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The BFE! (Boyfriend Experience!)

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  • #16
    If you shower, use your best shampoo, put on a clean clothes, and your best cologne one thing is for certain going to happen. You walk into the first bar smelling like a rose and walk out reeking like someone elses filthy cigarettes for the rest of the night. Here's hoping (probably in vain) the new laws will finally put an end to that later this month. And hopefully that will also eliminate needing to lay down next to a girl whose hair smells like someone's ashtray.


    • #17
      i put on my best city shirt ,brut and clean y-fronts then its lock up your daughters


      • #18
        (newwriter @ Feb. 02 2008,07:53) I don't want anybody I meet anywhere to think I'm a smelly, un-shaved fat old fashion tragic. I always splash on some aftershave and deodorant to fix the things I can.
        One day Newie we have got to meet up for a beer

        I like my ladies fragrant, made up and dressed to kill (in public at least) the least I can do is make the effort.

        I totally agree with Ozzie (   did I really agree with another son of the antipodes) we are dealing with human beings first and foremost. What they do to earn a living is just that - a job - they still deserve to be treated right.
        You, you and you hold fire - everyone else come with me - attributed to US Marine Recruiting Sargent WW2.

        You, you and you cum on me - everyone else hold fire - attributed to Porn Actor/Director Alexandra in 1992


        • #19
          4th option for me too plus carry plenty of that minty chewing gum and maybe a mini listerine bottle around with me because I smoke
          Your got yer Mother in a whirl
          Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


          • #20
            I guess one of the reasons that Guess Bar did such good business in its original form (I haven't been to the new place) was that Jay policed the girls and made sure they were always presented in their best light. I presume some peer group and professional pressure helped but when the girls try hard to look their best it's such a nice experience.

            In my many years in Asia it wasn't always the case.

            I don't know if it is reasonable to assume a man will apply the same standards he might expect when trawling for non-professional company but it seems to me that we have, in other threads, agreed that as mature, divorced (and thus hopefully a little discerning) individuals we will be inclined towards girls with clear eyes, nice smiles and good attitudes.

            My days of gutter-lurching searches for the sleaziest company I can find are long gone and I suspect I am not alone.

            I'm rambling but the point I think I'm making is that our expectations and hopes are that we find girls that are trying to loo their best and, with that expectation in mind, we are likely to try and do the same.

            Don't worry, it only seems kinky the first time


            • #21
              Ever since Ive been a kid Ive always been paraniod about personal hygiene , I fact my mum used to give off because I was in the shower all the time .

              Im as bad now Im grown up , I honestly dont think Ive ever been for a night out in my life unshaven .

              Being a Mod in my teenage years has added to this , in fact if it was,nt for the humidity in Thailand I think I would wear mohair suits at night  

              Seriously though good personal hygiene does make a VERY big difference .
              We all  know   looks and age matter not a jot in the P4P game , but I know for a fact hygiene does .
              One ladyboy who is a good friend of mine , was talking about a guy one time , I said oh xxx , I know him , she laughed and said , yeh he is a nice guy , but all the LBs in my bar say he smells of BO ( and no way Im I giving out his name , so dont ask !) but surfice to say the girls do discuss these things , and remember Thais are also quite hygiene obsessed .

              If I see someone in a bar I wanna barfine , I always check out how they look and smell , I love those Thai sniff kisses .

              So the Jimslim guide before setting even a foot outside .......

              1) Have a good shave and use a good moisturiser afterwards , Its 2008 and we should all be modern men  

              2) Have a good shower , and afterwards apply a good body lotion , see above  

              3) Whilst in the shower give the old pubic area a good trim  

              4) Use deodorant , and apply liberally your favorite aftershave , at the moment mine is Paul Smith Extreme .

              5) Finally get dressed , your shirt / t shirt should be well laundered and pressed , and NEVER worn two days in a row .

              6) Dont forget to brush your teeth and use mouthwash .

              You can now approach your ladyboy with confidence .

              And ladyboys if you want a handsome man who also smells good , and is like FIRE between the sheets ,
              Jimslims yer man  

              Free your mind and your ass will follow .


              • #22

                Great post, Jim... (Great post Ozzie from earlier too...)

                Seems more people are like me on this than I thought... Great results so far on this poll.


                • #23
                  I voted 4 too.     Wouldnt even consider going for a night out, with out doing all the things jimslim mentioned above and some.  
                    Ive taken this to another level too as I have always enjoyed training and staying in shape so dressing and looking nice goes hand in hand and is life style for me..... so making an effort for a hooker ??.... na this is just normal..
                    I even like to accessorize properly too, ie belt, watch, shoes all playing a part in colour cordinating the over all look and making me feel good about myself. And if I feel and look good then I feel I desreve the same.... p4p or not.

                  That last bit sounded a bit


                  • #24
                    I love these topics.

                    I love to read what other guys do.      

                    For me it is an absolute no brainer.

                    Ever since I first wandered like a star struck kid down Patpong,
                    20 years before they thought to put a night market in the middle of it,
                    I caught on straight away how obsessed the girls were with cleanliness.

                    You could be anybody or anything & meet someone except if you were unkempt, unclean & smelt.

                    I always like my LOS routine - back to the appartment after running around during the day.
                    A shower to get the exhaust fumes out of hair, etc, read or email, usually a nap,
                    then shave, clean shirt, etc before heading out for the evening, often not till 9pm.

                    When your evenings companion walks into your room, what is the first thing they say?
                    "I go shower."
                    It was exactly the same in the 70's, & after we give the game away they will still be doing it.
                    Showering that is.          

                    Not too sure about shaving my nuts,            
                    Preferring a cut-throat razor, I'd hate to slip or anything.
                    I want to date LBs, not become one.
                    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                    • #25
                      (stogie bear @ Feb. 03 2008,02:14) Seems more people are like me on this than I thought...
                      And this doesn't convince me
                      Most of the guys I see in the game hunt are far from being magister elegantiurum. Are some of you making this up or are the BM of this Forum a league of extraordinary gentlemen?
                      Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                      • #26
                        (pacman @ Feb. 02 2008,23:28) Not too sure about shaving my nuts,            
                        I don't go "that far" either  and those that do "up to them"

                        I like my girls with a bit of a "bush" too
                        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                        • #27
                          I voted number 4......I think its right thing to do.. I was in stringfellow last trip I did experience situation where sitting next to some guy smelled like have not shower for week and it was no fun. I moved to different seat, also he LB's did not want to go talk to him.
                          "Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited while imagination embraces the world"
                          Albert Einstein


                          • #28
                            At its heart I know it is essentially a business transaction for both parties, but it never pays to scrimp on the social nicities.

                            I have worked in the customer service in the past and believe me that a smile and a full wallet goes a lot further than just a full wallet. All things being equal someone who was curtious and respectful to me got far better service than someone who thought throwing money around was the best way to go.

                            As far as possible why not have both parties to the transaction come out winners. I guess some people have low self-estem and need to feel they have come out ahead against a literally poor bar girl, but that's not any fun for me and certainly not any fun for the girl.


                            • #29
                              (ozzie @ Feb. 02 2008,13:25) brush my teeth and use some listerine

                              Thank God for that shit. A couple guys mentioned this and it should be in every mongers armoury . I know a lot of guys use this stuff, specially the smokers...cough cough....yeccc

                              One point about Listerine and maybe Rexpharm can back this up... You should not use Listerine after you just
                              brushed your teeth otherwise it will negate the chemical
                              agent in the toothpaste....Thats what my Dentist told me anyway....


                              • #30
                                (Tomcat @ Feb. 03 2008,19:54) ... You should not use Listerine after you just
                                brushed your teeth otherwise it will negate the chemical
                                agent in the toothpaste....Thats what my Dentist told me anyway....
                                Well, your dentist should have told you that Listerine is in fact not extremely helping. What it does the trick it's flossing, and I don't mean going down an a hairy LB
                                Really, flossing it's what we need because removes food particles stuck between teeth that Listerine and brushing are not able to remove. That food is rotting away quickly and saliva can't stop do much. The bad breath odor comes mainly from that, and also from what you may have eaten and digesting in your stomach and intestines.
                                Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!

