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What's the most horrible thing done when drunk?

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  • #16

    Now thats a good un ,

    When I was a teenager I was totally nuts and would do anything for a laugh with the drink in me .

    Of course now Im older and wiser

    Off the top off my head .............

    Got arrested drunk driving on a bike with a burst football for a crash helmet

    Streaked round the city hall with just my trainers on in broad daylght for a £20 bet .

    Dug up a for sale sign from my neighbours garden , and replanted it across the street in another garden (a night in the cells for that one )

    Got caught pissing in the street (another night in the cells )

    Went to a wedding disco (and I hadn't a clue who's wedding it was ) in my boxers and socks , in a hotel I was staying .

    As I say , I'm older and wiser now
    Free your mind and your ass will follow .


    • #17
      i love t-girls


      • #18
         Come home one Saint Pats night to My new house, where the toilet was down staires. Now the old house had a toilet up staires,half way through the night I got up for a piss went into the dressing room, opened up the washing basket & had a piss, then spent 5 minutes trying to flush the damn thing !
        Needless to say GF was none too pleased in the Morning !

        Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


        • #19
          After a successful mini tour of Italy,myself and a couple of team mates went on the piss in
          Jesolo...nowt happeened..but when we got the photos out of Max Speilmens after we got
          home we were all on some expensive yacht,dancing on tables and wearing life belts..
          ,,,god knows who's boat that was..

          After a party in KC where i was lemoned on tequila i walk/staggered out the bar
          went like a pin-ball hitting almost every stall on the way to the taxi rank...
 being drunk and farang i was cherry-picked "where you go?" Suk soi 8 i reply..
          "300 baht" "sound yeah" i reply..anyhoo, get to the soi 8 turn and i just went off
          like the girl in the exorcist and threw up all over his cab..handed him his 300 baht
          and said "there you go sunshine,that will teach ya"..and fell asleep on a sofa in the
          foyer..class act or what!

          '89 Gran Caneria..drinking in a bar with about 60 Brits,we all decide to go to this
          night club so we leave go outside and the night club was a tiny little pin-prick of light
          about two miles up the road,but over the road was a battery powered train.
          ......i put it back..
          Forgot how this forum works  


          • #20
            (LuckyA @ Apr. 15 2008,21:10) Once came home and jumped on the TV thinking it was the toilet and sat their with my pants around my ankles.
            That may help explain why there is so much 'crap' on TV these days !

            Ladyboys need to learn...... Listerine is not a beverage !


            • #21

              Free your mind and your ass will follow .


              • #22
                Just to qualify my first post - these stretch over some 20 years of antics - its not as if they are a daily occurence

                I had forgotten the pissed while living at home scenarios - done the washing in the corner couple of times as well. I had been out with my older brother (both still late teens, very early twenties) and when I woke up next morning and realised I thought oh shit - sheepishly sat in the lounge with a sobering hot mug of tea, my older brother appeared after I heard my mum tearing a strip of him in the kitchen. Hmmm wonder what he has done, just as my brain was engaging with my mouth to ask him - Mum storms into the lounge saying something like, well at least you only pissed on the dirty washing, your brother did the same thing in his wardrobe



                • #23
                  Another one that was a classic was when I was about 18 and on one of my first trips abroad with a group of co-workers being taken around some tourism resort in Italy. One of the nights was a classy dinner followed by a visit to a hi-so disco - there were about 400 people on this trip and we basically had the disco to ourselves - the plan from the management was that each person got a bottle of sparkling wine/champagne to drink in the club and then other drinks you paid for. By the time we arrived at the club, many of us were already steaming after the wine at dinner being consumed like it was water and we found ourselves sat near to the area where the staff were stroing and distributing the said champagne. We quickly fathomed out with about 30 staff serving the bottles, they were just plonking them down on tables where people sat without any visible drinks. So of course as we were in the vicinity staff kept walking past us. We just kept hiding the bottles under the cushions and so the table looked empty. Within space of about 10 minutes we ended up with probably 20 bottles between the 5 of us sat there. Now this was a classy place, lots of marble and glass tables - truly a stunning looking 1980's style Italian Disco - lots of glitz and looking very flash. So drunk muggins here was swaggering around with a bottle of champagne in one hand and one in each pocket (dont ask me HOW I managed to fit 1 bottle in each pocket, but I did). I must have looked a complete dork. So I go and chat up a girl who I see (also on the trip), and proceed in my drunken state to sit cooly on the end of the low table as all the seats were taken. As soon as I sat down, you can probably guess the rest - the other end of the table came up along with countless bottles and glasses on it and i ended up on the floor covered in champagne. By way of compensation, I took two bottles still in my pockets and said (as I was told the next day), "its ok, have this one on me" and left the said bottles with the people who's drinks were now on the floor and on me. I swaggered off leaving the disaster area pronto. Never did get into that girls knickers either - cant understand why.



                  • #24
                    (Grinder @ Apr. 15 2008,05:30) Danced with a bloke in Acapulco while dressed as Judith Chalmers...
                    haha - classic.

                    That Accapulco trip was a classic - its mostly due to the industry I was working in where basically suppliers work on the basis that alcohol is an integral part of any trip - the higher up the food chain you go the better the trips - this was a fluke as I had won a (fixed !!!) competition and funny enough me and 3 mates who all knew the organiser all ended up winning. The especially flown out UK DJ was a bit miffed though as his records were checked into his luggage and American Airlines lost most of his bags - so we had a DJ playing the same 10 singles and a coupel of others he managed to locate locally. The most memorable feature of that trip was listening to Phil Collins "Going loco in Acapulco" every 15 minutes. I think even Judith got a bit bored with that song. She is great fun by the way.



                    • #25
                      I can remember throwing myself at this female schoolmate inhigh school when I was drunk with a bunch of my crew. I often feel emabarrassed just thinking about that. But I'm not even in the same class as you guys.

                      It's been a rough day. I got up this morning ... put a shirt on and a button fell off. I picked up my briefcase, and the handle came off. I'm afraid to go to the bathroom.

