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The music in Guess Bar poll - Please vote!

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  • (Socrates999 @ Jul. 15 2008,04:02)
    (PigDogg @ Jul. 14 2008,12:32)
    (bkkldby @ Jul. 14 2008,05:16) second time was at a race circuit track, triple bill. grateful dead, allman bros and the band. of course at the end all three played together for hours on end. 650,000 people, pouring rain and no one budged during the entire days concert.
    Sounds like the Watkins Glen concert in the summer of 73.

    Yeah, I was there too! Pouring rain, traffic backed up for miles. I went up early, taking my GF's daughter. GF came up later and had to walk forever.

    Hopped a ride on the way down the hill, my friend left his wallet and drugs in the car. The good folks drove down to Long Island from New England the following weekend and returned everything untouched.

    Thanks for the memories!
    i have only met one other person who was there in all of these years.

    one of the only things i ever got mad at my mother about was she threw out a box a few years ago that had my t-shirt from that show in it. a true relic of substantial intrinsic value.

    we got there on Thursday night, drove up from Albany. the last few miles took as long as the entire rest of the trip, but we were truly baked and just jammed in the beetle while we waited it out. stayed until Monday morning.

    BTW: rock and roll BS'ing is NEVER  


    • Guys I really do not want to hear music from ages ago.

      If you want that, just do it in your own room.

      I want to see the girls dancing on the tunes they like.

      Just because you are a customer ore having some website does not give you the right to decide what music is played.
      Only dead fish go with the flow.


      • (A-Lek @ Jul. 15 2008,10:07) Guys I really do not want to hear music from ages ago.

        If you want that, just do it in your own room.

        I want to see the girls dancing on the tunes they like.

        Just because you are a customer ore having some website  does not give you the right to decide what music is played.
        i don't think anyone is implying that they play oldies day in and day out, or only music that 'they' like.

        they are asking for a variety and for a decibel level that allows people to have a conversation without going outside.

        that is all. i have read many comments form customers that say they are driven away to spend their money elsewhere time and again.

        i have previously stated that personally i will listen to anything that is played well, and at a decent volume. i just do not care to hear techno hour upon hour, at ear piercing volumes and whilst i am sitting in a tiny 2 square concrete box. i think it is akin to a Guantanamo kind of torture technique ...

        and i think many would like the same thing.

        the fact is, from what i have read here for the most part (62%), jay is missing out on about 50% of the trade she could have, which means the girls are too. which is why the general staff are so surly all of the time. they are poorer than they should be because they do not get tips to supplement their meager salaries because no one has taken the time to set a policy, enforce it and explain the reason for it to the staff. T I T

        but that is just MHO.


        • we all know that but try suggesting it to a Thai !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          As I have said so many times before, I have no ability to control anything, nor frankly would I wish to - its Jay's bar and her's to work or fail.

          She clearly has some issues to deal with in a Thai way and its not about the girls for take-a-way - seems to be more among the service or lack of service personnel.



          • I was there tonight for several hours...

            Music - perfect. Volume - perfect...

            I'll be back!


            • (srb @ Jun. 28 2008,13:16) Music, being the 'feelgood' factor for many people - including those who work there (and thats just as important) - can be hard to play to everyone, especially considering the broad range of ages and tastes. Also hard to play it safe as there's rarely a middle-ground when it comes to individuals.
              Poor Jay - but I rest my case after reading the thread! Reminds me of my time in clubs, when no matter what the DJ played, there would always be someone who came up and said "Got anything good, mate?" Learnt some choice replies at the booth in those days - once the DJ gave up mentioning it was a *insert Decade here* Night, or trying to educate the local knuckle-dragger about the subjectivity of 'good'!

              I'm being a bit tongue in cheek (but I do have every sympathy with Jay), though it's a fact that you can't please all the people all of the time - the broad customer profile just doesn't lend itself to that.

              Capitalising on opportunities to take the chance of giving that 'personal service' (of the musical rather than couch kind, and as per stories about people being there on their own) seems to be where the bar can help itself do better. Mardhi has clearly pointed out the issues with that, though personally - and Im not a great attender like most of you - I thought Gong was very attentive to me when I squealed at the volume once. And he took a cd from me and played it with a smile...but there were some rather gay tracks on there. Hmmm I may have cracked it - everyone take in Gloria Gaynor's Greatest Hits and YMCA (12 inch extended version)    Instant Customer Care.  


              • (stogie bear @ Jul. 14 2008,17:43) I was there tonight for several hours...

                Music - perfect. Volume - perfect...

                I'll be back!  
                Wasn't one of your CD's by any chance was it Stogie   
                Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                • well, i was in and out of Guess bar a lot this weekend. most of the times in the early part of the day being the weekend and opening at 4 pm. on Sunday i was there form about 10 to 12:45, and the place was very 'happening'.

                  i am happy to say that each time the music was at a very good volume and it was something that most folks were either tapping their foot to, dancing and cavorting to, or lip-syncing along with. so i would gather it was OK for most concerned.

                  on Saturday i arrived before the door was open, K. Gong arrived and got me a beer. and then he put on some great cd left by a punter. it was a mix of Clapton and other older  UK rockers like tull, cocker, etc. i never prompted him to do so.

                  when i was ready to leave, i went to the bar, thanked him for the good tunes and then gave him a good tip. it was the first time i have seen him smile when i have addressed him ABOUT ANYTHING and he seemed quite pleased. he had a look on his face that may infer he is getting the idea.

                  i have been tempted to bring in a disc, but anytime i have ever done that anywhere, it gets branded as my music and it is all i hear when i go back to these places, and thus it gets boring fast.

                  all i ever wanted, and they seem to now afford everyone, is less decibels and variety.

                  so, i say to jay or whoever has managed to achieve this small feat, thanks.


                  • (bkkldby @ Jul. 21 2008,21:00) so, i say to jay or whoever has managed to achieve this small feat, thanks.[/b]
                     credit where it's due


                    • (srb @ Jul. 22 2008,03:46)
                      (bkkldby @ Jul. 21 2008,21:00) so, i say to jay or whoever has managed to achieve this small feat, thanks.[/b]
                       credit where it's due
                      and why not?  

                      its very easy thing to do, and it is a good measure of a person.

                      we are only as good as the praise we give others in return for things well done.

                      pass it forward so-to-speak.

                      do unto others ....

                      words are action ...

                      you only garner respect by showing respect ...

                      etc etc etc

                      blah blah blah

                      but it is all true, regardless of the wavy-gravy 'hippie-ness' of it all


                      • (bkkldby @ Jul. 21 2008,22:43) and why not?  
                        Why not indeed. Just giving credit to you for giving credit to them - which is a credit to us all! Now credit me with crediting you for the credit


                        • (srb @ Jul. 22 2008,05:25)
                          (bkkldby @ Jul. 21 2008,22:43) and why not?  
                          Why not indeed. Just giving credit to you for giving credit to them - which is a credit to us all! Now credit me with crediting you for the credit  



                          • went back to Guess bar last night, friday, and sat there for an hour or so with jenny. just like last weekend the volume was good, the tunes quite varied (another customer's home burnt disc - thank you very much), and it was only the warmth of jenny's flesh, and her wonderful cleavages (yes that is plural), that got me up off the sofa and out of the bar. (damn that girl can rock the house while smiling and laughing through it all. a total gfe, with a little control/demand thrown in for good measure.)

                            i will say once again that i could not ask for more in a bar now that they have gotten a handle on the music department. ice cold bottled san miguel light and great tunes at a volume that lets me have a great conversation with some of the best talent in town.

                            quite a satisfyingly simple scene.

                            again i say to who ever pulled this off, thanks for a most enjoyable time.

                            i will be back this afternoon for more relaxing fun and games.


                            • Keep talking to them about the music...

                              I went there last night and Gong and Jay both asked for more discs like the ones I gave them last week and at the moment things seem perfect in there.

                              Certainly I'm in there a lot more these days - so maybe not perfect for everyone!


                              • (stogie bear @ Jul. 27 2008,00:22) Keep talking to them about the music...

                                I went there last night and Gong and Jay both asked for more discs like the ones I gave them last week and at the moment things seem perfect in there.

                                Certainly I'm in there a lot more these days - so maybe not perfect for everyone!  
                                when i was in on friday night between 9-ish and 10:30-ish there was a lot of very good r and b in the mix. mercy, mercy me by marvin gaye was playing as i walked in and the groove just kept on.    the girls said there had been some decent attendance that night and many of the others had been bought out for short time.

                                it also tends to keep the squealing at the pool table toned down too.

                                but like i said, for me, it has made it a great place to sit, relax, talk and prep the head for short time.

                                i also see myself buying more lady's drinks now, and doing it painlessly.

