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Terror Threat?

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  • #31
    "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
    Salin' on a summer breeze
    And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
    -Harry Nilsson


    • #32
      (BAM @ Feb. 15 2012,11:06) threw a third bomb at them, but it bounced off a tree and blew his legs off.
      poetic justice i think...

      we can expect a lot more from these Iranians terrorists in the near future , especially after Israel bombs the fuck out of their Nuke facilities sometime very very soon... Its coming and everyone knows it

      My bet is that another Iranian Nuclear Scientist will meet his maker before the end of the month. You can bet on it


      • #33
        Boys, wow you will be chucking grenades out of your prams soon. Calm calm. We are mere mortals, its all about money & power.

        Mind you the one thing that I am still trying to puzzle is why do people fly planes into buildings. Somebody must have been really pissed off to organise that.  Its a crazy world we live in and very sad at times.

        I did laugh at the bomb bouncing off the tree and blowing the guys legs off. Ouch. I hope it was the bomb maker and not a passer by.


        • #34
          I think its the Russians Strobelight... gotta be... from what i heard Vladimir Putin is missing the good ole KGB days; for plausable deniability reasons, he hooked up with the Chinese who sent a couple of slightly off chemists to the best plastic surgeons in Thailand. Lo and behold, these Chinese agents were transformed into covert Iran tourists as part of a cunning plan. They then deliberately blew themselves up, one even allowing is own legs to be blown off in order to get the obligatory Thai media gore pic at the local bus stop, in a brilliant scheme to arouse suspicion that in fact America had to be behind it once again.


          A worthy trip report


          • #35
            The question you 'Americans' should be asking is how many countries has Iran attacked vs how many countries have been attacked by both the U.S.A. and Israel! The smart ones amongst you know the answer. Iran is NOT a threat, and that's the assessment of all those whose jobs to know, Bellicose words from 'America' and Israel are quite another. Such short memories of the false flag operations by those with passports stolen from innocent others.

            Check out the excellent material over at the site of Paul Craig Roberts

            Some 'Americans' need to get some perspective. Is a civilized discussion over a beer in a LB bar impossible??

            I applaud Strocube for standing up to bulling and threats by whomever!

            Those of you barking for another war, you will be enlisting to fight on the front line of course?? You will further not object to your taxes been raised to PAY for it?? Thought not to both questions!!


            • #36
              I applaud Strocube for standing up to bulling and threats by whomever!      
              You are still a nuff nuff sometimes Torutot ... He made a dumb comment.. Instead of acknowledging it.. he chose to go on with the usual anti us rants which we know you enjoy like flies on shit.


              A worthy trip report


              • #37
                (Torurot @ Feb. 16 2012,22:31) Iran is NOT a threat,
                What about Hezbollah then and all the other creeps the Iranians keep supporting not to mention the long range missiles that they have or are developing. And some Aytatollah has his finger on the red button soon as well... oh dear

                The Govt can have all my taxes rises and give to the armed forces no problem. These are the only guys i have any respect for in this world


                • #38
                   So Gung Ho!  Hey you might be a veteran for I know but do you REALLY know what you are asking for??  STUDY the FACTS.  Iran attacked nobody.  "Wiped from the pages of time".  I see you all speak Farsi now? You all understand the subtle nuances of multilingual translation.  Israel and the U.S.A. don't have an agenda...  Where's those bridge ownership documents I stowed in my bottom draw... I have a deal for you....

                  U.S. media takes the lead on Iran

                  Diane Sawyer and Brian Ross belong in a fear-mongering museum

                  You DO know what the IAEA inspectors have said???  No??  Go read it from the horses mouth.

                  When are you guys going to call for the denuclearize of Israel, the most aggressive state in the M.E?? How about IAEA inspectors at Demona?? No?? Why not?


                  • #39
                    The Jews invented the A bomb , they are hardly ever going to give it up are they. 35% of the worlds top Scientists are Jewish.

                    Politics is nasty business no doubt about it but i think that Middle Eastern states who have had  teenagers flogged to death maybe have a different threshold of sanity to others in the vicinity


                    • #40
                      WTF, you guys? Even if OBL was not a stooge of the CIA, which I highly doubt. What about the years of lies, propaganda and misinformation? Why doesn't that make you question what you're being fed? I don't get it, seriously.
                      YOU'RE BEING LIED TO, HELLO.

                      Bring it bitches.
                      "Bankin' off of the northeast wind
                      Salin' on a summer breeze
                      And skippin' over the ocean, like a stone."
                      -Harry Nilsson


                      • #41
                        Nothing like a little political discussion to stir up the pot!  

                        Actually the US doesn't have a monopoly on lying to it's citizens and the world. All countries lie as well, it's just the extent of it that can vary.

                        Having worked in the Arabian Gulf area for a number of years, I can say that there are plenty of whoppers told in this region as well.

                        Terrorism is a real threat, not some imaginary bogey man thought up by the military industrial complex of the west. However, it neither is a huge monster problem either.

                        What is sad is the extremism that comes about because of the polarization of the sides. Seeing people openly cheer when the airliners struck the twin towers when I was working in the UAE made me realize both sides are wrong. Each side demonizes the other, reducing the opposition to less than human, so as to justify killing them is not a problem.

                        Anyway, this is an lb forum, we'll not solve the problem here, but a little discussion is good for the soul!

                        In the meantime how about this?

                        The lovely Fah new to Guess Bar from Pattaya.

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                        • #42
                          Strobelight u r saying obl is a ciao stooge again!!

                          I just wonder in your learned ways whether you appreciate the reason that you enjoy Thailand today is because of the lines of US Australia and Britain.

                          I guess you are comfortable being a hypocrite then? or perhaps you are nieve to the fact?


                          A worthy trip report


                          • #43
                            You see even opposing "sides" here could have a and discuss (drool) the lovely Fah. What do you mean by "because of the lines of US Australia and Britain"? Is this one of those "don't mention the war" moments?


                            • #44
                              Is it only war? Seems your ignorance is blissful.

                              I have no issue in someone having an opposite opinion. however if you truly believe in your rantings i would expect your actions to be congruous with your words. yours are not... your actions are hypocritical.

                              The farcical part is your ignorance to your own behaviour. I doubt you are even capable of changing as your hatred is too powerful.


                              A worthy trip report


                              • #45
                                Btw Rx lovely shot of the cutey


                                A worthy trip report

