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Budgeting for my trip to Thailand!

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  • #31
    25,000 baht a day? Must be a short trip. I dont think I could spend that amount if I wanted to. I guess the exception would be is if you are staying at Sukhothai or Oriental Hotel.
    brock landers


    • #32
      (brocklanders @ Mar. 30 2008,01:38) 25,000 baht a day? Must be a short trip. I dont think I could spend that amount if I wanted to. I guess the exception would be is if you are staying at Sukhothai or Oriental Hotel.
      His original post said EXCLUDING hotel

      >>I average 25,000 baht a day in BKK, Pattaya, or Phuket, again not including hotel. I don't buy anything except alcohol, barfines, and food. >>

      He is either a fucking liar or a fucking idiot.

      That is 400 pounds or 500 Euros per day. Please tell us how you can spend that much money in 1 day And in Pattaya?
      Mister Arse


      • #33
        If you can't afford it, don't go on vacation.

        If I think I need extra money in the travel budget, I try to work a little extra before I go. Pinching pennies on holiday would be miserable. I always get a laugh from posts on similar Thailand forums from the "Cheap Charlies" who go from bar to bar looking for a 10 baht cheaper beer. If your going to be that cheap don't fly halfway around the world to go on vacation.


        • #34
          (tampanugget_2001 @ Mar. 29 2008,11:47) If you can't afford it, don't go on vacation.
          But by being frugal, financially challenged guys can have a nice vacation.

          Simple steps

          1)Airfare is the big expense so it worthwhile to figure out ways to work the frquent flyer program.

          There are ways to get lots of FF miles on United Mileage Plus without flying. United credit cards, Fidelity account, Ameritrade, Netflix are ways to get miles. United has good partners such as Thai and Sing.

          2) If money is an issue Pattaya is the place to go. There's no reason why (except for airfare) a Pattaya trip can't be done on 4000 baht/day. Sure you can spend more but you don't have to if money is tight.

          3) Be cheap back at home because it all adds up.


          • #35
            my budget this time for 21 days is apr. 250k..thats about 12k/day.. i hate to turn every better to have some money left...than have to wire down..
            all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read


            • #36
              last 2 trips to thialand had to had money sent out for me to pay hotel bill etc
              and thats with me trying to be sensible on £150 a day
              the sex is cheap but its the drink which kills me
              as i drink far to much
              in love with nat


              • #37
                A cheap holiday in Thailand beats no holiday in Thailand!


                • #38
                  (Torurot @ Mar. 30 2008,20:31) A cheap holiday in Thailand beats no holiday in Thailand!
                  Good point!


                  • #39
                    (batman4ever @ Mar. 30 2008,06:36) my budget this time for 21 days is apr. 250k..thats about 12k/day..  i hate to turn every better to have some money left...than have to wire down..
                    Any news on "you know who" yet  

                    Have a great trip batman , sorry to miss you by a few days  
                    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                    • #40
                      Stewart, since you asked I will tell you. To be honest sometimes I don't even know how I spend that much. I usually average 2 short times and 1 long time a day on the days I am not working

                      In BKK during the day I start at Morning/Night or Big Dogs, that is easily 4000 just on drinks. I have known some of those girls for years and like I said I never turn away a girl or girls that asks or sits with me for a drink, then of course I take 1 or 2 for ST = 1-3000 baht. After this I head out to dinner with "friends" = 2-3000 baht. After dinner it is all downhill from there. First off Obsessions where I always look for the new talent, buy a couple of drinks including my mandatory one for the mama-san and my waitress but of course I have to see whats new upstairs so off I go to the next stop, Casanova where there is usually nothing new. Now I don't think there is a LB that I have not been with in Casanova. I have known Lena, Selena, Jojo, Jessica, Christy, Talisha, Karen, Kiki and all the rest for years now. Everybody gets a drink, everyone tells me their sob stories and I try to escape with my clothes on so I can see whats new in Cascades. Again, I say hello to all, if Nadia is there I will talk with her and hear of her latest escapades (she has the best stories), again buy the mama-san a drink and then move on to Guess, unless of course there is something that catches my eye and hit the short time room.

                      Guess always hurts me and there is never a time when I leave Guess with a tab under 4000, Jack and Cokes for Joy to get her drunk and watch her shake her ass on the bar (sorry Mardhi), drinks for Gong and any other girl that comes up and says hello. I have a soft spot for Eats and Nancy so they eventually talk me out of some phone cards.

                      After Guess I am off to Patpong where I have long time friends working in Superstar, Kings Corner, and of Course KC3 where I wind up buying lots of drinks, popcorn and mango for the LB's. And then back to Nana to start it all over again.

                      Pattaya is even easier that that for me to spend money. Start my day off at the Tahitian Queen where I have known the mama-san and a lot of the staff for years also. Those Mekong Whiskey (crap) shots they drink add up. I have never walked out with a bill lower than 5000 and usually its higher than that. I have sit in that bar from 1-6pm (I dont go at nightime) and watched girls drink 20-25 shots of Mekong and be so drunk that mama-san had to let them sleep it off in the back.

                      Again after dinner it goes down hill. I am usually in Stringfellows at least 3-4 times a night where I throw away money in the form of ping pong balls (which are really my downfall in Pattaya). Of course I buy Bob a beer or two and then move on to La Bamba, Limaqaui, Soi 6 (where I have to stop to get a BJ from my long time BJ teerak), stop into Hi Boss to see who is new and then I am off to walking street around 10pm.

                      On walking street I have mandatory stops at the Beach Club, FLB bar, and Club Boesch. After seeing all those friends I motorbike back down to Soi 7 and Soi 8 where I have to stop in Silver Star go-go and Soi Sexy go-go and say hello to the owners who are great friends of mine. Its all a vicious cycle that I make everyday in Pattaya, just like my cycle in BKK. Eventually I wind up back in La Bamba or at Soi 9/2nd Rd looking for "the one" to take home for the night. There are more stops at smaller bars but too many to list. I avoid JSB and the superstars like the plague. Its funny because I know most of them from Soi 8 where they started.

                      You tie all this in with the constant SMS's I get asking if I have time to see them and it all adds up.

                      You know I spend what I can afford to spend, I dont judge anyone I just answered the poll questions honestly. Do I realize its extreme, YES I DO. Can you get by on much less, YES YOU CAN, but why should I skimp when I don't have to? I spend a lot of time in Thailand for work and fun. I am single and happy with how I waste my time and money. Is there something wrong with that?


                      • #41
                        Fantastic (and revealing) post.


                        • #42
                          You know I spend what I can afford to spend, I dont judge anyone I just answered the poll questions honestly. Do I realize its extreme, YES I DO. Can you get by on much less, YES YOU CAN, but why should I skimp when I don't have to? I spend a lot of time in Thailand for work and fun. I am single and happy with how I waste my time and money. Is there something wrong with that?
                          I stand corrected - you are not a fucking liar
                          Mister Arse


                          • #43
                            Even looking at Masahiko's typical day, no way in hell does he spend 25,000 a day. Even if he spends 8,000 a day on girls and 8,000 on drinking, does that means he spends another 9,000 on food...doubt it. And even if he does that, I think what he means is that he has spent that amount before but his average is likely 10,000 a day like a lot of guys.
                            brock landers


                            • #44
                              (Masahiko @ Mar. 31 2008,01:35) Stewart, since you asked I will tell you...

                              Edited for brevity
                              My Hero!
                              “When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.”
                              ― Henry Ward Beecher

                              "Inflexibility is the worst human failing. You can learn to check impetuosity, overcome fear with confidence and laziness with discipline. But for rigidity of mind, there is no antidote. It carries the seeds of its own destruction." ~ Anton Myrer


                              • #45
                                (daveduke007 @ Mar. 30 2008,23:22)
                                (batman4ever @ Mar. 30 2008,06:36) my budget this time for 21 days is apr. 250k..thats about 12k/day..  i hate to turn every better to have some money left...than have to wire down..
                                Any news on "you know who" yet  

                                Have a great trip batman   , sorry to miss you by a few days  

                                i believe ill see my money.....

                                ....on the same day ill meet an 35 year old gogo dancer in walking street....who is still a wirgin...
                                all the ladyboys i know laughs when we have matter what book they read

