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Down with George Bush!

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  • #46
    (allstar88 @ May 28 2008,02:08) lets have ww3 that will sort things out?
    so true

    and aren't we having one now in the giant sandbox?

      make friends with Iran, the most powerful nation in the region when they reached out that olive branch to us in 2001?  Why, when we can threaten them and bomb 'em back to the stone age!! George had his chance back then and told them to fuck off....which is when the clerics put in Ahmenedijad and started with the hard line; now we are all fucked.

      I am with Kahuna as far as I don't really appreciate anti-american slogans just for the sake of anti-americanism, but damn it some of the  things being said today make sense and as someone with way too much time on his hands who watches way too many downer programs on the tube about our future this shit is striking close to home  grrrrrrrrr
    Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


    • #47
      (sev7en @ May 27 2008,23:24)  Everytime i see your avatar i feel like watching that movie again. It´s great.  John Torturro as Angel in the bowling scene is so good.  One of  Coen´s best movies, in my opinion.
      Sorry to be a dick, but as a Lebowsky fan I feel it's my duty to inform you and to set the record straight; John Turturo played a character named Jesus, not "Angel".

      Jesus: You pull that piece out on the lane I take it away from you, shove it up your ass and pull the trigger till it goes click.

      Donny: Jesus.

      Jesus: Jew said it mang, nobody fucks with the Jesus.

      The dude abides.
      "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
      Salin' on a summer breeze
      And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
      -Harry Nilsson


      • #48
        George Bush is a loathsome tool of the military industrial complex and the petrochemical industries. He is a puppet that dances to the tune of his cronies, who are the corporate overlords of those industries. He has done more damage to this country in terms of the economy, civil rights, the environment and this countries standing on the global stage than any other president before him. He's even worse than old Ronnie Ray-gun.

        Hunter S. Thompson expressed this better than I ever could:

        Jesus Hated Bald Pussy

        Let's face it- the yo-yo president of the U.S.A. knows nothing. He is a dunce. He does what he is told to do- says what he is told to say- poses the way he is told to pose. He is a Fool.

        This is never an easy thing for the voters of this country to accept.

        No. Nonsense. The president cannot be a Fool. Not at this moment in time- when the last living vestiges of the American Dream are on the line. This is not the time to have a bogus rich kid in charge of the White House.

        Which is, after all, our house. That is our headquarters- it is where the heart of America lives. So if the president lies and acts giddy about other people's lives- if he wantonly and stupidly endorses mass murder as a logical plan to make sure we are still Number One- he is a Jackass by definition- a loud and meaningless animal with no functional intelligence and no balls.

        To say that this goofy child president is looking more and more like Richard Nixon in the summer of 1974 would be a flagrant insult to Nixon.

        Whoops! Did I say that? Is it even vaguely possible that some New Age Republican whore-beast of a false president could actually make Richard Nixon look like a Liberal?

        The capacity of these vicious assholes we elected to be in charge of our lives for four years to commit terminal damage to our lives and our souls and our loved ones is far beyond Nixon's. Shit! Nixon was the creator of many of the once-proud historical landmarks that these dumb bastards are savagely destroying now: the Clean Air Act of 1970; Campaign Finance Reform; the endangered species act; opening a Real Politik dialogue with China; and on and on.

        The prevailing quality of life in America- by any accepted methods of measuring- was inarguably freer and more politically open under Nixon than it is in this evil year of Our Lord 2002.

        The Boss was a certified monster who deserved to be impeached and banished. He was a truthless creature of former FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover- a foul human monument to corruption and depravity on a scale that dwarfs any other public official in American history. But Nixon was at least smart enough to understand why so many honorable patriotic U.S. citizens despised him. He was a Liar. The truth was not in him.

        Nixon believed- as he said many times- that if the president of the United States does it, it can't be illegal. But Nixon never understood the much higher and meaner truth of Bob Dylan's warning that "To live outside the law you must be honest."

        The difference between an outlaw and a war criminal is the difference between a pedophile and a Pederast: The pedophile is a person who thinks about sexual behavior with children, and the Pederast does these things. He lays hands on innocent children- he penetrates them and changes their lives forever.

        Being the object of a pedophile's warped affections is a Routine feature of growing up in America- and being a victim of a Pederast's crazed "love" is part of dying. Innocence is no longer an option. Once penetrated, the child becomes a Queer in his own mind, and that is not much different than murder.

        Richard Nixon crossed that line when he began murdering foreigners in the name of "family values"- and George Bush crossed it when he sneaked into office and began killing brown-skinned children in the name of Jesus and the American people.

        When Muhammad Ali declined to be drafted and forced to kill "gooks" in Vietnam he said, "I ain't got nothin' against them Viet Cong. No Cong ever called me ******."

        I agreed with him, according to my own personal ethics and values. He was Right.

        If we all had a dash of Muhammad Ali's eloquent courage, this country and the world would be a better place today because of it.

        Okay. That's it for now. Read it and weep.... See you tomorrow, folks. You haven't heard the last of me. I am the one who speaks for the spirit of freedom and decency in you. Shit. Somebody has to do it.

        We have become a Nazi monster in the eyes of the whole world- a nation of bullies and bastards who would rather kill than live peacefully. We are not just Whores for power and oil, but killer whores with hate and fear in our hearts. We are human scum, and that is how history will judge us.... No redeeming social value. Just whores. Get out of our way, or we'll kill you.

        Well, shit on that dumbness. George W. Bush does not speak for me or my son or my mother or my friends or the people I respect in this world. We didn't vote for these cheap, greedy little killers who speak for America today- and we will not vote for them again in 2002. Or 2004. Or ever.

        Who does vote for these dishonest shitheads? Who among us can be happy and proud of having all this innocent blood on our hands? Who are these swine? These flag-sucking half-wits who get fleeced and fooled by stupid little rich kids like George Bush?

        They are the same ones who wanted Muhammad Ali locked up for refusing to kill gooks. They speak for all that is cruel and stupid and vicious in the American character. They are the racists and hate mongers among us- they are the Ku Klux Klan. I piss down the throats of these Nazis.

        And I am too old to worry about whether they like it or not. Fuck them.

        HST, 2002
        "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
        Salin' on a summer breeze
        And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
        -Harry Nilsson


        • #49
          (azza33 @ May 27 2008,16:51) George W rocks....  

          Sorry mate, i think that you are taking a narrow minded view of the events post 9/11.

          Just ask yourself what you would have done if you were in charge of the US when someone starts flying planes into building...

          I understand every move the US has made since then, i don't necessarily agree with it - but at least i understand them.

          I know if i was in charge and had the ability to prevent future attacks, i'd take out every fucker i could - hence afghan and iraq and i think without a few cool heads half of the middle east would have been taken out by this time.

          Iraq is a mess due to internal fighting and has been for years - so sad that a country like this had a great chance to rebuild but chose to infight based on religions.

          What do you expect the outcome is gonna be when you go and piss off the richest and strongest military in the world?

          Bin laden is fucking stupid... he caused this not George W.

          If you are curious about learning about this stuff, read about Paul wolferwitz (i think).. he wrote a pre-emptive strike doctrine many many years before 911 disaster. The US condemned it and said it was too radical and agressive and not in world best interest.
          Along comes Bin Laden, and guess what, after his antics, nearly all of the pre-emptive strike doctrine has been taken onboard - nice one Bin.. great forward thinking on his behalf.

          Sure Iraq is a mess, but i think that this mess has resulted in the US rethinking some of that pre-emptive stuff and resulted in them restraining themselves from going after a few obvious targets.
          So out of bad, maybe some good has arisen.
          So, the half time score is..... well USA spent couple hundred billion dollars, Osama still free. Simple reality is that sometimes there is more than one way to skin a cat - the US chose the wrong way - nobody has any issue with the sentiment - but Europeans for sure have strong views with how they gone about it and made the USA the least popular, least respected country in the world, even with the worlds most powerful military force (not that it has achieved much in this case).

          Sometimes, you need to look at history to see some wars can be won and some aint never going to be won. By the way, I have zero time for Osama and his cronies but I suspect GWB has actually made things 10X worse since 9-11 - everybody hates the US now, after 9-11 it was only the radicals - the good guys were sympathetic - however the world is NOT as simple as your either with us or against us - unlike what the current president thinks. personally I have no intention of ever stepping foot into the US again in my life despite living and working there before - I draw the line at being considered a terrorist potential as I am white, hold a British passport and have visited over 60 countries. Unfortunately the average Joe in the US has zero understanding of how the remainder of the world feels about them and that is clearly missing in this election campaign - however having said that, I never expected it to feature as so much US focus in actually domestic not international.



          • #50
            (seanbeag7 @ May 28 2008,01:45) It's in the fishbox, idiot

            This from the brainy guy who replied to a post that is Two Years Old...

            Might want to rethink just who the idiot is....

            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


            • #51
              All is forgiven seanbeag.

              Had a crap day myself. Had to cheer myself up with a chuckle in the chat lobby.

              The next round's on you though.


              • #52
                I've travelled extensively in USA and find Ameicans to be extremely courteous and hospitable, love them.

                Also travelled extensively in the Middle East and find Arabs to be equally courteous and hospitable with a tremendous sense of family values.

                The fact that our own PrimeMinister was recently kicked out of his job for corruption doesn't necessarily mean we should all be viewed in the same light.

                I think sometimes our leaders let us down badly, doesn't matter whether you are Irish or Chinese.


                • #53
                  (strocube @ May 28 2008,04:47)
                  (sev7en @ May 27 2008,23:24)  Everytime i see your avatar i feel like watching that movie again. It´s great.  John Torturro as Angel in the bowling scene is so good.  One of  Coen´s best movies, in my opinion.
                  Sorry to be a dick, but as a Lebowsky fan I feel it's my duty to inform you and to set the record straight; John Turturo played a character named Jesus, not "Angel".

                  Jesus: You pull that piece out on the lane I take it away from you, shove it up your ass and pull the trigger till it goes click.

                  Donny: Jesus.

                  Jesus: Jew said it mang, nobody fucks with the Jesus.

                  The dude abides.  
                  Of course. I stand corrected. It´s Jesus. My memory is getting worse with age.
                  "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

                  Jaidee 2009

                  The other white meat


                  • #54
                    George W will go down as one of the worst Presidents in U.S. history.This ex-drunk ,born again Christian who prays to God regarding his decision making is obviously not being heard.Surprise,surprise!!!!

                    He has failed in his "WAR ON TERROR", through the invasion of Iraq and the lack of focus on the real enemies in Afghanistan, Pakistan and not forgetting the Country with a link to most of the 9/11 terrorists Saudi Arabia.
                    He has failed in his " abstinence" religious birth control measures both in the U.S. and in places such as Africa.The education, health and financial systems are in crisis as he gives tax cuts to the mega rich and billions a day are spent in Iraq.
                    It will take a lot of effort from future administrations to re-establish the U.S. finances and their place in the World.

                    There are a lot more criticisms that could be made of both Bush and the U.S. ( more than 50% of people believe in creationism) but what is really needed for the future is for a strong U.S. to make the right choices in domestic and foreign policy.
                    If anybody expects the Socialist Union of Europe or the rabble named The United/Disunited Nations to have any spine in relation to the growth of the most evil of all Empires, namely China and the re-emergence of a sabre rattling Russia they are not living on the same planet.

                    England, formerly the U.K., are the only Country with some balls left and the only one likely to stand up and be counted in that whole region, in defence of what are thrown around as freedom & democracy.
                    What would actually score brownie points right now for the U.S. would be a coalition sent to overthrow,execute and eliminate Robert Mugabe & The Burmese Junta and their cronies.Even most of the "lefties" may come down in favour of this.

                    As other members have mentioned the only Country with the power to hold back the evil tide of Chinese army ant dominance is the U.S..It must come back from the disaster of the Bush era stronger than ever to cope with the political/industrial/military government of China.
                    If the despicable values which support North Korea,Laos,Burma,Zimbabwe and the other despots of Africa & South America are to prevail, through Chinese dominance, the World is finished.

                    Fix up the Iraq mistake, fix up the domestic economy, teach people that god is not the answer to their problems and perhaps the U.S. will take its rightful place in the World.


                    • #55
                      I'm with Azza on this one. Olive branch from Iran, get real!!! I wonder what Mr. Global Warmings response to Osama would have been...wimpy I am sure. You Europeans whine about George Bush...and whine about everything. Yet you cannot seem to get your own house in order without America's help. Europe would be goose-stepping and Asia would be the house of the rising sun if America had wimped out like the rest of the world. I am proud to be American and my children, who were born in Asia and became citizens when they were teens, are proud to be American. The owners of this website better be damn grateful to Americans because they would not be here without us.


                      • #56
                        Europe would be goose-stepping and Asia would be the house of the rising sun if America had wimped out like the rest of the world.
                        Errr, I think we have the Japanese to 'thank' for America's involvement in WWII

                        You weren't exactly quick to rush in were you?

                        On December 7, 1941, the Japanese bombed the U.S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. On December 8, Congress declared a state of war with Japan; three days later its allies Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.
                        I've made kathylc  


                        • #57

                          Interesting stuff Monkey... but takes a lot more reading about US involvement in WWII.

                          They spent a long time supplying the allies with equipment and i believe you will find that the was something legally stopping there involvement before being attacked by the Japanese.

                          And another interesting thing about the yanks was that it took them a few years to arm to the point of being able to fight a reasonable war at that time. They had antiquated equipment and would probably have had their asses whipped if they jumped in early.

                          Since then of course the US has taken the opposite role and had all the latest stuff and prepared to take action when it can.

                          As for Australia involvement we had to; under law as Queen Elizabeth is the monarch of Australia, when Britain declared war on Germany and its allies, consequently Australia was also at war. (this also still holds today i believe)


                          A worthy trip report


                          • #58
                            Re: IRAQ post 911

                            Guys, i think everyone here has short short memories, or is too focussed on the LB scene to remember.

                            IRAQ had weapons of mass destruction - this was a worldwide view, not held solely by the US, UK & Australia - of course was the worst intelligence in the history of the world, brought about by paranoia associated with reading too much into data post 911 where they missed obvious information and perpetuated by Saddam Hussein who was convinced the US would never attack after they withdrew after gulf war I - Saddam misunderstood the US was simply following the UN rules when they withdrew.

                            The debate in the UN was over was action should be taken... nobody was disputing the possession of the weapons - it really seems this vital point has been missed by you lot.

                            The UN was wasting time in the eyes of certain allies, because china and russia had heavy oil interests in Iraq and were not wanting the US and its allies to take over. They were stalling.

                            As mentioned before, 911 left the US paranoid and in desperate fear they would be attacked again. Thus the hawkish people inside the administration like Wolferwitz got his way and the rest is history.
                            Colin Powel was actually a moderate and was trying to avert the Iraq, but due to his position had to try and persuade the UN of the imminent threat.

                            The decision to take out Iraq was only bad in hindsight, not at that point in time, and under the circumstances.

                            How can people sit there and honestly say that if you were in charge you would have sat on your hands and done nothing? What a load of bullshit!!

                            As for Europe, well i dont think they can do much finger pointing as they hardly had a year in the last 1000 that they haven't been fighting one another....

                            As for George W...

                            Yes i agree he's going to go down as a bad president in the eyes of many....

                            But perhaps if you consider, he'd have to been the unluckiest president in history to have to make these type of decisions.

                            George W is one man, not the sharpest tool in the shed for sure, but he relies on thousands of others to provide advice and guidance.


                            A worthy trip report


                            • #59
                              (azza33 @ May 28 2008,09:05) As for Australia involvement we had to; under law as Queen Elizabeth is the monarch of Australia, when Britain declared war on Germany and its allies, consequently Australia was also at war. (this also still holds today i believe)
                              Hello Azza,

                              I think you seriously need to do some research into the history of your own country.

                              The Commonwealth of Australia was created on 1st January 1901 - as a sovereign country.
                              That means it runs itself and answers to nobody else!

                              Yes the Queen (or King) of the UK is nominally head of state but that does not mean that Australia has to do what the UK says.

                              In both world wars Australia (and New Zealand) decided to stand by the UK and declared war on the enemies of the UK of their own accord.

                              Fortunately the three countries - and the US - still work closely together in public and behind the scenes.

                              Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                              "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                              • #60

                                I'm not sure whats really meant by soverign for Australia.

                                It only in recent times for example that the highest court of appeal was the privy council in England (not sure if thats spelt correct)

                                And i think you'll find that a recent court case from NZ was taken to England to decide.

                                How soverign is this i wonder??

                                As a matter of discussion, when Australia went to the referendum a few years back to become a republic.. it would remove curious little anomalies that still exist in law here due to our ties to Britain - we declined to become a republic at that point.

                                If you are curious about this, just read about the whitlam dismissal, the GG had to have formal permission for QEII to dismiss the government of the day.... is this sovereign? me thinks not....

                                1901 was merely the formation of a commonwealth of regions to know this country as a unified body known as Australia.

                                The Constitution of Australia defines the Parliament as "the Queen, a Senate, and a House of Representatives" and vests the Federal legislative (law-making) power in the Parliament (section 1, Constitution).

                                The executive power (the governing and administrative power) of the Commonwealth of Australia is vested in the Queen (section 61, Constitution).

                                The Queen has the power to disallow any law within one year of it being made even after the Governor-General has given his assent (section 59, Constitution).

                                The Governor-General only holds office "during the Queen's pleasure" which means that the he can be dismissed by the Queen at any time (section 2, Constitution).
                                It would seem to me that Queen could exercise a lot of influence is she so chooses.....


                                A worthy trip report

