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More foreign atriocities in the UK!

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  • #31
    In today's Sunday Telegraph they report that 450,000 asylum seekers will be given an amnesty and indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

    I'm willing to bet that this will encourage even more asylum seekers to enter the UK.


    • #32
      (Tomcat @ Aug. 05 2007,20:18) The Daily Telegraph,  about the only sensible paper left commented last week that in some town immigration is so high that the indiginoeus population in many part of the UK will soon have no sense of identity...

      It also made the point that if this carries on the in a few years time we will be in " new territory" whatever that means. At some stage there will be a massive backlash and the sooner it comes the better. You can feel it building  up week by week , yhear by year.. people have had enough.

      My office in in East London and all i can say is that people here in this area just exist in what is now part of the third world within the UK.. ...
      interesting? i wonder how long it will be before these areas start demanding there own rule such as the tamils in sri lanka.
      lowest crime rate in the developed world is japan why??? very little immigration i rest my case.
      migration only works if it's selective and limited not mass movement.

      yeah yeah the ira were not the firs terroristst @rayon, i was mearly replying to your comment about muslims not being the only people capable of terrorist acts. some one even went on to say the crusaders were terorists( in some peoples eyes??) spreading the word of christianity??? no claiming back the holy land from muslim invaders. i wonder what the reaction of the muslim world would be if crusaders from america and uk took over saudi arabia and its holy sights of mecca and medan.
      just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


      • #33
        fuck i like the fish box its the best forum of all now
        just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


        • #34
          (katoeylover @ Aug. 05 2007,23:05) Yes - I agree, a lot of these shootings in Manchester and SE London are black on black crime between rival gangs, about territory and drugs.

          As for Muslim extremists, i believe that those that preach violence and terrorism should be deported, as should those who commit terrorist acts against the general public.

          We often talk here about how to behave in Thailand, do not let them lose face, etc, and to respect the King and the Country. I just wish that visitors to my country would extend us the same courtesies.
          Well fucking said sir
          just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


          • #35
            (Stewart @ Aug. 05 2007,16:06) I am Scottish. I lived in London, England for 10 years. I got a speeding ticket once (ie broke the law). Should I be sent home to Scotland? And 'all the people who know me'? that would include all my English friends in london? They should be sent to Scotland as well?
            The reality is that Scotland is 1000x times better off after the civilizing influence of the English people over the last 1000 years.

            So why should England, a force for good in human history, be destroyed from within?

            And why should Muslim foreigners (who only value throatslitting, female circumcision, the invisible Allah in the sky and his 72 bearded goats, driving blazers into Airports, bombing buses and the tube and subjugating females) be allowed to enter the UK, and if they are allowed to enter without attention to any selection criteria, why should they not be required, under pain of penalty, to submit to the Crown and her customs and learn King's English?

            Islam is a political organization and as such needs to be regulated, and in may cases, have its adherents deported outright.

            "Sometimes I think I should go into the rent-a-spine business." -- Margaret Thatcher on the FCO


            • #36
              I think we have been down this track quite a few times,"a kinder gentler britain", for example.
              Just to clarify something first.THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS RACISM.Which has been a handy tool of the lefties, for far to long.Richard Dawkins, previously mentioned by a fellow member, would argue, along with all other biologists that there is only ONE surviving race, out of the many branches of humanoid e.g. Neanderthal man,etc.
              Therefore we are either "Culturalists" or "Colourists", or a combination of both.Unfortunately our culture ( and I speak of Western culture) over a very short period of time, compared to the millenia it took for peoples to move into all the areas of the World, has been swamped, since WW2, by too many, so called cultures, of black,sub-Continent & Asian varieties ,at to great a pace for the host populations of Western Countries.

              It took Britain & Europe thousands of years to put together their societies and lets not forget that places like Italy & Germany were not even united entities until the 19th Century. However the "relativist" approach to cultures, put forward by FRENCH( another fuck up we can thank the French for) philosophers such as Foucault , holds that all cultures should be treated as if they are of equal value.
              The left have taken up this cause, over the past 50-60 years, with great gusto and "multiculturalism" is a direct result of this fucked up philosophy. Under this approach we are supposed to accept the "cultural" practices of "genital mutilation" as just part of the "rich tapestry" of our differences.

              Just as fellow members, such as Rayton, think that we should have been more accomodating to the aboriginals of Australia or American Indians and adopted their cultures, or part thereof, is part of this re-writing of history, to paint the colonizing Country as nothing more than gross evildoers. Funnily enough the expansion of humans ( remember the opening sequence to 2001 a Space Odyssey, where a group of early humans discover how to take over the watering hole by using weapons to kill and vanquish another tribe) has been a continous sequence of battles of aggression against one group or another.That's called HISTORY,real history.

              I always have a great laugh when the "lefties" in Australia try to tell me about aboriginal "culture". There are reports that before we arrived there was vicious tribal warfare, possible cannibalism, etc and that their "dreamtimes" and "sacred sites" are of great significance.
              There is no more significance to this than a bunch of Druids running around Stonehenge in 2007 pretending to offer a sacrifice or two. There's only one course that history has followed and still follows.THE GUY WITH THE MOST MONEY & THE BIGGEST GUN wins the day.

              I think that history shows that those societies that take the "best" elements of other cultures and weave them into their rules of economics, law and governance are the most successful.However to plant large ethnic & religious blocks, from places unrelated to the host culture , as in the case of most European Countries, has dramatically altered this.

              It now boils down to the "host" culture being attacked by "outsiders" fresh off the boat, with no previous attachment to the history of the Country and no real interest in learning about it. Therefore they continue to hold the values from "fucked-up, backward,religiously conservative, violent and in some cases primitive societies".

              The policies are the problem and if not drastically changed the backlash from the host society will eventually turn upon these outsiders, possibly in a very violent form.

              There's a close parallel with what happened to the Roman Empire.When they decided to be more inclusive towards their conquered peoples ,they opened the gates to wave after wave of barbarians becoming Roman citizens.Eventually the Empire was no more.
              Sound familiar?

              If the West does not wake up to the "relativists" & "human rights" wankers we are done for and countries like China will continue their march forward, sucking in our dollars and laughing about our concern for "human rights, equal opportunities, gender balance, cultural sensitivities etc, etc and all the other leftist fads of the past 50-60 years. Ask the Tibetans about their culture becoming nothing more than a "quaint museum piece" from the past.

              If things continue in the U.K.,along it's current path, the only place you will find what is left of Great Britain is by visiting the Victoria & Albert Museum.


              • #37

                Well said


                • #38
                  indeed well said
                  just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                  • #39


                    • #40
                      (OHMYGOD @ Aug. 06 2007,03:06) Nietzche
                      "Liberalism is just another word for mediocrity"
                      I prefer the title of Willaim Joyces infamous book
                      " The path to Democracy is the road to oblivion"


                      • #41
                        I don't know who said it but listening to morning radio in the uk someone said that the far left had given up the dream of being elected to government and had instead decided to concentrate on destroying the institustions that make up govenment such as the recent carry on on the shatal arab that we saw recently. Sadly the recent disgrace of the Royal Navy only goes to prove that faily soon Allah will be the Uk's master. I only hope the US will be the last bastion where the civilised can make a stand.
                        Beer Baron

