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Why so many ladyboys in Thailand?

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  • Why so many ladyboys in Thailand?

    Reading the thread on ladyboys of 15-20 years ago has been interesting.........but why has so many LB converged in Thailand. Are there that many gender dysphoria guys, or do the majority of them view it as a "occupation" so getting implants or taking hormones is all part of required equipment to work........I just have to think most are gay, since they chase after guys mainly, and they even have male Thai is it just a job opportunity in a land of lots of people and too few of jobs paying decent money or what?

    I shudder to think what some of those inthe early years must have endured with various proceedures done then to make them into females (those that went the full route anyhow) since once the cutting started it would have been pretty hard to revert back.........hell I hate to undergo simple surgical proceedures for fear of somethng getting screwed up............and can not fathom anyone that goes the full reassignment route, just to make a living. I could see if the mind tells em one thing and their body is another, but its awfully risky just to make a buck IMHO.

  • #2
    i have allways been of the thought that the vast majority of ladyboys become girls so they can work in the sceen.P4p
    Back in th early days there were very few around, these days they are slowly taking men becoming women and working?? theres a production line in issarn, cheers,.
    most do it to work in p4p
    just a sex tourist looking for hot fun


    • #3
      You can't generalize about this although from my experience there are two large groups into which the ladyboys fall. The first group would be those who felt female when they were young, maybe between 9-14 or even earlier. They identified with female roles and dressed fem when tolerated, they were often poor and did not get implants, injectiions of silicone or took hormones until later on. The second group would be gay guys that firgured out they would have a better chance finding a male(straight)lover with they looked like women. The first group are transgender identified and the second group are gays working as opportunists. Oddly enough even those groups cross over and blur the lines. For most poor people in marginal economies, survival is the bottom line, and, yes, they will physically alter themselves to survive. Wacking off your dick is minor in a world where organ donors exist.


      • #4
        I am not sure about some of them doing it as a job opportunity. For someone to go through all that, one surely must have a gay tendency or an inkling to want to be female, such that it doesn't take much to make such a huge decision.

        Do you guys think that the Thai culture and mannerism has something to do with it. From the way they behave (gentle) to speak (soft and high pitched) contributes to this.

        Was chatting to a LB on my last trip and i was stunned when she told me that of the 2000 boys in her high school (all boys school), 500 were or wanted to be LBs. Imagine that, a quarter. She even joked that some of the guys were actually going out with some of the LBs.


        • #5
          This topic has been covered many times on this forum already. I will try and look for the existing threads for you.

          Basically I disagree with donnnnny here and all the ladyboys I have ever met only a few seem to have done it because of work prospects. I am sure it does happen but it would be the exception rather than the rule in my opinion.


          • #6
            with Ozzie

            If a boy wants to work P4P there's plenty of bars to do so. It's not like any boy can look like an Obsessions hottie.

            Yea there are excepetions such as Annie, but not the rule.


            • #7
              i have allways been of the thought that the vast majority of ladyboys become girls so they can work in the p4p sceen...
              Nothing could be further from the truth. A miniscule percentage of ladyboys work as sex providers.

              Like Ozzie rightly says - this topic has been discussed in fine and academic detail on here many times.


              • #8
                I recently spent a week in Isaanville with a girl.  The extended family lives in its own little compound...
                Three families in all...with children of all ages romping around all day and night...

                One little two-year old boy, who was a frequent visitor, was constantly referred to as "ladyboy"
                when he made his visits...and when I asked the adults "How do you know?"...they answered,
                "We just know."  Nothing more...

                I couldn't see it...but whatever they see or believe they see in his behavior I am certain will
                result in the way the family interacts and raises this young boy...

                The girl I was with claims that she knew at the age of 3 that she was a girl and not a boy...There is
                a bare chested photo of her at a very young age hanging on the wall of her house...and it is very clear
                from viewing the photo that she is not a boy...

                During the week I was there we spent considerable time visiting her many ladyboy friends and I can assure
                you that not one of them will ever work in the P4P industry...And almost all eventually asked me,
                "Do you think I will ever find a man to love me and take care of me?"  I always replied. "Of course you will."  
                But in truth they will likely never will find that man...any more than the girls in NEP will...

                Make of this what you will...but there are clearly some cultural forces at work here that are beyond my understanding...
                "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


                • #9
                    great post, kahuna  

                  Please do Trip Reports  


                  • #10
                    There certainly is no easy answer to this question and as mentioned there have been discussions about this in the past. Here are a couple of posts on this issue:

                    Why do they become lbs?

                    Counting lbs

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                    • #11
                      It's because they are all preparing for my eventual arrival.
                      Retired the top 12.  Need a new dirty dozen.  

                      Update: The new list is coming together: Nong Poy, Anita, Nok, Gif, Liisa Winkler, Kay, Nina Poon.  Is it possible to find 5 more?  Until then, GGs:  Jessica Alba, Yuko Ogura, Zhang Ziyi, Maggie Q, and Gong Li.


                      • #12
                        (TTChang @ Nov. 08 2007,20:55)   great post, kahuna  


                        • #13
                          What I alway wonder is if they what to be a "lady" why do some enjoy fucking men? Now dont get me wrong I like I LB that can get hard and fuck. You would think that if they want to be a lady they would not eaven want there dick. I know alot get cut but alot dont and really enjoy fucking men.


                          • #14
                            Bartster, if you go back and read some of the older posts you might find an explanation for this.

                            A few lbs are actually "gay" Thai boy who do this to try an earn a higher income. In fact one of the former superstars in Obsessions admitted to a forum member that she was going to change back to being a gay boy when she earned enough money. I would say these cases must certainly be in the minority.

                            The other thing is that lbs tend to "act" well. If they have a customer who wants to be "topped" you can be sure they will appear happy about it. Also the sensation of orgasm is pleasurable, so though they may prefer being a "lady" and bottomed, they can enjoy topping a guy too, even if they don't prefer it.

                            The lure of the Baht is strong for lbs in p4p, never underestimate what they will do to earn it.

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                            • #15
                              (Bartster @ Nov. 09 2007,08:20) What I alway wonder is if they what to be a "lady" why do some enjoy fucking men? Now dont get me wrong I like I LB that can get hard and fuck. You would think that if they want to be a lady they would not eaven want there dick. I know alot get cut but alot dont and really enjoy fucking men.
                              It goes far deeper than 'just' the physical aspect of things.

                              It's not only Thai girls that don't always go the full SRS route but many Western girls too.

                              There are as many reasons why people do as why they don't but as long as they are happy then that's all that matters imo

                              Why do some get it chopped off but then only have relations with GGs?

                              Good luck with trying to work that one out

                              I've made kathylc  

