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Vivian? Any reports?

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  •      .... but did you introduce yourself to Vivian?

    I'm sure she would have helped get over any disappointment you were feeling.

    Don't worry about the first 3 ..... I am reliably informed you are not their type          

                           .....but neither am I ...        
    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


    • (pacman @ May 01 2008,23:45)                        .....but neither am I ...        
      "I can see it in the eyes.....they get hollow and soulless a year or 2 after the Op .... I coined the term ''shark eyes'' to describe that look"

      Jaidee 2009

      The other white meat


      • Not without money I'm not.

        Except for Naang Faa, she is not available at any price.
        Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


        • (pacman @ May 01 2008,09:45) Don't worry about the first 3 ..... I am reliably informed you are not their type          

          dare i ask "reliably informed" by whom?

          i have been told my discourses on proust and rimbaud are really quite fascinating and my glib tongue never fails to delight

          but if you are correct i shall return my delusional ass to pattaya, far from the scorn of bangkok's glitterati and allay my disappointment in the anonymous arms of less judgemental beauties who appreciate the sensitive nature of a true artiste d'amore.


          •           TB, did you ever consider excess verbosity might actually be working against you?

            Not that I want that to stop you ...... your delusional state does give rise to some interesting posts.

            Naturally I couldn't break confidence with my sources so whilst I feel free to post unsubstantiated slander about yourself, I will protect their identity.

            My inside confidantes have revealed the reasons for the above ladies distaste - apparantly Mint has a preference for the existential ramblings of Jean-Paul Sartre whilst Fern enjoys the musings of Bertrand Russell.

            It looks like we have a clash of philosophers, but as far as Ms Faa is concerned, she has the curious mix of Karl Marx, John Kenneth Galbraith & Lewis Carol as her favoured bedside reading.

            Yes, the Lewis Carol of "The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland".

            Seems Alice's life & Naang's life are one & the same.      

            Who knew?      
            Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


            • Is there any fucking chance of speaking english,pacman and TB!
              A friend in need is a f**king pest


              • (ciobha @ May 02 2008,20:22) Is there any fucking chance of speaking english,pacman and TB!
                sorry ciobha, et al

                a brief translation:

                pman: you got no chance.
                tb: skinny legs and all?
                pman: so they say.
                tb: viv looked great, but guess it's back to pattaya for me.
                pman: remember, one pill makes you larger
                tb: yeah, but the other makes you small


                • Ciobha, I thought the standard of discourse between TB & myself raised the quality of English around here to new heights.

                  But I was always taught that self-praise is no praise at all so I join with TB in apologising to those who haven't the faintest as to what we are on about.

                  I love TB's translation - I thought Lewis Carrol had been updated to include LOS, can't remember who offered the pills ......

                                 ...... I just know it wasn't the white rabbit ....  

                  Confused? You should be, the whole bloody book about Alices adventures was written in some mathematical code.

                  Quite ingenious apparantly, but don't ask me to explain it ...... that's Naang's department seeing how she is the real Alice.        
                  Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                  • phatthaya.......godd!


                    • godd? I think you mean good & yes Vivian, Pattaya is good.

                      Is that where you have been? I am very sorry thaibound & I hi-jacked your thread.

                      We are bad & must be punished.

                      You can do? OK?
                      Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                      • (pacman @ May 04 2008,01:59) We are bad & must be punished.

                        You can do? OK?        

                        oh yeah, p-man, she can do
                        just don't challenge her to any games on her playstation or you'll be in for a major hurt.

                        as for pattaya, i'm pretty certain she did not mean *she* went to pattaya.
                        she's definitely a top-end guess bar wage earner, unlikely to ever see the seamy side of sodom by the sea -- or the cheap charlies who prefer it.


                        •     Just how exactly do you know of Viv's Playstation abilities?

                          I am hoping you read about it in Playstation Monthly.

                          It's a silly game anyway ......    
                          Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                          • I've heard of her Playstation abilities, this week I will be testing her skills with the WII.
                            "Snick, You Sperm Too Much" - Anon


                            • is very good but wii is better some time when i go with costomer longtime i will bring it with me too...because i need we enjoy together but maybe some man they don't like they just want to play me but is ok we can play both
                              about phatthaya i think there is very good also but i never been to work there i just go to relax there in newyear festival for 2 day i'm walk on "walkking street" have many thing to do i see one boy he play footbal on his body and one man he do everything look like a robot hehe that very fun.....but i never think i will go to work there that not place for me
                              for me ....Just "GUESS BAR"
                              i love my Boss and....i love my friends here


                                Damn Vivian i like your style, you would make a great politician
                                hope to see you in june, so i can play with your playstation

