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Lb's with scars

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  • #16
    The scars all look the same size and shape...
    Motorcycles and roads are all the same size and shape too, skippy!  


    • #17
      (Bob_No_Hope @ Aug. 16 2007,05:27) I asked a few girls what it's from and they all answered "motorbike accident"
      This reminded me when I first questioned my Thai GF about her motorbike riding skills. I was nervous getting on the back with her driving.

      So prior to my riding with her, I asked her if she was a good driver and she said yes, very good and I said how could I be sure. I was joking with her at this point but after I asked....she stood up and raised the hem of her little sun mini dress and showed me her legs and said see? I said see what, the fact that you have gorgeous legs (she does too ). She laughed and said Noooo.....I have no scars on my legs......

      I still didn't know what the hell she was talking about (I was new to this whole scene) and she explained that good drivers didn't have scars while bad drivers are all scared up.



      • #18
        (stogie bear @ Aug. 16 2007,07:49)
        The scars all look the same size and shape...
        Motorcycles and roads are all the same size and shape too, skippy!
        Personal Opinon:
        Motorbikes in Thailand all SUCK......every time I get on one, it rains.


        • #19
          We're all gonna watch you very closely then mate...

          The minute you get on a motorbike, we're pulling out the umbrellas...
          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


          • #20
            And I'm gonna race out and clean my car when he get's OFF a motorcycle!


            • #21
              When i first started coming to Thailand a long time ago some of the GGs in patpong would slice there arm with a blade due to the boyfriend being unhappy and it was a punishment and reminder that the GG has slept with someone else..

              This has been talked about before and its not bullshit
              . Ive seen GGs with a dozen scars . Since i been going with LBS i have not seen this buts GGs yes... it does happen. or did happen! the case may be

              as for Ladyboys i havent seen it yet..


              • #22
                Hot Mix & concrete will often leave fine almost parallel marks. Get down and look closely at all the little raised "stones". That shit is like very course grit Sand Paper. I have many marks down my own arms, legs, shoulders and other places despite using leathers (dogs are NOT your friend).

