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  • #16
    (smuttleydfs @ Dec. 30 2006,21:55)
    (costassg @ Dec. 30 2006,14:40)
    (kahuna @ Dec. 30 2006,21:12) And how would you solve the problem costass?
    take out all your troops from all over the world.and believe the world would be better without   troops
    You know there a lot of US citizens that would really prefer doing that but the problem would be as soon as we did that and became a isolationist society the whole world including you would be whining for protection within a year.    

    Face it CostASSg the world needs the US and the UK along with their military, their money, technical expertise etc.   And as much as I would prefer we tell all the countries to   its never going to happen in our lifetimes. You criticize the US for putting Bush in office as have I but please point out how much better other countrys are doing............I'll wait on pins and needles.

    In other words unless you can provide an educated statement backing up your pathetic anti US/UK blithering keep your opinions to yourself and the rest of your grade school friends  

    all the problems in my country CYPRUS were caused by Americans and British.So we dont need you


    • #17
      (smuttleydfs @ Dec. 31 2006,03:55)
      (costassg @ Dec. 30 2006,14:40)
      (kahuna @ Dec. 30 2006,21:12) And how would you solve the problem costass?
      take out all your troops from all over the world.and believe the world would be better without   troops
      You know there a lot of US citizens that would really prefer doing that but the problem would be as soon as we did that and became a isolationist society the whole world including you would be whining for protection within a year.    

      Face it CostASSg the world needs the US and the UK along with their military, their money, technical expertise etc.   And as much as I would prefer we tell all the countries to   its never going to happen in our lifetimes. You criticize the US for putting Bush in office as have I but please point out how much better other countrys are doing............I'll wait on pins and needles.

      In other words unless you can provide an educated statement backing up your pathetic anti US/UK blithering keep your opinions to yourself and the rest of your grade school friends  

      well said sir            


      • #18
        Smuttley for president!!!!!  



        • #19
          (costassg @ Dec. 30 2006,15:24) all the problems in my country CYPRUS were caused by Americans and British.So we dont need you  
          Once again costASSg please be more specific as to what these fictional problems you are alluding to ..............

          You won't because you can't and because there aren't any.........keep in mind if it wasn't for the US and the UK you would be posting in German right now and Seig Heiling the Dictator Du jour.

          Until you can present a substantial arguement to back up your pathetic childish rants I for one will just consider your pathetic posts equal to what I flush away after my morning constitutional

          It's good to matter what the pay

          Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

          Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
          ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

          "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


          • #20
            (costassg @ Dec. 31 2006,04:24)
            (smuttleydfs @ Dec. 30 2006,21:55)
            (costassg @ Dec. 30 2006,14:40)
            (kahuna @ Dec. 30 2006,21:12) And how would you solve the problem costass?
            take out all your troops from all over the world.and believe the world would be better without   troops
            You know there a lot of US citizens that would really prefer doing that but the problem would be as soon as we did that and became a isolationist society the whole world including you would be whining for protection within a year.    

            Face it CostASSg the world needs the US and the UK along with their military, their money, technical expertise etc.   And as much as I would prefer we tell all the countries to   its never going to happen in our lifetimes. You criticize the US for putting Bush in office as have I but please point out how much better other countrys are doing............I'll wait on pins and needles.

            In other words unless you can provide an educated statement backing up your pathetic anti US/UK blithering keep your opinions to yourself and the rest of your grade school friends  

            all the problems in my country CYPRUS were caused by Americans and British.So we dont need you  
            what about the turks ?              


            • #21
              (allstar88 @ Dec. 30 2006,19:43) what about the turks ?              

              It's good to matter what the pay

              Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

              Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
              ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

              "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


              • #22
                (costassg @ Dec. 31 2006,03:40)
                (kahuna @ Dec. 30 2006,21:12) And how would you solve the problem costass?
                take out all your troops from all over the world.and believe the world would be better without   troops
                table number 3 costass            


                • #23
                  (allstar88 @ Dec. 31 2006,09:11)
                  (costassg @ Dec. 31 2006,03:40)
                  (kahuna @ Dec. 30 2006,21:12) And how would you solve the problem costass?
                  take out all your troops from all over the world.and believe the world would be better without   troops
                  table number 3 costass            
                  and dont forget the ashtrays!?      


                  • #24
                    (allstar88 @ Dec. 31 2006,09:13)
                    (allstar88 @ Dec. 31 2006,09:11)
                    (costassg @ Dec. 31 2006,03:40)
                    (kahuna @ Dec. 30 2006,21:12) And how would you solve the problem costass?
                    take out all your troops from all over the world.and believe the world would be better without   troops
                    table number 3 costass            
                    and dont forget the ashtrays!?      
                        sorry costass,only joking         


                    • #25
                      You might be but he isn't...
                      "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                      • #26
                        all the problems in my country CYPRUS were caused by Americans and British.So we dont need you  
                        costass, maybe your economy would be better off without the Brits?          'We dont need you wankers'' isnt a great tourist marketing slogan! (Malta discovered that for a few years)  
                        Oh, and dare I mention the Turks?   ...............Happy new year, anyway


                        • #27
                          (TTChang @ Dec. 31 2006,18:29)
                          all the problems in my country CYPRUS were caused by Americans and British.So we dont need you  
                          costass, maybe your economy would be better off without the Brits?          'We dont need you wankers'' isnt a great tourist marketing slogan! (Malta discovered that for a few years)  
                          Oh, and dare I mention the Turks?   ...............Happy new year, anyway
                          ive had a few hols in cyprus,great country ,nice food and beaches,the people were nice too but every country has rag heads like stavros(costas) we have them in england too            


                          • #28
                            (stogie bear @ Dec. 30 2006,17:40) They hung one man for the crimes of a thousand! Woo hoo!  
                            my sentiments exactly.  I was talking to a high school aged young lady who works in a local store on saturday while I was purchasing myself some late festivus presents and I kind of got her started by asking if she was still the local president of the W fan club. She assured me she was and then said how good it was that Saddam had been hung. I said, while I agree he was a bad person, how have we benefited here in the USA from it. She told me that since Saddam was behind all the terrorist attacks that have taken place on our soil of late, such as planes flown into bldgs, and with W protecting us by fighting the terrorists over there instead of here we are now much safer.  
                            Well, I asked her politely what they were being taught in our local high school and corrected her misguided beliefs. She looked at me rather puzzled and asked me if I was sure it wasn't Iraqis who flew planes into the twin towers.  

                            I said if she had followed the news at all, she would know the alledged 9/11 terrorists were all either Saudi or Egytian nationals. Her final response before walking away was well she still really likes W alot and so does the rest of her family. I just laughed and said I was very sorry to hear that.


                            • #29
                              (costassg @ Dec. 31 2006,04:24)
                              (smuttleydfs @ Dec. 30 2006,21:55)
                              (costassg @ Dec. 30 2006,14:40)
                              (kahuna @ Dec. 30 2006,21:12) And how would you solve the problem costass?
                              take out all your troops from all over the world.and believe the world would be better without   troops
                              You know there a lot of US citizens that would really prefer doing that but the problem would be as soon as we did that and became a isolationist society the whole world including you would be whining for protection within a year.    

                              Face it CostASSg the world needs the US and the UK along with their military, their money, technical expertise etc.   And as much as I would prefer we tell all the countries to   its never going to happen in our lifetimes. You criticize the US for putting Bush in office as have I but please point out how much better other countrys are doing............I'll wait on pins and needles.

                              In other words unless you can provide an educated statement backing up your pathetic anti US/UK blithering keep your opinions to yourself and the rest of your grade school friends  

                              all the problems in my country CYPRUS were caused by Americans and British.So we dont need you  
                              I get my boxer shorts at K-Mart in Cincinnati. 400 Oak Street... Cincinnati, Ohio...


                              • #30
                                (PigDogg @ Dec. 31 2006,03:56) The actual crime for which Saddam was convicted was for the massacre of over 100 Shiites back in the 80's.  Not sure if that particlar incident is that much different than what Toxin did in the southern provinces.

                                Saddam, the Butcher of Bagdad was a bad man.  But arguably the West would have been better off with the oppresive but stable Saddam regime than with the current chaos which is a breeding ground for terrorists.

                                If it were available on YouTube, I'm sure the Saddam hanging would have more hits than the Kramer rant.

                                I totally agree with you, no arguably about it, we'd be better off here still today as things were in Iraq before Chimpy and Dickhead's illegal invasion.

                                As for the hanging being on youtube:

