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What is the most annoying thing...

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  • #46
    "you butterfly man" "You no good" & you fuck 3 guys a night, 7 days a week, 360 days of the year
    Be lucky,have fun & stay young !


    • #47
      (f0xxee @ Aug. 03 2010,08:09) I think the world weary and cyncial attitudes of some of the BM's regarding the "evil and mercenary" attitudes of LB's is my biggest gripe, at least regarding LB threads on this forum...

      The only difference between here and the West is you MIGHT have a SLIM chance of finding love with an attractive person half your age who genuinely cares for you.
      Hey! This would be illegal in most parts of the world.

      BTW. What is western love anyways?">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385">


      • #48
        (pacman @ Aug. 03 2010,13:19) ...I guess I have averaged a similar comment about every second time I have stopped to talk to a LB in WS. Complete dickheads who show zero respect & must have a pathological need to display their homophobia...
        Isn't this just typical of Pattaya now, since it has become the playground of the Club 18-30 customer ? I much prefer Bangkok for the LB scene, although it is not immune to this sort of oafish behaviour.

        Incidentally, they're not much better in their treatment of the GGs.
        You men eat your dinner, eat your pork and beans
        I eat more chicken, than any man ever seen, yeah, yeah


        • #49
          The way they try to impose ownership after a couple LT's. Meet one you like and then it starts - nag, nag, nag.


          • #50
            (Beavis @ Aug. 15 2010,23:31)
            (pacman @ Aug. 03 2010,13:19) ...I guess I have averaged a similar comment about every second time I have stopped to talk to a LB in WS. Complete dickheads who show zero respect & must have a pathological need to display their homophobia...
            Isn't this just typical of Pattaya now, since it has become the playground of the Club 18-30 customer ?
            I've never had anyone say anything to me in Pattaya about being with a ladyboy...But I don't spend much time on Walking Street either...
            "It's not Gay if you beat them up afterwards."  --- Anon


            • #51
              Since I posted my comment I have had only smirking looks, wry smiles & disapproving glares but not one spoken comment.

              I am reminded of the apt quote: it never rains but it pours.
              Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


              • #52
                (f0xxee @ Aug. 15 2010,13:02) Good luck in your old age too.
                Oooh, that's cruel...        
                Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                • #53
                  (strocube @ Aug. 15 2010,09:14)
                  (LadyboyCrush @ Aug. 15 2010,08:44) Heres the deal.  There is no such thing as "love" here.  There is something called "rak".  Its definiately not equal to what we might call "love".
                  Care to explain the difference?
                  Here (U.S.) there are also MANY different defenitions of "love." I would imagine that given the cultural differences between Thailand and "the west," that people in from these different cultures would have very different ideas about "love."
                  So I'd like to know, since you brought it up, how does "rak" compare to our western notion of "love?"
                  Well, quite honestly, I am not fluent in Thai... nor have I truly been in love with someone... so, my post was more just about expressing that there *IS* a difference between "rak" and "love"... rather than stating what those intracacies might be.
                  "What a fucking hero you are.... "
                  -f0xxee (referring to ME! Eat your hearts out EVERYONE -- *I* am f0xxee's fucking hero!)


                  • #54
                    (f0xxee @ Aug. 15 2010,09:26)
                    (LadyboyCrush @ Aug. 15 2010,08:44)
                    (f0xxee @ Aug. 05 2010,19:42)
                    (LadyboyCrush @ Aug. 05 2010,17:39)
                    (f0xxee @ Aug. 03 2010,13:09) I think the world weary and cyncial attitudes of some of the BM's regarding the "evil and mercenary" attitudes of LB's is my biggest gripe, at least regarding LB threads on this forum...

                    Ladyboy relationships be they love or P4P are no different to similar relationships with GG's in Thailand or the West.

                    If so, explain why so many of us are divorced and lost our shirts to the dearly departed wife back in the  Real World???
                    The only difference between here and the West is you MIGHT have a SLIM chance of finding love with an attractive person half your age who genuinely cares for you.

                    Good luck finding that at home.

                    Oh and for all those that say your young ladyboy will run out the minute times get tough and the money runs out.... do you think Hugh Hefners girls are with him for his stunning good looks? I think not. its the same same where ever you go.
                    Your naivety is so cute.
                    Your cynicism is endearing too.
                    Do you know me?
                    I think not.
                    I am not naieve. Try optimistic.
                    "The only difference between here and the West is you MIGHT have a SLIM chance of finding love with an attractive person half your age who genuinely cares for you. "

                    That comment is just crazy optimistic.. I would say dilutional.. yet others might just stick with naive.

                    Heres the deal.  There is no such thing as "love" here.  There is something called "rak".  Its definiately not equal to what we might call "love".
                    I dont know who you are, or what your fucking gripe is.  But you piss me off.

                    You want to get into calling names right? You are a pornographer. Another name for pimp right?

                    You subscribe to a rascist basis that Thais dont know love, only rak. What is the difference? You state love does not exist in Thailand?

                    I think it suits your cynical needs to see all Thais as meat, and it suits your business needs as a pimp/pornographer to dehumanise thais to the level that they are incapable of human love.

                    Does it make it easier to face yourself in the mirror that way?

                    What a fucking hero you are....
                    You're silly..

                    Yes, I am definitely a pornographer... and I would also consider myself a pimp as well... Neither of which am I necessarily ashamed NOR proud of... They are just two labels that happen to be accurate in my case..

                    And let me just say Foxee, you DO know who I am -- I am LadyboyCrush. My gripe? Hmm.. At THIS point in the conversation I suppose my gripe is that you get upset so easily when someone has a differing opinion than yours...

                    Maybe I like Vespa... Maybe you like Ducati... No reason to get upset....

                    You are just wrong. 555
                    "What a fucking hero you are.... "
                    -f0xxee (referring to ME! Eat your hearts out EVERYONE -- *I* am f0xxee's fucking hero!)


                    • #55
                      (f0xxee @ Aug. 15 2010,13:02) ALL,

                      I tried to edit the above after thinking about things and couldn't. Must be too long a period. Never mind.

                      Someone much wiser than me stated that:

                      "Arguing on a forum is like competing in the Special Olympics; you may win but you are still a retard".

                      And they were right.

                      I am possibly deluded, optimisitic and naieve. I don't think so, nor do those who know me... But what is the point of arguing? I am HAPPY in my life and relationship. Will it be the same in 5 years? There is no guarantees, but I hope so. If it is I am well ahead. If its good in 10 years I would imagine it will be there to keep me warm and in somtam until I pop my clogs.

                      All I can say to you LBC is I find it difficult to understand why you and a few more like you feel the need to argue your case so strongly. You come across as dogmatic and cynical and bullying. You leave no room for an opinion other than your own, yet there are a few of us on this forum in happy relationships...

                      My original post on this subject  sugested that love with a Thai, be it LB or GG might work out. The odds are no better or worse in my opinion than a relationship with a western woman. (and better than with a western Transsexual given what hormonal nut cases they tend to be.)
                      Its funny how the word delusional keeps being useful in this conversation...

                      Foxee. Are you REALLY trying to tell me that you see all of the stuff you described .... in MY POSTS??


                      OMG. While I was reading your last post, I was thinking to myself that as you finished each of your sentences, you showed yourself as the one feeling those feelings...

                      I'm not upset.. Actually, I must admit that i find this kind of amusing actually.

                      Its like you are arguing with yourself almost..
                      "What a fucking hero you are.... "
                      -f0xxee (referring to ME! Eat your hearts out EVERYONE -- *I* am f0xxee's fucking hero!)


                      • #56
                        Always happy to amuse. Far better than to infuriate.

                        Enjoy your day!

                        "Spelling - the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit."


                        • #57
                          (pacman @ Aug. 16 2010,13:39)
                          (f0xxee @ Aug. 15 2010,13:02) Good luck in your old age too.
                          Oooh, that's cruel...        
                          ** IS IT??? **

                          Ugh. U guys must be ultra clever, because I don't even know what you are talking about...

                          "What a fucking hero you are.... "
                          -f0xxee (referring to ME! Eat your hearts out EVERYONE -- *I* am f0xxee's fucking hero!)


                          • #58
                               Nothing clever at all, its called irony, the basis for most humour in the world.

                            Another difficult concept to understand, along with the notion that there is no such thing as love in Thailand.

                            Tell that to the Thai girl who followed me all the way back to Oz when I was a younger man.

                                Sorry. I was being ironic...        
                            Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                            • #59
                              What do LBs find most annoying would make an interesting thread but it would be likely get few if any posts.


                              • #60

                                everything except their family and friends?

                                Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.

