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Celebrating 10 years of ladyboy GF's!

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  • #31
    (DexterH @ Sep. 26 2008,00:22) she was one part of a tug of love
    Like those wanking competitions they have sometimes in Stringfellows
    Free your mind and your ass will follow .


    • #32
      Woaw, Daphne....Such a nice LB But did she give you her agreement to post a pic of her? Usually she doesn't want to publish any pic of her... you are lucky...Is she still around BKK?


      • #33

        I was wondering about the same thing. Whatever happened to the lovely Daphne. Is she still on the scene and if so what is her contact details ?? Or has she returned to Cebu for a quieter and less adventurous life ??


        • #34
          (DexterH @ Sep. 26 2008,00:22) I was wondering why Dianne was no longer on the scene, she was one part of a tug of love earlier this year, recorded in two April reports (and awkward English) here as 'Transexual Vendetta'
          If you mean Dianne pictured in post 26, she is still on the scene as of a few days ago. I've known her since 2006 and we chatted recently, said she was in China working. Didn't ask which city, but seems like she may have said Shanghai.
          “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
          ― Henry Ward Beecher

          "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


          • #35
            Great thread f0xxee!! Love the pics, you are an excellent photographer and the reports on the various lovely ladies are wonderful too.

            Thanks and look forward to more.
            “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
            ― Henry Ward Beecher

            "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


            • #36
              Hey Lefty, many thanks... coming from a man who tok the definitive Whitney pictures I am mist grateful...

              Speaking of which... Got any more? hehehehe. Sensational Starters!

              I plan to carry on with more photos tonight, if I can get my ADSL to work. Vietnam comms leave a lot to be desired.

              "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


              • #37
                hey Dexter H,

                Yes you are correct, the other "wounded" party (TS DY) in the story of lurve gone wrong, is none other that Dianna, who appears in photos above. (Not to be confused with Diane Lefty.)

                Correct after we broke up she met this dude, and I remeber her giving me her version of events after it happened. it tallies with the story.

                She is certainly off the scene now. I had an online chat with her from Moscow this afternoon. She did tell me one of her best friends in Moscow is a tall blonde TS... I told her to send her over.

                Anyhow all of this proves two things:

                1. Its a very small world of ladyboys we move in, and a smart player keeps his mouth shut about his ex GF's and all things related to ladyboys, ESPECIALLY Filipinas as they seethe with jealousy, and,

                2. Filipina ladyboys are absolutely the worst and most shocking gossips on the planet, and thorough drama queens. The fact that they are computer literate and have about a million Friendster accounts only makes the world wide jungle drum more effective.

                PS: Other honerable mention in the story you linked is Fionah, also pictured here before.

                "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                • #38
                  OK moving right along....

                  It's hard to leave this one perfect night at Cocktails and Dreams, so I won't.
                  A few more photos.....

                  1. Jenny and Whitney
                  2. Jenny and me
                  3. Lucky me. (A prophetic photo. A few months later after a little incident with Jenny, Whitney became the next Ms f0xxee...)
                  Attached Files

                  "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                  • #39
                    One last lingering look at Cocktails and Dreams.

                    1. Jenny and Kitty
                    2. Perfect Post-op
                    3.Jenny and Whitney.
                    Attached Files

                    "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                    • #40
                      Ok, a little out of order in the time line, but back in January just before I met Dianna, I met Penny.

                      Another Filipina she is post op. she is also absolutely beautiful , incuding her heart and soul. She is elegant, sophisticated and smart, a real woman in every way.

                      We spent a few lovely weeks together and still stay in contact as friends. I have nothing but the highest respect for her.

                      I believe she is in love and very happy.

                      But I have my vices and I prefer meat and 2 veg.
                      Attached Files

                      "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                      • #41
                        One last lingering look at Penny.

                        Her in the pool at my condo in SIN.

                        She used to blow the lights of all around the pool.
                        Attached Files

                        "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                        • #42
                          While we are back in Singapore (and before I get onto Adventures in Vietnam) some Photos of Sascha.

                          I first met her in Singapore back in 2004, then caught up with her again 2 years later.

                          She was very shy when younger but has definately come into her own as she matures.

                          A Singaporean, she is confident and truly charming... She would Make a great SIN AIR trolley-dolly.

                          She is also a good mate. I need to go shopping for clothes and she used to come with me to stop me making fashion disasters. One of those rare ladyboys who can accept themselves and their life and make something of themselves. Again BIG RESPECT!

                          If you see her (she advertises on ViceSisters) treat her with a bunch of kindness and feel the love....
                          Attached Files

                          "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                          • #43
                            While the Jenny/Whitney thing was happening I was offered a chance to move to Vietnam to work. I fell in love with the place. Other than Saigon it is relaxed, happy healthy and cheap. The people are as good as they get. Good workers, enthusiastic and proud.
                            No ladyboys here, but the GG's are so sexy I almost jumped back over the fence.
                            So here I have to import them, which has its blessings... "Honey, you visa will expire soon, you need to go home now"

                            "I don't pay women for sex.... I pay them to go home" Charlie Sheen.

                            First import probably needs no introduction. Trisha from Cebu.

                            Probably the funniest LB I know... truly amusing and great company. Unfortunately has the attention span of a gnat, which can be frustrating, but just when you get angry at her for locking the keys in the hotel room, or walking into your office at work in her pajamas with a sleep mask on her head (and introducing herself to the staff on the way) she hits you with somthing truly funny and smiles and you forgive her. Sometimes.

                            She is also capable of meeting the boss and the crew from work and holding up her end of the conversation and having perfect manners. Not all bad....

                            Lastly if you like them big with that cute little upwards curl, she is your girl.
                            Attached Files

                            "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                            • #44
                              (f0xxee @ Sep. 26 2008,19:15) A Singaporean, she is confident and truly charming... She would Make a great SIN AIR trolley-dolly.
                              Ah! Sasha..been friend with her since about 4 years too, when was still studying fashion design, and before started travelling around.
                              I know she's back in S'pore in these days..moving to a new flat I guess..
                              Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                              • #45
                                Ye Sasha also comes to Melbourne at The Pleasure Dome in South over priced brothel...where u even have to pay just to meet the girls, and if u stay with one ,they drop the price of the service.

