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Budgeting for my trip to Thailand!

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  • #76
    8500bt a day

    hotel 1500
    lbs and girls 2500
    food and beer 4500

    only trouble that was an 11week trip---- think i better go bankrupt!


    • #77
      (tim1212 @ Apr. 06 2008,21:01) food and beer 4500
      Fuck me ~~ food and beer 4500 baht

      Are you feeding a whole village and watering the buffalo?

      Try down soi 7 or 8 in Patts a beer should only cost you 35-40 baht a pop.

      I found southern and cokes in parts of Pattaya for 65baht a glass....

      And stay away from Walking street -- its a fucking ripoff!

      Off course in BKK one can burn a hole in their wallet easily!


      A worthy trip report


      • #78
        Don't forget you need to start "budgeting" for Sonya next trip azza
        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


        • #79
          (daveduke007 @ Apr. 06 2008,21:33) Don't forget you need to start "budgeting" for Sonya next trip azza
          Should i be worried Dave?

          Perhaps the upgrade to platinum is required after all

          She does look so cute!


          A worthy trip report


          • #80
            better break that down,500 food 4000 beer , you gotta buy them a drink and you only feel an old scrooge if you send them away


            • #81
              (azza33 @ Apr. 06 2008,14:12)
              (daveduke007 @ Apr. 06 2008,21:33)  Don't forget you need  to start "budgeting" for Sonya next trip azza    
              Should i be worried Dave?  

              Perhaps the upgrade to platinum is required after all  

              She does look so cute!  
              I dunno mate, I've never met Sonya but just in case I suppose its always wise to have plenty of.....
              Attached Files
              Your got yer Mother in a whirl
              Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


              • #82
                dave are you the bloke with the balconey? how many weeks a yr do you spend in thailand?


                • #83
                  i've only been going to thailand 3yrs now, i'm 41 always have a bird back home but my 2 trips 2 pattaya 3 bkk 3 phuket, pattaya defo comes last even though a wee bit cheaper!! i dont mind sitting in cocktail a dreams with couples staring and pretending to have fun, and almost wondering my next move!! i want to be alone, and i will lways have more fun anyway??? took a stunner in bkk 2 hazans soi 29 ? 38? indian restuarant my lb was only thai in there so a bottle of wine was called apon


                  • #84
                    Taking a Thai person into an Indian restaurant can only be politely described as... fucking stupid a challenge!


                    • #85
                      (tim1212 @ Apr. 07 2008,09:44) took a stunner in bkk 2 hazans soi 29 ? 38? indian restuarant my lb was only thai in there so a bottle of wine was called apon
                      Hope you are not shy...

                      The only thai in the place and she happens to be LB..

                      Must have felt comfortable with about 50 sets of eyes on you

                      always saves the day


                      A worthy trip report


                      • #86
                        you knobs would be shy , defo, maybe 2 old ,no real balls(excuse the pun) not much 2 say unless on forum!!but you cannot help that, i understand.....god bless you !!![QUOTE]
                        it really was't a worry everyone staring? 50 eyes? no worries does't bother me , sorry your a girl. one day step up and try it azza!


                        • #87
                          you should try it to s b !!!! but i dont want all your ittlle helpers ,,,,trying to be mean to e to please you!!!as it normally goes!,,,,i love lbs and i will carry on loving them, besides you i love this forum


                          • #88
                            (tim1212 @ Apr. 07 2008,11:20) you knobs would be shy , defo, maybe 2 old ,no real balls(excuse the pun) not much 2 say unless on forum!!but you cannot help that, i understand.....god bless you !!!
                            it really was't a worry everyone staring? 50 eyes? no worries does't bother me , sorry your a girl. one day step up and try it azza!

                            Well i've been to many a time, i am not old, have a couple of well used aggots that i am aware of, been in public and trips with LB attached, i'm a not girl & I am more than happy to contribute to this excellent forum

                            But guess what....

                            I am not that silly to go to an Indian restaurant with my LB attached

                            I wonder why


                            A worthy trip report

