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-- Election '08 --

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  • -- Election '08 --

    Barack Obama just kicked Hillary's fat ass in the Virginia, Maryland and Washington DC primaries...

    Eight victories in a row... This is getting good!!!

    For anyone who gives a damn, who would you support for President in 2008?

    The main candidates still around as of today, from the major parties, are listed above.

    For all the foreigners who might be reading this, we vote for individuals in the United States. We don't elect parties. Many people nonetheless identify strongly with a particular party. If you are unsure which political party you identify best with, try this quiz.

    If you are clueless politically and don't know the difference between a caucus, a primary and the general election, check this out...
    Barack Obama (Democrat)
    Hillary Clinton (Democrat)
    Ron Paul (Republican)
    John McCain (Republican)
    Mike Huckabee (Republican)
    Whoever is the Libertarian candidate'

  • #2
    Obama... although his slogan 'Change' is an impossible ambition.

    NOTHING will change in the USA... the machine is just too big.

    But this fella seems like a breath of fresh air.

    If the jalopy jowls from Okiehoma can get pissed off by an off hand comment about Chelsea being pimped out as part of the big machine (which is true, by the way) how the fuck is she gonna deal with a real problem when serving in office?

    Bitches should be making my dinner NOT foreign policy!


    • #3
      (stogie bear @ Feb. 13 2008,13:05) Obama... although his slogan 'Change' is an impossible ambition.

      NOTHING will change in the USA... the machine is just too big.

      But this fella seems like a breath of fresh air.

      If the jalopy jowls from Okiehoma can get pissed off by an off hand comment about Chelsea being pimped out as part of the big machine (which is true, by the way) how the fuck is she gonna deal with a real problem when serving in office?

      Bitches should be making my dinner NOT foreign policy!

      Yeah, I'll be voting for Obama, unless Ron Paul runs as a Libertarian, then I'll vote for him! Right now, Ron Paul has no chance of being selected as the Republican candidate...

      But if Obama chooses Hillary as a VP candidate, he's lost my vote!


      • #4
        He won't choose Hillary. If he does then his 'change' platform goes out the window!

        (Plus he'll be the youngest president to be assassinated if he does!)


        • #5
          By the way - I can pinpoint the exact moment when Clinton lost this bid for nominee...

          It was the moment her televised expression on her face appeared on the news channels just after her ill-advised comments on 'Slumlords' when she debated the Bama-man on telly about two weeks ago.

          What should have shook him and brought him down just made him look even more imperial and sealed her doom. And her husband didn't help. He's made them both look stupid.

          And just when he was beginning to get into his stride as a world player and all round nice guy, too...


          • #6
            This made me laugh...

            Mrs Clinton was given a potential boost on Tuesday with the endorsement of former astronaut and former Ohio Senator John Glenn...
            Quote from the BBC website.

            This is surely the kiss of death that Obama has been praying for, right?


            • #7

              McCain's OK I suppose.

              I don't like Hilary though I like Bill.

              Maybe I'm sexist but I don't want old ladies running the world.


              • #8
                I don't want old ladies running the world.


                • #9
                  (PigDogg @ Feb. 13 2008,08:22) Maybe I'm sexist but I don't want old ladies running the world.
                  Maggie did ok in the UK.

                  She has a much better team behind her than Obama, but if its between her and Obamma against McCain, then i cant see the Republicans losing,despite how much we all bleat about wanting change.

                  Bitches should be making my dinner NOT foreign policy!
                  Another off the mark comment. Unfortunately for you, the days of submissive women in the West is long gone. last time i looked Dr. Condoleezza Rice was doing a fine job.
                  seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                  • #10
                    None of the Above Would be My Choice
                    You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                    • #11
                      Hilary is done.

                      The economy is in the toilet. Iraq is a disaster.

                      Obama will defeat McCain.

                      Unless they find a dead girl or live boy in Obama's bed.


                      • #12
                        Hey PD.........
                        You Can Not Vote Anyway  
                        You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                        • #13
                          (katoeylover @ Feb. 13 2008,16:44) last time i looked Dr. Condoleezza Rice was doing a fine job.
                          I can agree with the sentiment, but not the specific example

                          What the hell has Condi ever done RIGHT ?

                          Our European policy is poor, our S. American policy is in shambles, and as for our Middle Eastern policy...less said the better.
                          "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                          • #14
                            "mccain's okay" if you don't want out of iraq until the year 12,008:


                            and ron paul???

                            and what's with this hatred of women? it's not like hillary's asking you to go down on her fat snatch! try thinking of her as your mother. or maybe don't.

                            then again, c. rice is the bitch from hell. swore she'd had no warning b4 911. oh, yeah, except that one report entitled something confusing like: "osama ben laden determined to strike within the u.s."

                            jesus. at least nobody around here would vote for huckabee -- except that guy who loves to preach outside nana. i'm sure he'd love to replace the constitution with bible quotes.

                            but i don't worry so much who the next prez will be as i worry about how much more fucked up things will get b4 bush finishes selling off the country to his oil-glutting weapons-building money-stealing asshole buddies in the last 11 months of his strangle-hold on our freedom.

                            ah fuck it, i'm going back to pattaya.


                            • #15
                              (thaibound @ Feb. 13 2008,02:35) and what's with this hatred of women?
                              I'm not a woman hater.

                              But I think Hilary is lame.

                              I prefer charismatic, intelligent men for president such as Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Obama.

                              Bush Junior is the worst. I don't want my president to sound like an idiot.

                              It's just a coincidence that those I like are Democrats.

