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La Bamba Bar

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  • 100% wrong. She was sitting in her knickers watching TV with her friend (?) when Franck took me up to his room to see if I could help her.

    She looked so sad that I put a 1000 baht note in front of her & she asked Franck what was it for.
    He said he had asked if I could help her because having no income for the 3 months she was inside he knew she needed some money.

    She wouldn't take it saying no-one gives money for nothing.
    I politely declined a night with her, 3 months in a mens jail looking like her, apparently it was pretty rough, 20 of them shared one cup.
    Hepatitis was only one thing I could be risking.

    She looked very vulnerable that night & I did feel sorry for her, sitting there almost naked & not able to lift her head up, smile or anything.
    After a few minutes, I decided I wasn't going to let this argument go on & leaving the room, I added another 1000 baht to the first.
    Franck pulled out 1000 baht of his own waving away her protests.

    Feeling happy with myself, we returned to the bar, when 20 minutes later I saw Moo & her friend leaving.
    I asked Franck where she was going, he said she had something she had to do & would be back in 10 minutes.
    They didn't return for hours I found out next day, but I had already figured out where she was off to.

    With her 1 centimetre long hair, she was easily spotted by the police & it was only a day or two later that they had her trapped.
    Tell them who was supplying or it was back to the monkeyhouse, something she didn't want at all.
    And the alternative would get her killed.

    A much better system than we have in "civilised" countries, hence her decision to quit.

    So it would have been smarter to have given her nothing, unfortunately I can confirm she had 3000 baht within an hour of her release.

    Whether she received any of the other money donated by BMs I can't confirm, but Franck had a generous heart & I would be surprised if she didn't.

    The problems only started later.
    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


    • When Frank reached into his pocket whose money was he really giving to Moo? His money that he has earned or monies that he scammed off of people and the business?


      • (pacman @ Mar. 07 2008,20:48) when Franck took me up to his room to see if I could help her...

        Franck pulled out 1000 baht of his own waving away her protests.

        I can confirm she had 3000 baht within an hour of her release.

        but Franck had a generous heart & I...
        For fucks sake... How many times till it sinks in?

        Franck is a lying, cheating scheming CONMAN!

        You witnessed nothing more than planned theatre!


        • Franck still haunts the scene! He was successful in becoming notorious.

          Moo - I think it was on another forum but all the "charity" work was also Theatre. There was a party to raise money for her. The rumour is that she did not get the proceeds due to deduction of party costs etc. Shortly afterwards Moo and "friends" moved to a room in an adjacent hotel. The bill is still unpaid.

          They left as they were dissatisfied sharing a room with Franck etc.

          All great stuff for a book. A very charming person, an excellent publicist, who managed to convince people to lend money. It is easy, now, to see that any loan was unlikely to be repaid. 131 as a business could never sustain such debts.

          I think Sam was a very smart guy, to close the door on 131, and open a new bar like La Bamba. Let not the legacy of Franck/131 etc tarnish the current scene. 131 existed for only 7 months (March to Sept 2007). La Bamba is in its 3rd month and not asked anyone for a dime!


          • I've been to La Bamba a couple of times the last week. I have to admit this is a great bar. The atmosphere is very good and so is the service. The girls are not as aggressive as other places like Stringfellows and Hi Boss and this is how I like it. This does not mean your dick is not touched by at least 5 lbs within your first 5 minutes in the bar

            A small disappointment was Kwang who seems to have put on some weight, not very much but noticeable change since I saw her in Nov/Dec last year. IMO she is still hot, so don't worry! She said she had not come in 5 days and I would get it for free if she could not come 3 times in a ST session. I was very tempted but had some people waiting for me in WS and did not want to show up drenched in Kwang's cum... But she sure is on my todo list one of the next days.

            Does Alis stil go with customer after she got Mamasan job? Didn't see her yesterday, so my guess is she still does.

            Saw ex-131 Pond at JSB yesterday and she seemed very happy. She said something about having boyfriend and showed me the name Ricky tattooed on her shoulder. Poor girl, lets hope everything works out good for her.
            Back in LOS in February  


            • (Rollo Tomasi @ Mar. 08 2008,10:35) For fucks sake... How many times till it sinks in?

              Franck is a lying, cheating scheming CONMAN!

              You witnessed nothing more than planned theatre!

              Oh good grief !!        

              How many times till what sinks in? The fact that no-one can ever say anything positive about Public Enemy # 1 on this forum.

              This debate was thrashed to death in the first thread I ever started back on New Years Day, some 10 weeks ago. Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not going through it all again.

              Nice try though.              

              I am flattered by the size of the type face used, perhaps a record.

              But the type size is what gives the game away. We all know any member can post pretty much anything they like.
              They can make allegations, accuse people, etc, but a relatively new poster would not be so emboldened to start "screaming" like this so early in their career.

              Let's assume Rollo is a nice guy, let's assume he knows Franck's story, so why does he do this?
              Because there is no Rollo !!
              Just another pseudonym for a naughty moderator looking to liven-up the thread.        

              Or maybe he has some deep-seated issues he is struggling to deal with?            

              I'm guessing he was never properly potty trained. Please let's get back to La Bamba business.    
              Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


              • Actually there may be some truth in this as Moo told me personally when I had her over to Bangkok for a couple of days after her trip to the monkeyhouse that she didn't get any of the money from Franck that had been 'donated.'

                Of course she could have made that up and Franck gave her every penny...

                Be honest... who would you believe? A ladyboy or a known scammer...

                Erm... neither!


                • (stogie bear @ Mar. 09 2008,03:45) Be honest... who would you believe? A ladyboy or a known scammer...
                  there's a difference?
                  No honey, no money!!


                  • (pacman @ Mar. 09 2008,03:07) Because there is no Rollo !!
                    Just another pseudonym for a naughty moderator looking to liven-up the thread.        
                    I've personally got better things to do  
                    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                    • You still here?
                      If she aint got a dick, she's just a chick!  


                      • Just waiting for this "Blitz" in the weather thats gonna "hit us" gizmo  

                        Rule Britannia
                        Your got yer Mother in a whirl
                        Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


                        • (rossco @ Mar. 08 2008,13:27) Let not the legacy of Franck/131 etc tarnish the current scene. 131 existed for only 7 months (March to Sept 2007). La Bamba is in its 3rd month and not asked anyone for a dime!
                          Very good point Rossco. Let's move on. I'll be calling into La Bamba soon and looking forward to having fun and seeing the money going into the pockets of people who are genuinely working for it - fair enough.


                          • 131 existed for only 7 months...
                            True. Any decent conman could have made it last a year at least!


                            • (stogie bear @ Mar. 11 2008,04:24)
                              131 existed for only 7 months...
                              True. Any decent conman could have made it last a year at least!


                              • In a way, I owe Franck a debt of thanks. If it wasn't for him getting me entangled in his 131 affairs I would not be were I am today.

                                As I recall Franck enticed me into investing in his bar when he persuaded me that he would flip 131 after a few months of our joint ownership, little did I know were that road would lead me.

                                Today what everyone at La Bamba accomplished together should make old Franck proud, if your reading this post Franco, many thanks.

                                La Bamba ~ The friendliest (and sexiest) ladyboy bar in Pattaya!

