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The BFE! (Boyfriend Experience!)

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  • #46
    Stogie you got the point !
    As you said I (almost) always take them to my place (ST rooms are the rare exemption)
    I am always dressed properly (maybe some say overdressed) but personally I think shorts are the right right dress for the beach ,but not for the city.
    I hate sandals and slippers !
    I hate sleeveless undershirts !
    I just refer to unforgettable Robin`s comments.
    I shower before going out and have another shower (mostly ) together with my sweetie before action
    Beeing an oral sex freak its a must to be absolutely
    clean all over.
    Even when some Ladyboys ( same with GG´s) dont mind
    to suck a cock before cleaning I never would epect or allow them to do !
    I would not feel comfortable myself with that.
    But I think for an educated civilized guy this all is perfectly natural .

    Even when sometimes difficult ( too many visitors) I try to have at least one fresh towel for my guest.


    • #47
      1. Shave the body hair, body lotion, smooth skin (set the same standard for myself that I expect from her)
      2. Throw back a few beers get a buzz
      3. Pop some viagra (not that I need it, but what the hell)
      4. ST a g/g, blow that initial load..shower again etc
      5. Hit the beer bars and a few gogos
      6. Find a few nice LBs, make promises, give cell ph#
      7. Hook up with compatible nice/clean LB and fuck her for about 6 hrs.
      8. Fucky fucky me love you long time


      • #48
        In my head I want to be like "Bollocks to the lot of them....I'm paying for it innit?"

        In reality I spend more time sprucing myself up than I would if I was on a "normal"date......

        The irony being that after the deed is done, I invariably end up being both twatted and stinking of fags, in some overpriced after-hours club in Pratunaam where I more often than not end up going home with a freebee?!?

        Go figure............

        At the end of the day though, appearances count for a hell of a lot over here, you will be judged...... The scaggy, smelly trustafarians who pass through my neck of the woods deserve all the abuse they get from the Thais, as do the fat, sweaty, beer soaked sex-pats that frequent BKK/Pattaya etc....

        Edit: Good thread btw......


        • #49
          At the end of the day though, appearances count for a hell of a lot over here, you will be judged...... The scaggy, smelly trustafarians who pass through my neck of the woods deserve all the abuse they get from the Thais, as do the fat, sweaty, beer soaked sex-pats that frequent BKK/Pattaya etc....


          • #50
            ...have thought about wearing a sport's ok once you are in AC but outside that it would be pretty damn hot....and then there is the fact that I like to travel light with only carry on bags in the airplane. Maybe it's time to invest in one of those roll-up, guaranteed no wrinkle types that are available......or buy one from one of those Indian guys that bug the shit out of you........
  ,  you're really a guy?..............  


            • #51
              I'm pleasantly suprised to find the majority do leave for their evening soujourns well presented, I certainly do.

              I am with stogie on all that's mentioned in the OP, although a nut-shave is not a daily event..

              The last time I went ST with a girl from a bar was 10 years ago, always look for a LT partner these days, therefor my requirements in the bar are to find someone who is personable and clean. I am after the GFE with the intention of recruting for future options with reliable, sociable and clean LB's only.

              My intentions when recruiting are for a GFE, hopefully with no discussions of sex or costings in the bar, that can and often does happen. If she grabs my cock within seconds it really puts me off and I move on. Naturally I intend to have my sweets later, but that's not the first thing on my list, especially in the bar. Meals out, movies (not on first date), days out, field trips and time away from the bar scene with them is my goal. Personality is always number one. Some so-called superstars may look great, but if their attitudes or personality sucks and she becomes an undesirable for me.

              I work towards them wanting me as a regular BF and make the necassary effort to achieve this, hence turn out respectable and tidily dressed, showered and groomed. Obviously the reality is that she's a hired girlfriend, but that suits me just fine.

              That's just me, call me old fashioned, but it's the way I like it.

              Drifted off-topic a tad, sorry  


              • #52
                (eric hunt @ Feb. 07 2008,11:51) That's just me, call me old fashioned, but it's the way I like it.
                And happy you weren't "christened" Mike

                Welcome to the forum Sir
                Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                • #53
                  I am a old, fat, bald fuck so I have to go the extra mile. Clean up fool you are in Thailand. Also humor goes a long way with Thais, they enjoy a good laugh especially at your expense.
                  I cannot believe the smelly fucks one comes across in Thailand, have they no self respect .


                  • #54
                    I am a old, fat, bald fuck so...
                    Welcome to MY world!

                    movies (not on first date)
                    Me neither... What kind of person do they think I am!


                    • #55
                      (daveduke007 @ Feb. 07 2008,23:35) And happy you weren't "christened" Mike  

                      Welcome to the forum Sir
                      Many thanks for the welcome.

                      Bad news for me...
                      At school they used to called me 'hairy'


                      • #56
                        At school they used to called me 'hairy'
                        Now that's strange, because from your avatar I can think of a MUCH better name to call you!


                        • #57
                          (stogie bear @ Feb. 08 2008,04:20)
                          At school they used to called me 'hairy'
                          Now that's strange, because from your avatar I can think of a MUCH better name to call you!  
                          That was back in the good ol' days stogie.

                          Now, for some reason, all my hair has migrated south to my ears and nostrils, which adds an unnecessary burden to my grooming ritual  


                          • #58
                            I bought a nasal trimmer...

                            I was gonna buy one mail order but I thought it would end up being as useful as X-ray specs...

                            Anyway a year ago I was stranded in London, window shopping and bought a battery operated one for a tenner...

                            It's fucking brilliant! No more itchy nostrils and no more unsightly nasal pubes!

                            Also - a good Thai barber will take care of your ear hairs for free!


                            • #59
                              (stogie bear @ Feb. 08 2008,04:41) a good Thai barber will take care of your ear hairs for free!  
                              On a number of occasions in the past I've handed over my tweezers to my LB 'date' and they've taken care of me, just like a pro.

                              Seems they love those tricky little grooming jobs and the ears is a clear favourite. I believe they admire that one isn't shy about being personally groomed.

                              Can be a real relationship builder  


                              • #60
                                On a number of occasions in the past I've handed over my tweezers to my LB 'date' and they've taken care of me, just like a pro.

                                Seems they love those tricky little grooming jobs and the ears is a clear favourite. I believe they admire that one isn't shy about being personally groomed.

                                Can be a real relationship builder
                                Knock it off will ya!
                                Forgot how this forum works  

