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  • #91


    • #92
      You Can Take Taneisha Out Of The Party, But You Can't Take The Party Out Of Taneisha


      • #93
        Hello saigon kid and welcome

        And I guess I didn't post a proper hello in the vip section yet, so hello.

        Maybe I sound insensitive but its not the case at all. I do care!  But if I had to live my whole life based on how everyone might be sensitive to me.. I would not be living my life as I want it. So you can accept me and my flaws as I am or you can't.


        • #94
          (Bumpa STIKKA @ May 04 2010,00:24) Think about this...

          The most rational and intelligent debates (and arguments) I have ever had about football, religion, life and politics have been with fellow LB lovers...

          Every other forum I have been on has been way too hysterical and badly moderated.
          Actually that's a good point. I think maybe that's because LB lovers tend to be on the older side of 30 or 40 and hence a little more 'life experience'. The flip side of this is at times dealing with the 'angry old man' syndrome  

          Some other Forums were very well moderated back in the day
          Quite some feat given the level of traffic and the amount of wankers posting  

          Enjoyed the Mark-O-Lay pics btw. It's not every day you can look at 'couple pix' and not gag  
          Looked like a nice trip  
          Did you exchange a walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage


          • #95
            I'm not here and I can't see this thread, but "hi" anyway


            • #96
              If I was really paranoid I would think that you were all trying to persecute me.

              You're not trying to persecute me are you?...........

              Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

              "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


              • #97
                Why isn't anyone answering me?........

                Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                • #98
                  I'm really not paranoid........

                  Pedants rule, OK. Or more precisely, exhibit certain of the conventional trappings of leadership.

                  "I love the smell of ladyboy in the morning."


                  • #99
                    (Road Runner @ May 05 2010,05:38) Why isn't anyone answering me?........
                    Answer what? Ask a question & we might.          

                    You've been away a long time.

                    Things have changed.

                    The world has moved on.

                    Old protocols no longer apply.

                    Just yanking ya chain there ol' buddy...      

                    Where ya been brother Road Runner? Tell us your news...
                    Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                    • (Bumpa STIKKA @ May 04 2010,03:03) One of the most gratifying comments I have ever heard about me and this whole project was from TexasMac...

                      He told me that it was great to finally feel normal!

                      We are normal and we have nothing that we should feel guilty about or ashamed of.

                      We are the ones pioneering the way ahead for humanity - not the dark little low lives who are scared of their own shadows!

                      If you think you are strange then read on...

                      If you think you are 'gay' then you don't know the meaning of the word.

                      If you think you are different... then, thankfully, you are!

                      For some of us this is just a phase that we'll get over... for others it's a lifestyle that we are addicted to.

                      Where ever you are on Ziggy's 'river' there's a place here that doesn't cave in to PC cowardice...

                      In fact we are so cool we don't even have to stand mighty and tall - We just are!
                      That would have to be one the most poetic posts that I've ever read.

                      This forum has done much to guide me on my life trip. The thoughts, opinions, and experiences of those whom post here have helped me fully recognise and be fully comfortable with who I am and what I want out of life. This isn't just a passing phase, it's something which can dominate your whole way of thinking and looking at life.

                      I'm just happy to be alive and living in this time and space. This forum, I believe, has had a similar influence on many of the readers here. We all should be thankful for what it provides.

                      Cheers Bumpa!
                      dreaming about LOS again


                      • (Bumpa STIKKA @ May 04 2010,00:03) One of the most gratifying comments I have ever heard about me and this whole project was from TexasMac...

                        He told me that it was great to finally feel normal!

                        We are normal and we have nothing that we should feel guilty about or ashamed of.
                        Very well put and quite poignant.

                        I have to admit to hiding my desires, even among friends in LOS--I seem to have a hard time finding open-minded friends in Asia. Hope to meet up with a few of you next time around in June.


                        • Hi y'all

                          Some of you I met at the Big Bash 2009 (but hardly spoke to), some I only know through posts in this forum..

                          keep up the good work, I love to read about your experiences and look at the pictures you post, hopefully I'll be able to do the same myself one day..

                          pretty   , I know...
                          JTHM  -We cum in peace to shoot and kill


                          • hello


                            •     Hello.

                              Welcome to the forum. There's nothing like making a big splash to announce yourself...      
                              Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.


                              • (DietPoop @ May 09 2010,03:50) pretty   , I know...
                                Not lame at all. No one needs an excuse to say hello.

                                And please share with us your story of the Big Bash. Some of us only experienced it vicariously.
                                Despite the high cost of living, it continues to be popular.

