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Fucking ladyboys puts hairs on your chest!

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  • #31
    Now, this one almost makes your case.... except for the Male Pattern Baldness on Sandra Bullock. Perhaps the only picture of her where I've not wanted to long-time her.

    Notice that the ones that are attractive are all:

    1. Beautiful
    2. Young
    3. Completely bald

    Add aging, thinning hair and male-pattern baldness, and less than movie star beauty and you get the first 6 pictures.
    Attached Files
    Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


    • #32
      The final image - no words needed
      Attached Files
      Making newbie mistakes since 2009 so you don't have to


      • #33
        (deepthroat @ May 30 2010,04:24) ... Kip - I'm curious to see how she deals with the oncoming recession. Combover perhaps?  
        Oncoming recession?

        For those born in Isan, they might not necessarily view it as a recession (if they are already born and raised, dirt poor).

        "Back to basics", might be a more accurate description.

        And she is not likely to do a "combover", as long as she is satisfied with her use of (fashion) accessories; much like Wonder-woman has been doing on screen.
        "I don´t know what to do. Losing sleep. Kicked from a chatroom on a board about worshipping young transsexual prostitutes.
        I´ve my fair share of disapointments and hardtimes in my life, but this....."


        • #34
          If a ladyboy looks like Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta, I'd hit it!

          Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.

