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How much do you drink?

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  • #16
    When the definition of who was an alcholic was coined it just ment problem drinkers over consumption and all that can go with that. As more people entered the field of treating alcholics and needed more patience the definition was expanded to include social drinkers. The fellow who had originally came up with the definition and treatment of alcholics was appaled at this expansion.

      this was all in a good time magazine article a few years ago.

      I use to drink way to much I had two speeds stop and go. I could not have  few drinks, Unless the bottle was empty I was drinking.

      While setting in a bar one day me and a friend asked the bartender how many bottles of Coors beer he had on hand it being Sunday he was down to about 2 cases, we paid for them on the spot and finished out the day drinking 2 cases of beer between 2 of us. People would come in ask for a coors he would say sold out, but they are drinking coors, yea sold out to those two. Some pissed off fuckers that day.

     I still like a touch every now and then but not any where close to what I use to drink. Drank so much Guiness one weekend my burps started tasting like asphalt.


    • #17
      I suppose many of us fall into the binge drinker category, personally I could give it a miss all week and then get completely pissed on a Saturday night , the problem is I cant drink like I used to so the last few hours of the evening are a blur
      many mornings I have woke after a journey home on the mysterious beer scooter !!!
      Free your mind and your ass will follow .


      • #18
        I rarely drink anything any more. I can have two beers and call that a fun evening, maybe 4 max and I start losing it. I have a problem in that I don't like feeling out of control, so if I start losing it too much, I feel very uncomfortable- and I get real quiet and want to sit still and settle down very quickly.

        When I was a youngster and went clubbing, I could drink 6 to 9 beers on a normal night and drive home feeling just fine. Probably wasn't a brilliant idea, but that's the past. I think at the most I drank 14 beers one night and my friends had to drive me home and bring me back for my car the next day.

        Even when I do drink, I think I handle myself very well. People tell me I'm more fun and loosen up, but I never get wild or do anything I wouldn't normally do. Like I said, I don't like being out of control- or not feeling in charge of my senses.

        I'm glad I don't drink much, it's an expensive way to enjoy yourself. I prefer good company and good conversation, those are pretty cheap.


        • #19
 drink is too many and two is not enough.........
,  you're really a guy?..............  


          • #20
            (rxpharm @ Jul. 03 2007,19:44) One definition of an alcoholic is someone who craves alcohol and undergoes physical withdrawal symptoms if they stop
            if we replace alcohol with ladyboy then it reads...

            One definition of an ladyboyic is someone who craves ladyboy and undergoes physical withdrawal symptoms if they stop

            Anybody else suffering the same problem as me??


            A worthy trip report


            • #21
              Occasional binge is the right words.

              But, I'd honestly like to stop drinking in the long-term, but it seems just too fun sometimes.


              • #22
                the liver is evil and must be punnished
                just a sex tourist looking for hot fun

