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Do you ask a lot of questions with LB's?

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  • #46
    Like I said before..JaiDee = JaiDed.. Ded but not Dead..get it ?  

    Like a Hurricane  
    Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


    • #47
      Well, I love to talk with the lbs I meet. Though I'm rarely impressed by their insights on politics or philosophy, there are some aspects of their character that I look for clues on. Such things as envy or bitterness (do they criticize others a lot and why). their opinions on karma and subsequently on morality and honesty and perhaps most importantly, their perspective on the age old idea of getting something for nothing, and the relationship this idea has on their future goals, success and prosperity.

      But beyond those type of things, that I investigate to know a girl better, the simple luxury of being with a lb when she's being herself and interacting with myself and/or her friends in a way only ladyboys can, is a pleasure to behold. That strange combination of male desire and competitiveness blossoming with a creative, imaginative and warm feminine persona is something unique which cuts through the fabric of normalcy and provides for us a window into our primal selves, if only we might free it from constraints.

      So yeah, it's not just the incredible sex, that's for sure
      Meet an English Speaking Ladyboy from the Philippines?

      Also check our new site:
      Resource for Guys who want or are in Relationships with Transwomen


      • #48
        (Jake_Sully @ Jun. 04 2010,22:54) As they say, plan for the worst, hope for the best. But 1 thing I've learned from you, don't jump in head first.. take it 1 step at a time and enjoy and don't get pulled in further than you want.
        Listen, thing I've been telling people for years is don't pre-plan too much! And yes, I know that is VERY hard.....but the guys who line up girls via MSN or website contact addresses, call them first, e-mail constantly and say " see ya on June 23rd at 7pm, can't wait, honey'', etc, etc..... those are the guys who are let down the most!!

        Main reason being; reality can rarely live up to expectations. Meeting the girls in person and getting a good feel {pun?} for how they act and how cool and funny they are, how cute they REALLY are, etc......can not happen until you hit the ground!

        Planning what you want to do for every second of every day is a bad idea also; you will see once you get there that everything seems to just fall into place. It's hard to explain to someone who has never been there, so just try and take my word for it. You will make new friends, they will call you, you will meet for beers and pick up girls and the vacation will go smooth as silk.

        The bars are all good, the girls are friendly, you will meet plenty....the transportation, for a 3rd-world country, is surprisingly good; you can get anywhere you want very quickly. Hotels, cheap; food, good AND cheap..... crime, very little. It's a great place for a holiday and as long as you use the info you get from this forum it will be a great time I am sure.

        The people who read here before their vacations have the best time ever; you have almost 10 years worth of information and help from long-timers here, it's invaluable and just by soaking it all up and filing it away you will make your trip 100 times better.

        have fun!
        Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


        • #49
          (kahuna @ Jun. 03 2010,07:15) It's very easy to tell when ladyboys are lying...Their lips move...

          although i do make an exception when they're sucking my cock.
          unless of course they try to talk with their mouth full.


          • #50
            Met up with this young lady in XXX in about late Jan of 2008 , we spent my last night together with her fucking me 3 or 4 times , but in between we talked a lot and I asked about how she knew she wanted to be a Ladyboy.
            She said she had never been or ever wanted to be with a girl, and when she was13 she had gone to a party with her older brother and had woken up in bed with one of her older brothers friends, she then as she put it " took care of him " until he kicked her out when she a was 16 for a younger version
            Attached Files
            If you go Pattaya, you not go Lady . O.K?
            Yes dear I promise no go lady O.K!


            • #51
              (JaiDee @ Jun. 04 2010,15:18) Listen, thing I've been telling people for years is don't pre-plan too much!  And yes, I know that is VERY hard.....but the guys who line up girls via MSN or website contact addresses,  call them first, e-mail constantly and say " see ya on June 23rd at 7pm, can't wait, honey'', etc, etc..... those are the guys who are let down the most!!

              Main reason being; reality can rarely live up to expectations. Meeting the girls in person and getting a good feel {pun?} for how they act and how cool and funny they are, how cute they REALLY are, etc......can not happen until you hit the ground!

              I agree 1000% on that because I've experienced that before. Never again!

              Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


              • #52
                (Bumpa STIKKA @ Jun. 02 2010,23:59) But if you are really interested in how the other half... (third?) live then talk your way into their bedroom/apartment.

                I promise you that if this is your first time you'll be truly shocked and have a new reverence for them and their lives.
       (LB) gf's apartment makes my heart break - one small room with no window, and just a fan in the thai-heat. I doubt I could deal with it.

                on the subject..i personally think listening to a ladyboy in Bangkok is the same as listening to any female'ish creature in any big city...some are really shallow, or lying, and some are not. or...people will be different towards different people for totally random reasons. for me it's like asking if i would listen to a black girl, or a white girl, or something. it's so general that there's no real answer.


                • #53
                  first of all Jai dee--you are a funny guy. second, I always ask them about their lives and where they are from etc--very interesting


                  • #54
                    I was a newbie late 2009 and came to LOS for my first run at the candy. I had nothing on my mind except the availability and delights of the candy. I wanted my fill never thinking for a moment about the candy's reality until I was invited back to one candy's room. I happily went via the Skytrain, taxi, and finally motorcycle taxi. 45 minutes later I arrive in a scary neighborhood, with ghetto like blown-out buildings. We walked for another 5 or 10 minutes until we reach her apartment building. If this were anywhere in North America I would never have ventured a foot farther. However she was confident, happy and excited to show me her place.

                    We arrived at the cold, flat building and walked up 3 flights of dirty stair wells into a corridor of filthy hell. Still she was bouncy and proud. Down the hall we came upon a door with 3 padlocks which she unlocked. To this day I have no idea where she manages to keep her keys, cellphone. and money in that tight little dress with no pockets.

                    Once the doors were unlocked I entered a room that was the size of my bedroom in its entirety. It had no windows. It had cement floors, walls and ceilings with comb webs abound. It had no ventilation. It had no hot water. It had one single fucking ceiling fan that she hesitated using due to the cost of hydro. There were 2 electrical outlets for the entire space. It was awful. It was hot. It was dangerous. It was noisy. But it was her HOME and she was proud of it. Despite all of the above her place was clean, orderly, neat, and impressive. She managed to organize her entire life neatly into this finite space with pride and integrity. She had everything organized neatly, even my printed emails to her. I was truly impressed with her little world and how proud she was of it.

                    All this to say we bring a western bias to it all. I could not live where she lives nor tolerate the environment however she was happy and proud and took extreme pride in what she had. She was so happy to take me home to see her place and invited me to spend the night rather than us go back to the Majestic Grande.

                    What can I is all perspective and relative...


                    • #55
                      (Steff @ Jun. 06 2010,04:06) It had no windows. It had cement floors, walls and ceilings with comb webs abound. It had no ventilation. It had no hot water. It had one single fucking ceiling fan that she hesitated using due to the cost of hydro. There were 2 electrical outlets for the entire space. It was awful. It was hot. It was dangerous. It was noisy. But it was her HOME and she was proud of it. Despite all of the above her place was clean, orderly, neat, and impressive.
                      GREAT story, Steff ...... sometimes we go to these girls' places and wonder how they can do it, but they look at it as home sweet home, and compared to their lives back sleeping on the floor at their parents' home in Issan it is probably heaven for them to live alone and be so independent.

                      Excellent story, thanks for sharing.
                      Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


                      • #56
                        Steff, I'm guessing you went back to the hotel ?

                        I've seen a few rooms, never that bad. Seems they do like to have you stay. I was always invited to stay at an ex gf's way out near don Muan....just too far for me and from my 'comforts' back at the pad. Plus she was sharing a house with a few others..but they do make the most of what the have
                        Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


                        • #57
                          .....some guy's talk too much with the ladys, specially about the content of the forum...............


                          • #58
                            (Steff @ Jun. 04 2010,04:53) Bumpa,

                            Shakespeare had no say in what sex the performers were. He was a hack writer with no influence whatsoever. It was the times. No females appeared on stage then. For a female to actually play a female role during that period was an outrage. Take a look at the movie, SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE. It deals with this.
                            and in ancient Thailand, also...samesame

