hotel she knew the defendant to be staying if she was so concerned that he was stalking her? and how did she then learn the defendant was not in fact asleep in his room, unless she asked specifically for him at the desk or indeed went ahead and knocked at his door, perhaps asking 'hey, stalker, you in there?' which he may well have heard her say but declined to reply for fear the ladyboy in the room with him at the time might have refused to accept the two gold rings he was offering her in return for her not falling in love with him.

        Your witness.


        • I just scroll down to see pics if any. Thanks Pentire, about f-ing time a pic appeared. Lets see some more pics of Pond.


          • Y'alls spend too much time in the past.
            My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


            • Brainjackoff, Your posts and attests involving the Pond incident are a moot point. This was your 4th post and have been registered for only 4 days. You are not fooling anyone with your bullshit story. Whatever reasons you have or whomever you are trying to are probably doing them more harm than good. Please go back to the drawing board and come up with a more plausable story line!!


              • i thought calling names is what kids do, if i had 10000 posts would you believe elvis was alive,get my point, let me tell you the story in laymens terms you prick. he was staying at this hotel,pond took me to various hotels to look at to see if i liked them, are you still with me. at 1 hotel was sds bike, now earlier in the week pond had told me about an ex she was going out with had done 1 and left all his posessions in his room and whist at the hotel she asked the desk girl if he had returned yet to retrieve his gear and she said no..still with me dickhead,if so i will continue, on leaving the hotel and going to her scooter she pointed to another scooter and said it was his,then said that the bag contained stuff he had left, and opened it to show me a ring that he had given her but she didnt want to be with him anymore so she put the ring in the bag on his bike with the note i dont give a fuck what you believe,its true


                • Hi Thaibound,
                  absolutely no need for an apology, i thought it was funny,and thank you so much for the "wai"

                  I tried..i failed,so i will just leave you guys to to it.....
                  Naang Faa
                  p.s, if it does end up Beach Road,may i recommend the Louis Vuitton "monogram multicolore speedy 30!
                  It's small,compact,has reinforced brass corners and lethal in the right hands...
                  The weapon of choice in any bag-battle (well it's more use than lala's big bag anyway)
                  Forgot how this forum works  


                  • (brianj64 @ Dec. 03 2007,14:31) i thought calling names is what kids do
                    so why write:
           laymens terms you prick
                    ..still with me dickhead
                    You're hardly endearing yourself here are you?

                    i dont give a fuck what you believe,its true
                    I think you do though

                    ffs just leave it will you, both of you.

                    I'm finding it hard to believe that a bag was sat there a whole week with a shiney prescious ring in it, if I was in Patts it wouldn't be there another day after reading about it here...

                    I've made kathylc  


                    • (doug @ Dec. 02 2007,16:43) Anyone else as bored as I am?
                      No, its very exciting Doug

                      Dualling Pistols would be the perfect way to sort this .
                      Gentlemen.... 15 paces and may your honour prevail...

                      The good old days ah!


                      • Hey brianj, You certainly have called me some terrible names and I am sure not too much thought has gone into your post. Now for the real truth, which I don't think you can handle!! 999 people out of 1000 on this forum DO NOT BELIEVE YOUR that leaves only you.


                        • Any chance of this making it on to the big screen

                          Nicolas Cage to play Sample Doc with the lovely Daryll Hannah to play Pond who incidently would have to wear a strap on during the bedroom scene.

                          Not sure about the classification of the movie

                          Drama Thriller or Comedy


                          • May a remake from Who,s afraid of Virginia Woolf...Richard Burton and Elisabeth Taylor
                            Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


                            • (doug @ Dec. 02 2007,16:43) SamplerDoc and his friends are going to keep registering new accounts to slag Pond, and Pond and her friends are going to do exactly the same thing.
                              Kind of reminds me of this quote:

                              "Our enemies ... never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."


                              • Unbelievably said by George W Bush 2007!

