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Danger:  ann and friend

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  • Danger:  ann and friend

    Walking down the street from the BTS towards Nana, I happen to see a really cute piece of LB ass. She was wearing a denim micro-mini and walking with her ugly friend. If she hadn't been with her obviously LB friend, I might have mistaken her for a GG because she was extremely passable.

    We chat for a bit and she says her name is Ann (not the Obsessions Ann seen on this site). She was very petite, long black hair and a crappy tattoo on her right shoulder. She introduced her friend too, but I didn't pay attention because she was a dog. Her friend had brownish hair and was taller and more stocky (ugh).

    I offer to take her to the PB Hotel for 1000 baht, she agrees, but then her friend starts whining, so she says "1000 baht for both of us?" I say, "sure, whatever" even though I had no intention of doing anything with her friend.

    We hop in the taxi, but when we get to PB Hotel, she tells the cab driver to go to the next hotel, telling me that PB doesn't allow three (I never had a problem before, but maybe they changed the rules since last time I went there). So we head up to the next hotel (can't remember the name), and get into the room.

    I get naked while they take a shower (I'd just showered in my room), and then they both sit on the bed and start playing with my dick. I insist on wearing a condom, even for oral, and so then they start whining and complaining about it. "Condom no good", "My doctor check me, I no have HIV", etc... blah blah blah, like I give a sh*t. I'm paying, so if I want a condom, shut the hell up about it.

    They suck my dick a little bit with LENGTHY pauses to bitch and moan, etc... and then the ugly one asks if she can take my picture with her phone. I say, "no, absolutely not". She says OK, and I go back to playing with the cute one, but I'm keeping an eye on the ugly one because she's still playing with her phone. When I see her try to sneak a pic, I jump up and say, "That's enough, we're done."

    The ugly one gets all pissy and jumps to block the door while I get dressed. The cute one (Ann) hands her a pair of scissors from her purse and grabs an ash tray.


    Now I'm cornered in a locked room with two f**king yaa-baa whacked out LBs (they said they'd taken some and that's why they couldn't get hard).

    The ugly one says, "you pay money now", and I say, "fine", and give 1000 baht to the cute one. The ugly one says, "No, you pay me 2000 baht, because I suck you cock". Whatever... I tell her no way, we agreed on 1000 and they've got 1000, no piss off.

    She starts waving the scissors around and demanding money and so I get my phone out and tell her I'm calling the tourist police. I pretend to call (my phone was out of battery!) and pretend to talk to the police. This backs her up a bit (f**king idiot) and she then threatens to cut herself with the scissors and tell the police I attacked her (I tell her, fine, go right ahead).

    Ann, meanwhile is jumping up and down on the bed waving the ashtray around but I'm pretty much ignoring her since she weighs about 40 kg and I could probably knock her out with one punch. It the ugly one that's got me worried because she's a bit bigger and well muscled. I'm sure I could take her down too, but not without getting really f**ked up in the process (and I don't want to have to explain claw marks at work).

    So the "cut herself" ploy isn't working on me so she puts the scissors down on the table to grab another ashtray and she tries to break it against the table leg so she can have something more dangerous to threaten me with.


    I leap across the bed and grab the scissors off the table and then hold them to her face. I then unlock the door and leave while they make a bunch of empty threats about how many "friends" they have in Nana and how I'll get the s**t kicked out of me as soon as I get down there. Whatever.

    Problem solved.

    So be on the watch for a couple of ladyboys. One really cute, the other butt ugly. I wish I could provide a better description or a link to some photos but all I remember about Ann was that she had some crappy black ink tattoo on her right arm near her shoulder (it was probably something stupid like a dragon or a unicorn), and her friend also had a tattoo, though I can't remember if it was on her back or leg (I really wasn't paying much attention to her). Ann had killer baby-doe eyes and a really small cock, but unfortunately she's teamed up with a real mutt.

    Lesson learned: If a ladyboy's butt-ugly friend asks to "come along for the ride", say NO.

  • #2
    Fuck me, its Never boring in BKK is it
    Your got yer Mother in a whirl
    Shes not sure if your a Boy or a Girl


    • #3
      Hey Doug, thanks for the heads up.

      Freelancer threesomes are a risky propostion IMO. Bringing freelancers to their recommeded hotel instead of yours also increases the risk.


      • #4
        what a fucking nightmare


        • #5
          Originally posted by
          Freelancer threesomes are a risky propostion IMO. Bringing freelancers to their recommeded hotel instead of yours also increases the risk.
          Yes very risky indeed. I am never too keen on taking the freelancers myself but when I do I make sure I have actually seen her before and only take one at a time.


          • #6
            Why take the risk when there are so many gorgeous bargirls. I'd rather pay the BF and be safe!!
            seriously pig headed,arrogant,double standard smart ass poster!


            • #7
              Originally posted by (celcius @ Feb. 06 2006,03:14)
              what a fucking nightmare
              I agree! Fucking HELL!

              Thanks for posting this and I will definitely be more cautious when trawling for trembles!




              • #8
                Nana Plazza : place of Far west


                • #9
                  I am afraid the situation on the streets is getting worse, especially around the areas frequented by farang. There was a time when freelancers were a reasonbly safe propasition, even on Pattaya & Patong Beach road, but with the ever increasing number of LB's working in, as legit as it gets bars, there customer base must be dwinderling & therefore there income. This will only fuel incidents like that described by doug. I don't really understand why the lookers don't get themselves into bars & work legit, the bar customer base is actually growing.

                  While I still take the risk of looking around, Beach roads, the streets, I rarely go with freelancers any more, they can be just too much hassle. The moral of the story is, stick to the the bars, there's only 100's of LB's to choose from, if you can't find what you are looking for, then you are certainly not looking very hard.

                  You pays your money & takes your chance. This isn't a rehearsal do it now, it's no good looking back when it's a lover & wishing.... ITS TOO LATE.


                  • #10
                    It's not this one is it? she went by the name Tan or Ann. She's got a crappy tattoo on her right arm near her shoulder done with a ball point pen while she was in Jail.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Tan, Known to be a thief & dangerous... here with hair extensions because she just got out of jail and her real hair was cut off.
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        A LB who got a monkeyhouse tat, think I'll avoid that one!


                        • #13
                          Wow - that's some scary shit. In a situation like that, if I could sense things going sour, I'd probably have just paid the extra 1,000 baht and had them get out of there. I've seen people high on drugs and they do some crazy shit. Sounds like you were really lucky as your situation could have gotten really ugly really fast!
                          I'm a rough-ridin', hootin' and hollerin', ladyboy lovin' cowboy! Bang bang yer dead!!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by (Bam @ Feb. 06 2006,06:10)
                            It's not this one is it? she went by the name Tan or Ann. She's got a crappy tattoo on her right arm near her shoulder done with a ball point pen while she was in Jail.
                            No, definitely not her, this girl was CUTE (not skanky like that one), although the tattoo is in a similar position and looked just as crappy.

                            This girl had straight black hair, really cute eyes, and very tight, petite body. The other one, meh, I didn't pay much attention, but I'd recognize her if I saw her again (which I plan not to!).

                            You guys are right, freelancers are just too risky. I never gave it much thought before, but now I realize that you'd have to be an idiot to pick one up.

                            A girl from a bar knows she can be traced and ID'd if she causes a problem for a customer, so she's less likely to start nonsense because she knows the police will be able to find her. A freelancer? Geesh, they just go to another area of town until you're back in your home country. I doubt the police would even bother looking very hard.

                            The situation could have gotten very ugly, but I did my best to defuse it. No way in HELL was I going to cough up more money (because that would just encourage them to take my whole wallet once they knew they had me cowed).

                            I'm a big guy (and not fat either), so I'm pretty sure they were reluctant to get into a real tussle with me. I'm sure they would have f**ked me up good if we did, but I pretty sure I would have given more back in kind. So I think they were betting on waving objects around and acting all crazy in hopes that I'd be intimidated. I was, actually, but I did my best not to let on.

                            From now on I'm just going to stick to single hook-ups from a bar. No more freelancers for me.


                            • #15
                              BTW, it sounds like you did a real good job of handling yourself.

                              Bravo, and good on you for that.

