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Best Guitarists

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  • #76
    All these posts and not one for Peter Townsend??? Not only one of the greats but what a song writer Tommy and Quadraphenia are two classics.

    Also where is the love for Neil Young?

    It's good to matter what the pay

    Courage is being scared to death__and saddling up anyway

    Billy Jaffe, Radio Voice of the Thrashers:
    ”I have absolutely No problem with Ohio State. It has a beautiful campus, and for a Junior College it has really great Academics.”

    "Gentlemen and ladies, 'Those Who Stay Will Be Champions' is for you too. It's for every Michigan fan that's out there. When the going gets tough, you don't cut and run. It's not the Michigan way. If I heard it once from the old man, I heard it a thousand times -- when the going gets tough you find out who your real friends are, and that's why we must stay. Because there will be championships, and this staff and these kids will bring those championships here."


    • #77
      (orgasmaddict @ Mar. 22 2008,23:39) I think its is important to add that while some guitarists have a wealth of technical ability they lack the soul and creativity that truly defines a great guitarist.

      loads of wanky solos don' t make you a good guitarist in my book.
      exactly ....which is why I like guys like Brian May and Tom Morelo and  even Billy Corgan,  The Edge, etc.... he's probably NEVER played a solo more than 60 seconds in his whole life nor would his band mates want him to!   It's the genius and creativity to be able to look at an instrument like that and sit down and say "Hmmmm, what kind of cool sounds can I make come out of this thing today?"
      Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
      -Dennis Miller


      • #78
        (Dieter @ Mar. 22 2008,13:06) I will be in June in San Francisco I hope to see you live ......
        I bring some 6 packs ,,,,  

        As long as its not the First weekend in June.
        I'll meet you down there.

        My barfine No.# is 71. Thats a 69 with two fingers stuck up my ass.

        P.M. me let me know before hand so I have a chance to remove all the class rings out of my ass.
        My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


        • #79
          (smuttleydfs @ Mar. 23 2008,03:39) All these posts and not one for Peter Townsend??? Not only one of the greats but what a song writer   Tommy and Quadraphenia are two classics.

          Also where is the love for Neil Young?

          I'm sorry smuttley, but do you actually read these posts?

          In post #67 you will see orgasmaddicts nod to Pete Townsend & #74, two before yours, my endorsement of same. Plus he is mentioned in earlier posts.

          To be fair I give his band the rap, but considering there are only two surviving members of The Who & Roger Daltry's musicianship is confined to a tambourine, I think it safe to surmise that Pete's guitar skills are paramount to their success.

          I do agree with you on Neil Young, he's a Canadian genius, though he took years to grow on me, ahem, metaphorically speaking.

          His unplugged CD is still a favourite.      
          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


          • #80
            I forgot to mention. Even though I've been playing for over 30yr's. I still Suck !

            Here is my Acoustic Guitar. (Ibanez) I have a few electrics too.
            Attached Files
            My Femboys can Beat up your Ladyboys.  


            • #81
              (buttafly @ Mar. 22 2008,23:06) Brian May are to be admired
              yes Brian May
              I forgot about him. Made his Guitar from an old Fireplace shelf that hailed from the 19th century ...what a sound and remember that many bands used to play with very little sound effects in those days..

              also.....another classic
              that Rory Gallagher live song, the one where you here the sonic thump as he plugs his weary Strat in the amp input socket and a short humming of the the amp and the sound of his plectrum brush the strings before he fires the fucker up...,,Messin with the kid,,.... thats the song.. . probably the best guitar intro of all time...

              They dont make em like Rory anymore..


              • #82
                What about David Gilmore and Mark Knopfler...???

                Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


                • #83
                  Dave Gilmore dont make it im afraid for me. He is/was a good songwriter but much of his stuff is now repetitive and hes lost it and is now just average.
                  Mark knopler is pretty good but not in my top 10. This is very subjective and no one has the same top 10.

                  A lot depends on whether you play the Guitar on not.. it will swerve your judgment..I see YES reformed around 7 years ago in vegas and Steve Howe was juts amazing, he is a ,,Guitarists, Guitarist. Cant believe just how clever that dude is in all respects. he has lot of respect.

                  One guy i did miss off my list was Toni Iommi of Sabbath... fuck me how did i forget him. His riffs were the birth of heavy metal , a cool man or what..I like his SG Guitar with the pearl Crusifix inlays all down the fretboard...the original anti christ.
                  He still looks like hes just walked out of the local Coven.


                  • #84
                    Another guy not mentioned yet; Billy Corgan of Smashing Pumpkins.
                    Great band buttafly, good guitar player-love the first 2 albums especially gish
                    ........but what about kevin shields from 'My Bloody Valentine'
                    this guy invented a whole new way of playing gt using a few quadreverbs.

                    also on the tone of experimental gt players, we must add
                    robert frip- fripatronics


                    • #85
                      Lads, you're all forgetting Bert Weedon!


                      • #86
                        Ottmar Liebert
                        If at first you don't succeed, Skydiving is not for you !


                        • #87
                          Vim Fuego!  


                          • #88
                            Steven Stills does it for me...


                            • #89
                              (buttafly @ Mar. 21 2008,21:04)
                              (alan1chef @ Mar. 22 2008,03:11) Rory Gallagher....
                              Another Mick .... has a plaque outside a theatre in Belfast signifying he played there before his early demise
                              not an expert on hwat makes a great technical guitarist but a big fan of Rory Gallagher R.I.P.

                              here he is playing the blues on a mandolin in Belfast

                    ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">
                              No honey, no money!!


                              • #90
                                Before this thread dies away, just one more mention about great guitarists......  I listen to music anywhere from 8-12 hours per day, it's on in my house from the time I wake up till when I turn off the lights at midnight and also in my car whenever I go anywhere and my ever-present fake Ipod  {remember, never buy any Apple products, they don't work right!} is always playing when I am away from home or car.

                                Bottom line; I have heard a lot of shite over the years and I have heard a lot of good stuff.....when you have heard 1000 or more different guitar players since the 70's a few really stand out and I listed 'em.  here's hoping some more talent comes down the road  

                                One more guy no one here ever heard of I am sure; Blake Schwarzenbach from Oakland and late of the band Jawbreaker, probably the best post-punk band of all-time {Green Day?  don't think so....}.   Seen 'em twice in Cambridge 2 blocks away from Harvard Univ, that guy has some talent.

                                Another smarty also, went to NYU and is a politically active left-winger.    If you guys like The Smiths and other 80's and 90's alternative stuff, try out Jawbreaker.

                                Guilt is Gods way of telling you you're having too much fun.
                                -Dennis Miller

