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I'm off to Hong Kong for 3 days!

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  • #31
    SB - stay at the JJ hotel. Look for it on Might not have the views but it is extremely close to Wanchai and for HK$ 400 nett and up with free wifi etc   per night  is the best deal you will find in this amazing city.

    It is the best kept secret in HK, and I do not say that lightly.

    When I last checked, Cathay Pacific had a promo on of about 8,200 or try China Airlines. Don't bother with Thai.

    As for Macau - skip it unless you are into gambling. I mean it you are much better in HK.

    There is so much to do and see in HK that you would not have time to go there anyway.

    Oh and do not go and see the escalator unless you have to. It is just an escalator for gawds sake. It is not something to go out of your way for.


    • #32
      Oh and before I forget. I do recommend taking a boat, so why not go to Cheung Chau and have some seafood at the restaurants there. Much more fun than going to Macau.

      Remember it is a lot cooler in HK than Bkk right now. I just spent the last two weeks there.


      • #33
        (bangkoksins @ Apr. 27 2009,11:38) Remember it is a lot cooler in HK than Bkk right now. I just spent the last two weeks there...
        Excellent tip... Must do some clothes shopping!

        Checked out the JJ... Interesting see-through showers! I don't think Olay would like that... don't LBs do strange things in the shower that they don't want us to see? ??

        He he...


        • #34
          they are only see through if you want them to be. You can drop a blind for total privacy. Trust me it is the best quality deal you will find in HK. Good beds, internet, safe, etc the works and all that for for 400 or more nett.

          It is also walking distance to causeway bay and wanchai (5 mins)


          • #35
            There are a nice clutch of restaurants opp the Rennaisance Harbour View
            across the walkway...I always have a nice Gin and Tonic in the Renn
            Bar bar and listen to the piano before tucking into a nice steak across the way.

            Also there are five "Spagetti House" eaterys in HK, the spag bol is fantastic. The best ive had for ages. Washed down with a diet coke and Banana Split... its better than sex


            • #36
              The tickets are booked and so is the hotel...

              Three nights at the Nathan with breakfast and WiFi is about 110 US$ per room per night at

              Mox Travel did the best deal for the air and we are on China airways for less than 9,000 baht each.

              We could have gone cheaper on an African airline but hey... I wanted to get there, and Cathay Pacific had a good deal for certain credit card holders which included a limo to the airport... but the times they offered were crap and actually a limo doesn't work for me as I live not far from the airport and waiting for a 'limo' (10 year old Volvo?) and just hoping they know where my house is and that they show up on time and that they have a decent vehicle just isn't worth the 100 baht it would cost me to hop in a taxi and go when and how I choose!

              The girls both have window seats there and back as they are first time fliers... we are next to them and in consecutive rows...

              I bought a book (in Thai) about Hong Kong and Macau for Olay... she's reading and memorizing every word!

              How is the weather? Should we take sweaters?


              • #37
                You wont need a Limo.. the Airport train is faster and cheaper and is only two stops from memory . Takes around 20 minutes to HK side

                Dont both with the Taxi from the airport... they fiddle the meters anyway... and the cunts want a tip as well...


                • #38

                  When are you going?
                  The weather should be mild but it depends on when you leave.
                  You may want to look at or such.
                  Have fun Mates
                  You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


                  • #39
                    There you go, a 10 day forecast, outlook is for mild weather, low chance of rain, rather pleasant in fact...

                    As to the sweater question, I would always pack a light jacket or jumper, you may not need it but after the heat of Bangkok, the sudden drop in evening temperature can bring on a cold or worse very fast.

                    Planes are the worst source of cold bugs known to man & taking something before & during the trip to bolster immunities would be erring on the side of caution.

                    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                    • #40
                      (pacman @ Apr. 29 2009,10:57) Planes are the worst source of cold bugs known to man...
                      Have you ever been to a hospital in the UK? Don't. It'll make you sick!


                      • #41
                        I merely offer the advice for whatever it is worth, as one Virgo to another...        

                        I am not my brother's keeper...          you pay your money, you take your chances...        
                        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                        • #42
                          Weather looks oki dokie for Hongers... and , oi... change that dreadful avatar of yours!
                          Attached Files


                          • #43
                            Unfortunately the air quality does not,
                            "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                            • #44
                              (Stogie @ Apr. 29 2009,11:28) and , oi... change that dreadful avatar of yours!

                              Back to the beginning....        
                              Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                              • #45
                                (Snick @ Apr. 29 2009,11:36) Unfortunately the air quality does not,
                                Yowsa... Gotta watch out for those sneaky respirable suspended particulates...
                                Attached Files

