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Budgeting for my trip to Thailand!

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  • #16
    (daveduke007 @ Mar. 28 2008,23:22) LL hotels in Pattaya (3 nights), Samui (6), Phuket (7) and Bangkok (2 including late check out) "Paid" in Advance

    Domestic Flights (x2) from Pattaya-Samui-Phuket-BKK including Taxi tranfers to and from the Airports ALL "Paid" in Advance.
    What do you do if you fall in love with a new girl, or you get sick of the one you are with, or your plans change?


    • #17
      I remember a thread like this on Bangkok Tonight back in 2001/2. It was titled what would you do with 10,000 baht a day in Bangkok. Well 10,000 baht a day in BKK won't get you as much anymore but even back then I spent over 20,000 a night, not including hotel.

      I average 25,000 baht a day in BKK, Pattaya, or Phuket, again not including hotel. I don't buy anything except alcohol, barfines, and food. I just wake up with a smile on my face and start it all over again.

      I buy any lb or gg a drink that comes to sit with me, they are working and understand it. On an average night I will run through all the bars in Nana 2-3 times, Guess 2 times, and even squeeze some time in at Patpong.

      Make the most of your time while you have it.


      • #18
        (EyeMahk @ Mar. 28 2008,16:32)
        (daveduke007 @ Mar. 28 2008,23:22) LL hotels in Pattaya (3 nights), Samui (6), Phuket (7) and Bangkok (2 including late check out) "Paid" in Advance

        Domestic Flights (x2) from Pattaya-Samui-Phuket-BKK including Taxi tranfers to and from the Airports ALL "Paid" in Advance.
        What do you do if you fall in love with a new girl, or you get sick of the one you are with, or your plans change?
        Q- What do you do if you fall in love with a new girl

        A- She wont let me  

        Q-or you get sick of the one you are with,

        A- I doubt that    

        Q- or your plans change?

        A- If she dont wanna come with me I will travel alone and move on  
        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


        • #19
          I live in London. One of the biggest Rip off cities in the world. I'm not rich but I do ok. I have no doubt if I was on the same wage in BKK I would be broke in six months.

          To me Thailand is fanatasy land and it's great to live the fantasy. But fantasy's don't last forever so I enjoy it when I'm there, but to me it's not the real world and I wouldn't want it to be.
          Beer Baron


          • #20
            I have planned on spend a 100 us a day so I guess that is like 3200 baht...
            I average 25,000 baht a day in BKK, Pattaya, or Phuket, again not including hotel...
            Talk about a disparity in readership! Wow!

            I wonder who comes out the happier? Probably both the same at the end of the day.

            Some great responses to this thread.


            • #21
              I always try and set a budget when i am on holiday but i dont know 1 trip yet where i have managed it. After my flights and my hotels i try to budget for about 10 000 baht per day and while it easier in places like huahin where i always visit, in bkk where i start for a few nights i never seem to manage, but its my holiday so if i go over budget so be it i worry about the cost when i get back home.


              • #22
                i only ever stay in patong and couple days in bkk. after hotels, i spend around 12-15000b a day, and really enjoy myself. but never get to see the sights like phi phi as cant get pass bangla rd
                only ever been on beach twice in six yrs.
                stevie p


                • #23
                  (stogie bear @ Mar. 29 2008,02:39)
                  I have planned on spend a 100 us a day so I guess that is like  3200 baht...
                  I average 25,000 baht a day in BKK, Pattaya, or Phuket, again not including hotel...
                  Talk about a disparity in readership! Wow!  
                  It's the airfare from the states...I can't find anything that doesn't blow my budget right there, sooo far away  


                  • #24
                    every time i come to bkk i spent: 800EURO RETURN TICKET RHODES ATHENS BKK.
                    20.640 bht nana hotel for 20 days(430euro).for entertaintment and food another 1700-2000euros.its very difficult to arrange from before how u must spent your money especially when you go on holiday.s.b. is correct when he says
                    take more money than clothes when you go to thailand.for me for somebody to have a nice holiday in bkk he must be able to spend around 100-150 euro per day
                    incl. hotel and


                    • #25
                      For my 9 day jaunt, with everything pre-paid, i have got £1500 to blow..... approx 10k/bt a day
                      seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


                      • #26
                        (Looker @ Mar. 28 2008,08:28) I'm not a big spender, so I hardly will overspend.


                        • #27
                          I blew mine last night , Stogie any good for a loan

                          Free your mind and your ass will follow .


                          • #28
                            I don´t have a bugdet for my trips....

                            Ladyboy Pro....A Bigger Bang


                            • #29
                              (bigmick22 @ Mar. 28 2008,23:14) I don't explicitly budget, per se, (I'm such a two week millionaire ) but having been over so many times I have a good idea of what I will spend per day in either Pattaya or BKK and rarely spend much more than these typical amounts
                              yep thats pretty much me then i end up blowing a load of money on a new toy this trip im looking at getting a Nikon d300 which is about £1000 here in the uk but considerably cheaper in thailand

                              and as stogie says i always arrive with just the clothes on my back as robertsons and central have cheap good quality work shirts and trousers


                              • #30
                                (steviep35 @ Mar. 29 2008,04:35) i only ever stay in patong and couple days in bkk.  after hotels,  i spend around 12-15000b a day,  and really enjoy myself.  but never get to see the sights like phi phi as cant get pass bangla rd  
                                only ever been on beach twice in six yrs.
                                stevie p
                                Same here, I usually just stay Patong and rarely get to see the rest of the Island athough I do tend to make it down to the beach most days.

                                I have a fairly good idea of how much my trip is going to cost but I budget generously anyway and then I add on another 20% or 30% just so that I don't need to worry about what I'm spending while I'm there.

                                That allows me to make some unplanned detours along the way such as trips to Cristins Massage (1800 to 2800 baht plus tip) or Tootsie Massage (2000 baht plus tip).

                                Oh and I have to agree another of Stogie's matter how many times I go, I always end up bringing way too many clothes....I never learn !!!

