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retiring in Thailand

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  • #16
    Well Ziggy, I dont think I will stay forever in one place. I probably go and explore for a couple of weeks at a time, its good to have a base though somewhere central from which to operate. Not BKK which is a polluted hellhole, or was at least last time I checked, once you get over the exotic novelty of it.
    I ll check out Khao Yai you mentioned and I definitely will go back up to to Laos to Pongsali northeast for the hot season perhaps, as I like taking pictures in the tribal regions. Also have not been to Burma in over 30 years and would be interested how that place is coming along. It looks like there are millions of islands off the southwest coast. If you know anything if they are opening up the place please let me know.


    • #17
      DHZ, as long as you dont burn your bridges to your homecountry and have no trouble going back you might as well jump into the adventure.


      • #18
        (deric77 @ Apr. 14 2007,04:21) DHZ, as long as you dont burn your bridges to your homecountry and have no trouble going back you might as well jump into the adventure.
        Yes, indeed and thanks Deric  
        Just coming home from hometown were I was with my best friend and there he had told me the same like you.

        And to have one life only is not to much for waste any time.
        Djai jen jen si !


        • #19
          Stogie, that villa sounds great of course but a little pricey for me. Now, you dont like to live with other people in the same building but if a few likeminded guys got together they could rent a nice place like that and it would be affordable.
          Also have you seen or do you know of the availability of electric golfcarts to get around town as I dont drive motorbikes anymore after two accidents in Java one of them I thought I might lose a foot.


          • #20
            ...but if a few likeminded guys got together they could rent a nice place like that and it would be affordable...
            Nice idea, but that wouldn't work... They don't call me Mr Grumpy for nothing, you know!


            • #21
              (stogie bear @ Apr. 14 2007,17:12)
              ...but if a few likeminded guys got together they could rent a nice place like that and it would be affordable...
              Nice idea, but that wouldn't work... They don't call me Mr Grumpy for nothing, you know!

              seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


              • #22
                (stogie bear @ Apr. 15 2007,01:12)
                ...but if a few likeminded guys got together they could rent a nice place like that and it would be affordable...
                Nice idea, but that wouldn't work... They don't call me Mr Grumpy for nothing, you know!  
                But what have to do called to be grumpy, but living affordable ?  
                What you lost or what you will win, at the end it will be your choice and nobody other have to care about this.
                Every new idea is suspicious. Or the earth would be until now a plate only.
                Djai jen jen si !


                • #23
                  About I just hear this great Rolling Stones song:
                  TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE
                  with the great guitar from Mick Taylor and my son Keith Richard will tell all of this.
                  Djai jen jen si !


                  • #24
                    many good coments here especially from pogue mahone.
                    i also plan to mover up there in about 5 years,
                    what always worrys me about asia is the property thing. buying and selling. everyone will tell you good advice ie condo s above the 4th floor can be purchased, leases can be obtained on land for a house etc etc. the laws keep changinmg so for me it would deffinatly be the rental road,If you rent you only stand to loose a months rent and afew bits of furniture if things go bad. as they can when you live in a third world country.
                    Thailand is very much cheaper at the moment, than living in australia.60% cheaper if you listen to some comments.
                    sounds good for retirement.
                    Something else that needs to be thought about is your health and insurance for it.
                    good luck to all those living there now and thinking of it in the future
                    just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


                    • #25
                      (deric77 @ Apr. 14 2007,06:44) Also have you seen or do you know of the availability of electric golfcarts to get around town as I dont drive motorbikes anymore after
                      GOD I hope people don't turn these places into those depressing retirement communities in the USA where people drive golf carts around as transportation..........let's keep the carts on the golf courses, and then only for those unable(disabled people) to play the game as it was intended to be walking..
            ,  you're really a guy?..............  


                      • #26
                        I am not sure if I am a minority here but when I thought about this, my first idea is to run a small business in Thailand. Now I am not talking about setting up factories to make computer parts to export back to the states, I am only talking about having a small bar/restaurants (I have experiences) which don't expect to make much but enough to supplement the distribution from savings. I am 100% capable of living on Thai street food (that's how I grew up in Asia).
                        The owner of cock tail and dream in Patong seems to follow this model?


                        • #27
                          lol, divertwo, I dont mean to play golf, its to get around instead of a motorbike, so you live longer without losing to many limbs. They drive like kamikaze, 4 wheels safer than 2, kind of thing, if you had been to Thailand or any third world country you would know what I mean.


                          • #28
                            I am only talking about having a small bar/restaurants...
                            Good idea, mate. You can't lose.


                            • #29
                              Stogie, you seem to contradict yourself. Under your name on the upper left you have posted "Take a chance on the good life." I think he wants to take his chance and is willing to accept the fact that it might go under. My hat is off to him and anyone else who is willing to talk the talk and walk the walk. Guys, you don't want to end up in some assisted care facility, drooling and gumming your food and telling yourself why didn't I take my shot when I was able to? This life is not a rehearsal.


                              • #30
                                Well, Sb was simply telling a fact. I don't think he is putting me down in fact. But thanks PM for defending me.
                                I have run business and yes, failed before. If we really want to talk about this - I would love to hear people who has done it to chip in your two cents. I will first admit I only fancied idea but have not given serious research; however, my theory is, it'll be much easier to run small business in Thailand than the states. I don't think the local government is on your backs so badly like they are here. Every time I eat at the hawkers road side cafe or tiny restaurants, I can't stop wonder how much LESS overhead, and how much more traffic they must have.

