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Budgeting for my trip to Thailand!

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  • Budgeting for my trip to Thailand!

    Here's the golden rule of budgeting for Thailand.... (and it's really simple!)

    Bring TWICE as much money as you think you'll neeed and half as many clothes!

    That's IT, brothers - that's ALL you need to know!

    Sure - writing down the expenses and hotel costs and food costs and short time rates might make you feel good about coming, but chuck all that crap out the window when you are on your way to the airport.

    When you get here you'll be glad you did. Sticking to a budget is a surefire way to kill any holiday. You may as well not come.

    So - how good are you at managing your money on holiday?
    Attached Files
    I budget carefully and always stay within it.
    I budget carefully but lose control after a few days'
    I try to budget but I always end up hemorrhaging cash'
    I don't budget. But I don't spend freely either.
    I don't budget. I've always got plenty of holiday cash'
    I don't budget. Max out the credit cards'
    My answer isn't on this list of options.

  • #2
          I thought I would write a witty reply but that Picture is so frickin  
    You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


    • #3
      Ok now a Reply.......

      I just go to the ATM Weekly or more as needed and I am spending about 120,000 a month not including my rent or electric.  Its mostly spent on food and booze and a few Girls here and there but nothing excessive.
      You Live and You Learn -- Hopefully!


      • #4
        That's 2,445 euro = 606 weekly i don't think i have ever spent that amount anywhere in europe
        i love t-girls


        • #5
          But remember gold is expensive in LOS...
          "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


          • #6
            I chose option 1. I buget monies and stay within my buget. I end up spending average 6000 baht a day.
            "Imagination is more important than knowledge, for knowledge is limited while imagination embraces the world"
            Albert Einstein


            • #7
              I don't explicitly budget, per se, (I'm such a two week millionaire ) but having been over so many times I have a good idea of what I will spend per day in either Pattaya or BKK and rarely spend much more than these typical amounts
              No honey, no money!!


              • #8
                I do not budget when I'm on holiday. In advance I have an idea about hotel costs and plane ticket, but day to day spendings all depends on my mood.

                I spent 100k Baht on hookers and booze on my 24 day March 2008 trip. Hotel was 45k Baht and plane ticket was 80k Baht. Total 225k bath for 24 days, or about 9k a day all inclusive.
                Back in LOS in February  


                • #9
                  I'm not a big spender, so I hardly will overspend.
                  Do only what you think it's good for you, and not what others think should be good for you!


                  • #10
                    Here is what I've done on my coming trip in May

                    ALL hotels in Pattaya (3 nights), Samui (6), Phuket (7) and Bangkok (2 including late check out) "Paid" in Advance

                    Domestic Flights (x2) from Pattaya-Samui-Phuket-BKK including Taxi tranfers to and from the Airports ALL "Paid" in Advance.

                    The JEEP in Samui and Phuket is also "accounted" for should I decide to "hire" one

                    Also I have purchased on E-bay "ALL" the Clothing ( Jeans, Shirts, Shorts, Trainers, Boxers, Socks, Shaving gear etc ) I will require even to the extent of buying plenty of "knobsocks" and 3 Tubes of KY    

                    Also 2 Big jars of Coffee and a Bottle of Champagne ( for "romantic" Barbacue dinner on Lamai Beach lol )

                    As I will be with my "Teerak" I do not need to "Shell out" money for Ladydrinks, Barfines, S/T's or L/T's etc but I have an Ample "Separate Stash" of money  for "Gifts" and "Shopping" that I will no doubt "Bestow" on her

                    After all this I will have at least £100+ per day to Spend.
                    I know my Food and Drinks Bill will be x2 but it should be more than enough even though she does "Eat like a Horse" but fortunately only Drinks in "small doses", so enough money to spend on Trips, Cinema  and going out etc if we should decide to give the "Inserts" a rest for a while

                    I dont like to Budget as I'm on "Holiday" after all and want to "Enjoy it", it would certainly put a "Damper" on it for me if I was "worried" about how much I'm able to spend each Day    and whatever's left at the end  will end up in her pocket anyway    
                    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                    • #11
                      I have planned on spend a 100 us a day so I guess that is like 3200 baht


                      • #12
                        I personally couldn't get a whole lot of quality action on budget of 3000 bht a day...maybe some pattaya street girls and street food and a very a cheap room and no booze...but if it was doubled (or tripled in my case)...I could have some memories...albeit a bit more expensive memories...

                        At any rate whatever your budget give us all a great trip report...with photos...I hope you are able to stay within your budget...

                        Good luck limpdick...Have a great trip....
                        "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                        • #13
                          Making the effort to come all the way to LOS for 10 days or more I certainly dont want to miss out on any thing that takes my fancy, wether it be food, cloths, lady drinks( to the ones that dont normally get any attention) LT, ST, Lb's or GG's.... but it usually pan's out to be about 6000 baht a day.... not including flights as I get a special deal there.
                          Im in the envyable position of being on staff travel with BA and only pay 10% of ticket cost from a best mate, usually about £140 return


                          • #14
                            Stogie, sounds like a convo We had in Guess bar LOL.
                            Well guys My first 4 nights in the Hotel were pre paid,the rest I put on My card & I did 6000 Baht a day, way more then i could afford, as I "was" on a budget,but it was well worth it.But in October I want have lost £900 on flights to Indonesia, so more to spend
                            Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


                            • #15
                              (kahuna @ Mar. 29 2008,00:04) I personally couldn't get a whole lot of quality action on budget of 3000 bht a day...maybe some pattaya street girls and street food and a very a cheap room and no booze...but if it was doubled (or tripled in my case)...I could have some memories...albeit a bit more expensive memories...
                              Nice aircon room with free wifi - 600 baht
                              good food - 300 baht (subtract 100 if you eat Thai)
                              6 beers - 500 baht
                              3 LDs - 300 baht
                              ST, all in, on Soi 6 - 900 baht
                              transport - 100 baht (this is high for rounding purposes)
                              LT with LaBamba or Stringfellows girl - 1500 (subtract 300 if you know her well)

                              4200 baht and that is going out mongering, buying a few drinks and getting laid 3 times/day and having an overnight companion. Spending 6000/day or 9000/day in Pattaya is unnecessary to have a great time, however up to you.

                              Seriously, 9000 baht per day? What is your breakdown of how 9000 baht per day is spent in Pattaya?

