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Is the smoking ban affecting bars?

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  • #31
    Wednesday night at Ezy-

    First off: No smoke! Much better atmosphere all around. The sanuk factor was high. The girls who were smoking took it outside. I don't know how he did it, but Karl "The Smokestack" himself seemed free of the evil weed last night. Interesting that the bar was full of punters, drinking, spending and having a good time, whereas the (smoky) night before, I don't think there was a single customer.

    On top of all that, there was good, professional service, partly due to Biaow/Sandra, formerly a Blue Ice looney tune but now apparently as reformed as Karl. There were some fine freelancers in stock.

    Nice job again, Karl.
    "The Ladyboy Collection- start yours today!"


    • #32
      Yes, smoking ban in force at EZY Bar now, with Karl dragging on a plastic cigarette.

      Karl phoned me yesterday, explaining that the majority of the EZY girlz smoke (some do cigarettes, all do cocks I'm led to believe ).  So he had been allowing some latitude,but is now cracking the whip ....   ooo,err     The air was nicely airconned, and smelling sweet.   As Karl confirms, this ban isn't 'optional' under the laws of Thailand ...   and we will no doubt see enforcement shortly.

      I heard one guy outside Stringfellows mouthing off, when he was escorted from the bar by the girls after he lit up.  

      I smoked for 20+ years (mainly outside)... but during that time never realised how repulsive it is to non-smokers.  I'm still tempted to smoke cigarettes, even now though  


      • #33
        Well done Karl... Hopefully till receipts will be smelling just as sweet!


        • #34
          (stogie bear @ Jun. 05 2008,16:31) Well done Karl... Hopefully till receipts will be smelling just as sweet!  
          Many thanks guys

          With the smoking ban imposed and myself sucking my plastic cigarette I've to agree things are difinately for the better for myself and the bar

          Best wishes,

           “Cock n’ Roll” ®  


          • #35
            Thanks for having the courage to fix it Karl. Some of us non smokers are kinda "sneaky", & unless a bar is exceptional for one reason or other, rather than make a fuss we just don't bother if it's overloaded with smoke. The money we WOULD have spent in your bar just stays in the pocket. Call us the silent majority.


            • #36
              this one works both ways many smokers will spend less time in non smoking bars more in smoking common logic. i enjoy a puff on a cigg with a bottle of beer,tho i wont avoid smokeless bars i will spend less time there,so it follows ,less money.


              • #37
                (robbo @ Jul. 06 2008,11:34) this one works both ways many smokers will spend less time in non smoking bars more in smoking common logic. i enjoy a puff on a cigg with a bottle of beer,tho i wont avoid smokeless bars i will spend less time there,so it follows ,less money.
                But I bet there are more smokers than will spend time in non-smoking bars, than there are non-smokers that will spend time in smoking I don't think it works both ways EQUALLY
                Mister Arse


                • #38
                  My thought as well...And among the BM's that I know, there are probably more nonsmokers than smokers...
                  "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon

